The Strongest Guild Of The World

986: Flame (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

This flame knife, as the name suggests, can only be used by people with the fire attribute, because after using it, the damage of the fire attribute will increase a lot, and it is very likely that it will cause backlash to the user.

So sometimes the skill part of this flame attribute is regarded as a taboo skill and cannot be used.

Just like this flame knife, because after using the flame knife, each attack can cause different amounts of fire damage, not only that, it can also melt the target, or burn the target!

The damage method of this kind of attack is more perverted than usual, and it is even more difficult for people to parry.

This flame knife can make the user use it in the face of many enemies or a large number of enemies, but because the conditions are relatively harsh, only people with a fire attribute of 27 can use it, otherwise people with other attributes Use is likely to be backlashed.

So up to now, not many people will use the flame knife. Of course, those who have the fire attribute themselves do not exist in the majority.

But now, the flame knife appeared in front of Ye Ze's eyes, which really surprised him... He didn't expect that he was originally of the wind attribute, and Pei Fei at that time was just an earth attributes, and when the abilities of the two of them are combined, they become fire attributes!

Could this really be the fusion and mutation of his own ability and Pei Fei's spiritual power?

This is too strange, right?

But no matter what, it is obvious now that the sword energy damage of this flame cannot be blocked by the wind shield. After all, the flame will become more and more vigorous after touching the wind, that is to say, let This Pei Fei's skill damage is getting higher and higher.

Then, there is only one way!

Ye Ze looked around and found that there are deserts around here, obviously, there will be no water coming out...then since there is no one, then he summons water to come out!

There is one thing that can be treated as water!

Ye Ze slowly closed his eyes, felt the flow of the wind around him, and also felt the wind gently caressing his cheeks, then suddenly opened his eyes, gathering all the wind in his hands... .

"Hehe, you have been hit once just now, don't you know the lesson now? Your wind shield is useless at all?!" Pei Fei laughed, at the moment he only thought that Ye Ze might be really stupid, Obviously already made a mistake for the first time, but now I still want to try!

Sure enough, like this kind of rubbish, they will not give up until they suffer! So now, Feifei will use this trick to teach him to be a man!

But what he never expected was that this Ye Ze actually used a method to block all the sword energy of his flame knife!

This Ye Ze actually summoned this wind into the body of this titan monster, and even gathered all of them into the chest of this titan monster that was originally torn apart!

When Ye Ze pierced the heart of this titan monster just now, he came to his chest and found that the inside was like a swimming pool, except for liquid, there was nothing much!

So now, Ye Ze is quick to use his wits, only this method can resist the damage of Pei Fei's flame and sword energy that can burn everything!

"It's time for me...all get up!" Ye Ze roared, and raised his hands vigorously. At the same time, the second sword qi directly swept across Ye Ze's ribs, directly cutting a big hole. The mouth, the blood flowed out at once.

Ye Ze frowned in pain, but he didn't let go of his hands. He knew that the most critical part of the preparation was coming. Whether he could defeat Pei Fei depended on one chance!

Afterwards, Ye Ze vigorously clapped his hands stretched out to the sky together.

There was a snap! When the palms are joined together, the sound is as vector as the wind is so furious!

It was as if a hand spewed out all the blood from the titan monster's chest, blocking 417 Ye Ze in front of it!


Those sword qi that were stained with fire, when they touched the liquid, all extinguished the fire one after another, and there was no damage!

There was so much blood all of a sudden, it dyed everything around it red, even Ye Ze, who had finally crawled out of the hole, and the red color on his body had almost faded, was also wet this time , bloody.

"Bastard!" Pei Fei obviously didn't guess that Ye Ze would make such a move! He even felt like they were playing chess. After he made a move, he would always start thinking about the next five or six moves. up!

This person has always been his own nightmare!

Pei Fei's flame knife was also doused by the blood just now, and it had no effect for a long time, "It's a bunch of trash!" Pei Fei threw away the flame knife in his hand and rushed towards Ye Ze quickly .

"Ye Ze ah ah!".

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