The Strongest Guild Of The World

928: Asking For Money (Asking For Automatic Subscription)

These three people seemed to be intimidating. If Pei Fei didn't pay them according to their agreement, they would go on strike and quit.

"If you don't agree, the king, there is no way. I have thirty soldiers under my command, and they all need money to support their families. So if I resign, they will definitely go on strike. At the same time, the three of us here , managed a total of one hundred subordinates, which means that the city of Vinosia will lose part of its combat power, the king should think about this clearly."

These three damn bastards, it seems that they don't know that they are about to die, and they dare to speak wild words to threaten themselves?! However, Pei Fei thinks that these three people who don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth must be very good when they teach them a lesson. readily!

After all, those kind of cowards who start to tremble 630 and sweat all over their bodies when they see their legs, he doesn't bother to do anything to them, but these people arouse his strong killing intent!

"So Your Royal Highness, one hundred thousand, not much, can maintain the order of Vinosia today, and can also ensure that you can sit safely in this seat. Why not do it, right?" 1

"Besides, if many of us go on strike and are unwilling to continue working, and they lose this bowl of rice and have no other skills to survive, it is inevitable that they will take up this job again, and then work in private. It's not good if you work against the king.

How dare these three people threaten me? It's been a long time!

Hearing this, Pei Fei laughed out loud instead, as if laughing at the three people below who didn't understand what kind of mountain (chcg) they were facing.

"From your tone of voice, it seems that if I don't pay you, you will turn against me. Have you ever asked what your boss thinks of me?"

These three idiots killed a lot of famous ministers in Vinosia this morning. These three people have not received any news? If they even heard some, they might not have this kind of news A fatal move.

"Hmph, king, you don't have to say such things to us. We know more about this place than you. Well, let's get to the point and say, how much you gave our team leader just now, we need three times and it's over. ."

They also felt that one hundred thousand was a bit too much, and the king couldn't get it out at once, so they changed it to this. They had to own as much as the team leader who slapped them before, and only Can be more or less!

When Pei Fei heard it, he nodded and thought it made sense, "Okay, since you have already said so, then I promise you, come, come, if you want, you can come up and get it yourself

After finishing speaking, Pei Fei turned around, walked to a treasure chest next to her, opened it, squatted down and fumbled for something there.

"Hey, what do you think, is it a trap?" The fat man asked the thin man next to him, "Is this guy going to kill us because of our stock in the mountains?"

After all, what they do, any king may be tempted to kill, and then quickly, but sometimes, this kind of money in exchange for life cannot be earned in a lifetime with ordinary labor.

"What are you afraid of? There are three of us here... Besides, he is the only one in this hall. If he dares to do anything, don't we still have weapons here!"

The three looked at each other and smiled.

However, the fat man also felt a little strange. Usually, even when the kings rested and ate in the hall, they would have ten or more soldiers guard here, just for fear of assassins coming to assassinate them, but this new king seemed to be a fool. He was so stupid, he was alone in this hall, even if they killed Pei Fei now, no one would know maybe.

Ever since, the three of them bravely walked up, for the three times the money, they didn't intend to kill themselves.

Even if they really want to become the criminals who killed the king today, they are still sure that those soldiers will not convict themselves, after all, they are also killing harm for the people.

The thin man left very quickly. After all, he also really wanted to know how much money he got first. Presumably there would be 20,000 if not 30,000.

With so much money, for him, not only can he live in a house in the wealthy area of ​​Vinosia, but he can also buy a wife, and then he can really become a rich man.

But who would have imagined that when he just walked up, he suddenly saw a gust of wind blowing in front of him, and then his sight began to drop... Maybe it was from him, but from the button From the perspective of the fat man and the tall man, the thin man's head was directly separated from the neck.

"Zi La..." Blood splattered everywhere, extremely cruel!.

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