The Strongest Guild Of The World

982: Strong (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

This sentence, Ye Ze only felt a little familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere, but now that he thought about it like this, he had no clue at all, and couldn't think of a picture at all.

But at this moment, Ye Ze suddenly recalled that incident.

It was just a few days before Pei Fei stole his energy, he and Pei Fei entered a copy.

This was originally a dungeon that Ye Ze had already cleared several times to the point that he was no longer familiar with it. He knew all kinds of traps and levels like the back of his hand. The reason why he came in was because he wanted to take Pei Fei to break through the level.

Of course, in the process, because he already knew the monster's weakness, and Ye Ze at that time could basically break through all the levels alone, and it only took a few minutes of superpowers, Ye Ze didn't make a move at all, just watched Pei Fei moved, and then gave the score.

This is the same as assessment, every once in a while, Ye Ze will publicly assess, if you want to improve your ability or position, you have to accept Ye Ze's assessment.

Of course, the first one to save his life was Pei Fei. This guy was more stubborn than Ye Ze imagined at the time, and he was even more talented.

Although he is difficult to teach in various aspects, he is disobedient, loves to cause trouble, and even doesn't like the decent image, and has been being a villain all the time, but his learning ability is really strong!

Once, when he just watched his companion perform a skill, he would practice it all night, and he could show it in front of his classmates the next day! And the most terrifying thing was that the one was learned by Pei Fei The male students who came here were not as smooth as what Pei Fei used.

Even the speed at which this spiritual power emanates is not as ferocious as Pei Fei's.

From that moment on, Ye Rong knew that he was a man to be made.

So this time, Ye Ze invited Pei Fei to participate in the assessment.

Of course, Ye Ze will rate Pei Fei's various abilities and reactions during the participation.

The previous monsters, Pei Fei, were able to deal with them with ease. It can be said that there was no danger at all, and there was not a single wound on their bodies.

But at the last level, when he was about to fight the boss, Pei Fei spoke softly,

"I always feel that there is something looking at us again"?" Pei Fei's intuition has never been wrong, and he even said that in his hometown, his intuition brought him a lot of good luck, avoiding Many hunts and encirclement.

So this time, Pei Fei also decided to trust his ability and intuition, and finally, his sixth sense told her that something was heading towards him.

Ye Ze smiled, what else could there be, of course it's the boss.

The transfer was not a matter of course. Within two seconds of the last login, this pig demon crawled out of the cave directly, extremely ferocious.

The appearance of this pig demon is really huge, and his body is full of scars. It seems that others often hunt him down and want to catch him back, but they think too much.

"Back back, I suggest you step back and be careful, don't provoke this pig demon." Ye Ze said cautiously, and then stood behind Pei Fei, "You have failed again."

"Hmph! This is just a mistake, I can do better next time!"

One failure is not enough to prove his incompetence, Pei Fei just wants to continue to prove that he can do better!

Relying on his fighting spirit at that time, he showed 100% of his strength and passed this level. The last big boss is indeed that pig demon.

Of course, after clearing the level, there will be settlement rewards, but this time Ye Ze found something different.

Ye Ze used to come to this level often, and I don’t know how familiar it is. Basically, in this level, he knows how many monsters, how many strongholds, or how many NPCs there are who choose to help. Know accounted for.

But at this moment, he saw an old man appearing in the woods, dressed in gray clothes, standing there steadfastly, facing them.

All in all, it was spooky, super spooky.

Ye Ze can't forget that scene until now.

"..."Over there..." Ye Ze narrowed his eyes and said to Pei Fei, "Wait here for a while, I'll go and have a look."

A new NPC actually appeared in this dungeon? This thing is indeed too weird (awesome), he has never encountered it before, besides, if there is a new character, the system should remind Own.

But it's been a long time since the system came in, and the system hasn't said a word, which makes Ye Ze feel a little baffled.

However, Pei Fei who was behind couldn't just stand obediently like this. When he saw Ye Ze passing by, he also planned to go and take a look to see what Ye Ze found.

Ever since, the two of them walked in the direction of the woods.

But every time Ye Ze approached the old man, he just blinked his eyes, and the figure of the old man moved further away, as if he had never been close.

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