The Strongest Guild Of The World

963: Purgatory On Earth (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

The scariest thing is not this world, the scariest thing is not what is happening now, the scariest thing is the human heart!

If it wasn't for Pei Fei's greed and his ambition, this tragedy would not have happened.

Seeing the ghosts flying all over the sky, Ye Ze knew, but with his current ability, he couldn't do anything at all, and it was even a troublesome thing to deal with these ghosts.

Unlike Alaga, whom he saw with his own eyes on the roof of the palace and came into close contact with him, he had just driven out people from a certain area, and now he was forming a small team to leave Venusia, but when he looked up and saw the sky At that time, the whole person was dumbfounded in place.

"Oh my God...….…"

This is indeed my heaven, which big hole in the sky is black, just like a black hole, not only that, but what are the things that come out of this black hole!!

Those groups of densely packed things were floating in the sky.

670 "This is God's punishment, it's God's punishment!" The superstitious soldier was already scared to death by this incident, and finally left the team and ran away!

"Hey! Wait a minute..." Alaga could no longer shout at that person, and then he could only sigh, and shouted to the people behind him, "You guys organize your formation behind, hurry up, Changbingwei The person responsible for the protection, these things will attack soon, draw your sword!"

The ghosts obviously target whatever they see, and they may have been a living person many years ago.

But since they became ghosts, they especially hate living people, thinking that their existence, their or, is mocking them.

So now that they are given this opportunity to punish the people on the ground, it is already a very exciting thing for them.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Alaga shouted repeatedly, and then asked the leader to take all these rich people away, leaving the city first.

The soldiers and civilians outside should be much safer. After all, they were the first batch to go out, and now they have been settled by the soldiers on a carriage in the east.

No one can bring other things, so people can only get into the carriage. A carriage can accommodate about twenty people, and there are almost tens of thousands of people in the whole city. It seems that these thirty carriages are not enough. enough.

And the rest of the men, just walk, let the women and children get on the bus!

And the rich people who were driven out afterwards couldn't help being furious when they saw that the carriages they used to load and transport themselves were used by those poor people.

"What's the matter with you, those carriages belong to us, we rich people bought them with money, how can you use them without saying a word!"

These soldiers didn't bother to pay attention to them, and pointed to the carriage beside them and said, "There are fifteen of you here, just right, this carriage can fit, hurry up!"

"Fart! For the money we spend, (chcc) is at least one car per person, we will not crowd together!"

These rich people are still pretending, and the soldier doesn't want to pay attention to them anymore, but when he raised his head and saw the ghost floating in the sky behind him coming towards this side, he swallowed subconsciously.

"You, you, you don't want to leave, right? Then, then I will leave first!"

The soldiers didn't bother to take care of these rich people, they got into the carriage by themselves, and then drove the horses to leave.

Seeing that the last carriage was about to leave, these arrogant rich people hurriedly chased after it. After all, the ghosts behind it were about to come, and the final result of them staying where they were was going to die .

The last one and two climbed into the back of the carriage in embarrassment, and they didn't have the appearance of the rich people before. Now they are all poor, and they have lost their territory, dignity, and wealth. What? Lost, but gained life....

Is it really?

With a sound! A "dragon" flew over from the sky, saying that the dragon was because of uncertainty. The rich man on the last carriage saw that it was indeed a dragon flying over in the sky, but, His figure is not big, and his head is more like a mouse!

This is still a mutated monster!


This mouse monster stirs up the wings [and then gnaws on the iron frame at the back!

But fortunately, the entire space was covered by an iron frame at the back of the carriage, so the mouse blamed this mouth, so that the carriage did not kill anyone.

But the teeth got caught in the gap of the iron frame, and the rich people inside were scared to come out.

"Help! Ahhh!"

"Don't come here! Go away!"

"My mother! My God!"

Some people were bolder and wanted to smash the teeth with their shoes to make him loose, but they were bitten by the rat monster instead.

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