This matter has indeed troubled the commander-in-chief for a while. He also knew that he might not listen to the king, but there was no way around it. He was just a famous commander-in-chief. In fact, to put it bluntly, He is just like the idlers in the palace, no one thinks highly of him.

It is only under such a situation that the commander-in-chief will become more and more dissatisfied with the current Vinosia Kingdom.

So when the man in black uttered this sentence, Shi Shuai couldn't utter a single word, because that was the truth.

"Hehe, it seems that you have listened to it, Commander-in-Chief. Well, then I will continue to talk. I want you to be king in a legitimate way."

"Ah?" Shishuai didn't seem to hear clearly for the first time, or, he never thought that these people would say such things at all, and thought they were 27 doing some other bad things, but when Shishuai After Shuai heard it clearly, his eyes widened again.

"You guys, are you kidding?" Shi Shuai has lived for so many years, and this is the first time he heard someone propose such an absurd idea!

If the king can be the king if he wants to, he seems to have become the king more than ten years ago, but now the current king is not in his turn because of his blood relationship. What could be worse than this present king!

So the teacher is very unconvinced, quite unconvinced!

It's just that he still has the crazy idea of ​​trying to usurp the throne, and he doesn't even dare to think about it.

"Hehe, I know what you are thinking, you must think that I am crazy, and I can simply say what you want to do, but let me tell you, I do have this ability

If you do what I say, I can make you king of this Venothia. "

The man in black didn't seem to be joking either, his expression was very serious.

"I, I won't do that!"

The commander-in-chief was still very scared. Although he had coveted the throne for a long time, he had no courage. After all, he was almost sixty years old, and he was about to retire.

And although the current king is said to be almost fifty, he is a king, and he can abdicate even at the age of eighty, so with such a request, how dare he seek such an idea?

But the man in black in front of him was still relentless, grabbed the collar of the commander-in-chief, then squinted his eyes, and said very seriously, "What I'm telling you now is very serious. I hope you can listen carefully, I will let you sit on the throne, but at the same time, you have to do one thing for us."

"Do, what to do?"

As if he had agreed to them, Shishuai's eyes gradually began to light up a little, as if he had already started to imagine the scene of himself wearing the king's clothes and sitting on the throne.

Of course, this kind of scene only appeared for a while, and then was thrown out of his head by the commander-in-chief. He didn't dare to think about it at all, and he didn't dare to expect such a thing to happen to him.

"Hehe, when you become the king, as long as you can give an order to expand the territory, start to develop it bit by bit from the south, and develop an underground passage."


This kind of suggestion? The commander-in-chief didn't understand the meaning of it at all, but the few people in front of him didn't look like they were joking at all, so he naturally didn't dare to have any objections.

"Okay, there are so many things I want you to do, so now, are you going to cooperate with me?"

The man in black glanced at Shi Shuai, and then asked.

The commander-in-chief is still hesitating, this is not a small matter, if he really agrees, even if he has not started to do it, he will already be labeled a traitor!

So this matter must be considered slowly and carefully.

But the commander-in-chief can fix it and think about it, but the 690 people in black in front of him seem to have no such patience. The leader squinted his eyes and said, "Since the commander-in-chief refuses to agree, then I will go find the Now, Alaga is the most popular in the Kingdom of Vinosia."

"I heard that she just came back from the battlefield today, and she made a great contribution. Letting him sit as a king may be the most suitable candidate.

Hearing this sentence, Shishuai's expression changed immediately. He knew that he could not be worse than Alaga, and that he had done more things than him, and he was even crazier than him!

But I just don’t know why I can’t get the same treatment as Alaga. Alaga can get the cheers of the crowd and praise from many people, but I don’t seem to get anything. , Waiting for death to spend this period of time!

Thinking of this, a kind of anger suddenly surged up in Shishuai's heart. .

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