The Strongest Guild Of The World

959: Demon Realm (For Automatic Subscription)

Just now he saw with his own eyes that the magic spell was thrown by Pei Fei and fell from the height of ten meters, but now, it appeared in his hands again, what, what is going on? !

Ye Ze didn't have time to react, and Pei Fei used the aura in this magic sword to shake Ye Ze away!

With a bang, Ye Ze was knocked back. This time, he almost fell off the roof. Fortunately, at the moment of falling, his left hand grabbed the edge of the roof, so he didn't fall. As for letting himself be thrown to death... At this moment, Pei Fei inserted the magic spell on the roof, and continued to complete the things he hadn't done before.

"Hehe, this time, let me see who can stop me?!"

Then, the situation changed drastically, and cracks appeared in the sky. This is the scene before the gate of hell opened. Soon after, when the gate of hell opens, the pattern of this world will be changed!

"Quick! Leave quickly! Don't stay here anymore!" After Alaga joined the rescue team, he called out the citizens in the residential building one by one. Some of them didn't know what happened. I just saw a lot of Changbingwei gathered under this building, and they were all shouting for everyone to run away.

For those who dismissed them, the Changbing Guards had no choice but to react, drive them out, and use strong means! After all, it is to save their lives now, and there is no question of whether it is good or bad. .

"Report to General Alaga, all the citizens in District 1 have been cleared!"

"Report to General Alaga, the third and fifth districts have also been evacuated-!"

One or two of these long guards came to report the situation to Alaga. It was clear that Alaga was a criminal in Vinosia before, but for some reason, after contacting them now, these long guards all chose again by coincidence. Trust Alaga.

After all, this Alaga is the great hero of Vinosia, without him, Vinosia would not have been prosperous for so long, and most of them, when they first joined the Changbei, also admired Alaga just came. ,

"Okay! You two, quickly gather the citizens together, don't get lost, and then take the soldiers to protect the citizens and leave the country of Vinosia! Did you hear me!" Alaga shouted directly.

But the Changbeimen below hesitated a little. After all, the city of Vinosia is their home, and now they are going to be asked to leave their place, which makes them a little suspicious, even though they are willing Believe in Alaga unconditionally, but now this matter seems to be a bit too serious, but they will never know that it is not only too serious, but even more serious!

"I know you must be wondering why I asked you to do this, why did you come to open your homeland, but I will only say it here once, this is not to drive you away, but to save you from leaving, in a short time, here It will become a purgatory, I don't want you to suffer any harm!"

"But General, here is our...

"I know that this is Vinosia, our home, but if all of us are dead, then who will know us Vinosia, so Vinosia is not a city, not a kingdom, but It’s us, we are Vinosia, Vinosia is us!!”

...asking for flowers......

After a moving speech, the guards below were all convinced. In the end, they all nodded quickly and went to carry out Araki's mission.

They mainly evacuated the citizens in this area, and then the soldiers of the other team went to the rich area to let those big local tyrants leave, but Alaga could vaguely feel that those local tyrants would not be so easily persuaded.

"What, leave?! Hmph, it's impossible, it's impossible for me to leave, don't try to lie to us gentry, you pretend we don't know, talking about the end of the world is actually driving us away, and then sneaking away Come here to embezzle our property, so I am not so easy to be fooled?!"

The local tyrant of the first family is a rich fat man, just like Alaga thought at the beginning, he didn't plan to leave at all, and even thought that this kind of conspiracy was made by the king to scare people, just to get them to be fair take money.

Just imagine, these rich people have left. Although they have taken away a lot of gold and silver treasures, but because they are too rich, they can't bring all these things with them. In the end, they can only stay in this house. So who will take over, isn't it the people from Vinosia? When the crisis is over, and if you come back here, maybe your home will be evacuated.

So they didn't believe that even ten of them would not go for long. .

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