The Strongest Guild Of The World

894: Blooming (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

When there is no answer to everything, the answer will emerge by itself.

Ye Ze was still doubting this, but what the three monks did next was to completely answer Ye Ze's thought.

When the purple heart was beating, the person in the middle slowly opened his eyes.

"'s Ollie!~ He's not dead!"

Alaga also saw this, and shouted very excitedly. At first, he thought that Ollie had died, but he didn't expect that he was still safe and sound. As long as he can open his eyes, it means that Ollie is fine.

But this is only Alaga thinking this way, Ye Ze was already stunned, and all the images that he, Alaga and Oli had experienced popped up in his mind...

Those scenes were played back and forth in front of my eyes like a movie... Then, like an explosion, all these memories were blown into pieces, and then, they were slowly reconnected.

"My name is Oli, and I am a former subordinate of General Alaga..."

It has been four years since Pei Fei stole his own power and left, and if he really wants to leave and hide, the only place he can go is this desert world.

That is to say...

Plop! Puff!

There was a huge hole in the middle of the purple heart, a hand stretched out from it, piercing the thin surface, and then a puddle of blood flowed out of it, not only that, Ye Ze's attention was completely caught The sudden outstretched hand surprised me.

"This is..." Ye Ze took Alaga and took a step back, staring dumbfounded at the purple heart being slowly sliced ​​open, and a person he was familiar with but also unfamiliar came out of it.

"Oh!" Ollie stretched his waist, as if he had been sleeping in it for a long time, but the only difference was that his eyes turned purple, "Really, if you don't come , I'm going to lie in it until I grow old."

"Oli, it's really you, are you okay?!" Alaga was very excited when he saw Oli come out, and wanted to run over to give Oli a hug, but Ye Ze grabbed Alaga.

"What's the matter with you, this is Ollie, have you forgotten?"

Ye Ze's expression was very serious, and then he slowly shook his head, "He is not Oli, or in other words, he was not Oli from the beginning, the person you know is probably dead, he is me The enemy from the beginning!"

The person standing in front of them is just a bastard with the appearance of Ollie!

"Hehehe!" Oli stood on the spot, and then, he stretched out his hands, and slowly tore off the layer of skin on his face, yes, that skin of his face with his bare hands, without hesitation down.

"After I cultivated your ability, I realized that there are so many benefits. Not only does your metabolism change, but you can also change your appearance. You can use this ability to change into anyone, hahaha, even your voice and body shape. Can change, is it interesting for you to say?" Pei Fei looked at Ye Ze and "licked his lips.

"But I'm still not satisfied. You have too many abilities. I still want all of them. If you're smart, hand over your spiritual power, and I might leave you with a whole corpse."

Unexpectedly, seeing Pei Fei now, he is completely different, not only his temperament has changed, but even his aura is different. It is completely different from when I first saw him. appearance!

……… Ask for flowers……

Ye Ze still remembers that when he met Pei Fei at the beginning, he was in a bar in another world, and someone was causing trouble inside, and this nameless anger came to Ye Ze's side, but Ye Ze didn't want to cause trouble at that time, So he had to dodge, but he didn't expect the attack from the other side to hit Pei Fei who was drinking next to Ye Ze on the head.


Afterwards, a murder in the tavern was triggered. With his bare hands, Pei Fei used his super strength and explosive power to knock everyone in the bar to the ground. He even thought that Ye Ze was one of them. member.

It is estimated that he was too red-eyed, and he didn't care about anything, so he started fighting with Ye Ze.

Of course, the final result was that Ye Ze won, and many things happened afterwards, making Pei Fei join his Immortal Guild, but it was precisely because of this that it became the decision Ye Ze regretted most in his life.

This Pei Fei has never changed. He has always been full of ambitions, and he is also very arrogant. If he does something that is not in his favor, he will fight directly. At first, he was very supportive of Ye Ze's words, and Ye Ze also Think you can tame this beast.

But he was wrong, ever since Pei Fei stole his ability and almost killed Ye Ze, Ye Ze thought that this Pei Fei was no longer a member of his public account [has already removed him.

Unexpectedly, today, he could meet him again, but Pei Fei is quite different now. .

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