The Strongest Guild Of The World

980: Plan (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

980: plan


Wave after wave of rat monsters swarmed in, and they didn't care whether Alaga had a weapon in his hand. At least in their eyes, killing this living creature was the only goal.

After this wave of offensives, Alaga directly opened the corpse of the rat monster that he had killed, and then hid himself under it to block the next offensive of the opponent.

Sure enough, those mouse monsters directly bumped into them, and fortunately, there was this monster on Alaga's body, otherwise he would have been turned into a meatloaf by these violent impacts.

But "337" is that this offensive is not completely over, the opponent seems to have changed the attack method, directly biting the mouse monster and trying to bring Alaga and the dead mouse up together.

"Bastard! Bastard!!" Alaga hugged the rat monster's body tightly, then took out the Jade Blood Sword from behind, and slashed at what was above it!

He doesn't know what he's doing now, maybe it's because he's too panicked and his behavior is a little weird, or there are too many rat monsters, so he doesn't know how to deal with them.

In short, these rat monsters came over one after another, which caused a lot of trouble for Alaga, and made Alaga not know what to do for a while.


At this time, the people from the other house also kicked open the door and rushed out. They also heard the sound from outside, and they knew that something happened to General Alaga, so they immediately came out to support .

Although they have struggled a lot in their hearts, knowing that they will definitely die if they go out this time, they don't care so much. They have been hiding in the room all this time, and they are just waiting to die. It is better to go out and fight , it's better to die vigorously!

"Don't come out, get in!!"

While blocking the attack of the mouse monster, Alaga roared at those soldiers! They are going to die in this wave, so he will not let them come out to die!

But those soldiers have already put life and death aside.

"Archer, stand by, forget it, wait for his grandma's order, launch directly!!"

Those archer soldiers set up their bows and arrows on the spot, and then shot down directly at the mouse monster entangled in Alaga. One bow and arrow directly connected the two mouse monsters together. It spun in mid-air for a while, then stumbled to the side, fell down and struggled.

"Keep going...Yahahah!"

The soldier standing outside the door wanted to continue giving orders, but he didn't expect that the next second, the mouse monster rushed towards him, bit his arm at once, and lifted it up forcefully!

"No! Support!!" Alaga got up from the ground, the soldiers opened a passage for him just now, and also drove away the rat monsters entangled around him, but now, these guys are all flying towards the soldiers passed!

Alaga picked up the Jade Blood Sword on the ground, and rushed over to help!

"The second team and the third team all come and assemble, back to back!!"

When Alaga gave an order, all the soldiers in the houses on both sides ran out!

They all stand back to back.

"General, what about the injured people?" Alaga hesitated after hearing this soldier's cry.

That's right, there were two wounded people in the first house, and he knew it at the time, but when he turned his head and looked into the house, he found that the wall inside the room was instantly smashed open by rats The monster also rushed in.

With a whoosh, one of the wounded soldiers who was resting on the ground was caught, and the other one was doomed to die. Both of them were dragged out, and the blood was directly sprinkled on the wall

"I can't control it anymore! Destiny brothers!" Alaga waved the Jade Blood Sword, and began to face these rat monsters, fighting bravely!

He knew that there was only one way to end this battle, and that was death! After all, there were too many rat monsters, so many that they couldn't handle the situation at all!

If the only chance for them to survive is to kill these rat monsters!

But the densely packed flying monsters in the sky are far more numerous than the 5.4 and 15 people they are now, and they are not only twice, dozens of times, or hundreds of times more

Even thousands of times!

In short, there is only one way in front of Alaga's eyes, and that is the dead end, but before he dies bravely, he has to complete one thing, and that is to drag these rat monsters down as much as possible to support himself!


This battle was destined to be the most magnificent and tragic battle in his life, but for Alaga, it was already worth it... everything was worth it!

"Come on, don't let go of the sword, kill!!"

A roar, a few howls...

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