"What? Just stopped here?" Oli also asked hurriedly when he got behind Ye Ze and didn't dare to approach any further.

Alaga also stopped and said, "Is this the end already?"

"Don't worry, this place may be the place that the master told us before, and the three monks may plan to get through here..." Ye Ze pointed to the wall in front of him, and then continued, "However, I still have doubts. What is there in this place that can attract the attention of the three monks?"

Oli didn't seem to be afraid of Ye Ze anymore, he took the initiative to come forward, then approached the wall, then reached out to touch it, knocking continuously, as if he wanted to find some mechanism on it.

After working on this wall for a while, Oli also came to a conclusion that there is no mechanism on it, "Isn't this just a dead corner? What can there be? This wall Let's not even think about breaking it, can it be said that we came down just to see the elegance?"

Thinking that he almost sacrificed his life because of the mud and sand in the process, what he got in the end was this wall, which made Oli feel that what he did was very stupid and couldn't help being a little irritable

"I don't know much about this, but I think this is the destination," Ye Ze said, calming down, intending to feel and listen, is there any strange ability and spiritual power out there? Teleportation, but after sensing for a while, nothing was sensed.

Compared to Ye Ze's ignorance and Oli's violent temper, Alaga was very calm. He walked forward, then looked at the wall in front of him, and said, "Could it be that behind this wall, there are What's the secret?"

"Oh, general, don't think too much about it. What secrets can there be behind this wall? Isn't this just a very ordinary wall? Besides, if there is no development behind it, why don't we use Do you want to dig it out one by one? We don’t look like miners, do we~?”

To put it bluntly, Ollie just didn't want to do it. After all, it's not that simple to chisel the wall. Besides, they didn't have any tools on hand, so it was even more impossible to do it with bare hands.

"I don't know if you have ever thought about it, why did the people at that time think of building this passage, and now we see that there is no road leading to the next place... If you can It makes sense for us to build a way to let the king escape, but in this fork in the road, we build another dead end like this, isn't it weird?"

For some reason, when Alaga said this, Ye Ze thought of something, he turned his head to look at Oli, and said, "Oli, I don't know if when we went to interrogate the commander-in-chief Where did he hear about this matter, that is, those three monks once told the commander-in-chief that they want to get through here?"

They all know what it means to get through, but they don't know where to get through.

Oli was also in a daze, completely unaware of what Ye Ze and Alaga were talking about. But he also felt the unusual smell emanating from the air.

……… Ask for flowers……

"Or, behind this, what is the reason why the original construction workers did not dare to continue digging down?" Alaga swallowed, and said, "If the construction workers planned to get through here at the beginning, and then build a road that can The place connected to the outside world allows the king to get there, but when they get here, they dare not go on for some reason. …

Ye Ze nodded when he heard this, and continued, "It is very possible, after all, the technology at that time was limited. When the city of Vinosia was first established hundreds of years ago, the establishment of this underground passage was just to avoid accidents. , but at that time, there were not many foreign enemies invading, and there may be no need to interrupt the work at hand...so the only explanation is, they may have encountered something?"

Ye Ze walked towards the wall while talking, "Maybe it's because when I was digging here, I was entangled by something."

"I've also heard about this incident. In the construction team back then, only three people were recorded in the books, and the rest of the dozen or so people didn't show up. At that time, I just thought that the performance of the three of them was The most prominent ones, that’s why they were specifically recorded, but now that I think about it, it seems that it’s not just that, maybe the three of them are the only ones left in the end.”

Oli trembled all over when he heard this, and for some reason, he already felt a little cold in the cave, but now after hearing the discussion between Alaga and Ye Ze, he felt a faint chill down his back, as if someone was talking to Ye Ze. Breathe out like a sergeant. .

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