The Strongest Guild Of The World

989: Attack (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

At this moment, Ye Ze felt a strong airflow swooping down above his head, and the burst of power at that moment made Ye Ze never think of it.

With a bang, the fire dragon's head directly smashed the top of the sewer, and then more red magma fell from above.

clack clack!

The flaming magma dripped down, dripped into the water, and directly turned into a sea of ​​flames!

"Damn it!" Ye Ze covered his mouth, and quickly avoided the burst of flames, but the fire dragon didn't seem to want Ye Ze to escape at all, and directly attacked from another corner, and even started to breathe fire from the hole, trying to block it. Live at Ye Ze's location.

This guy is too smart!

Ye Ze didn't expect this at all. He originally thought that the fire dragon would come in with him, and then use the water from the sewer to fight back, but it doesn't seem to be the case now. The fire dragon is smarter than he imagined. Even more insidious!

As expected of Pei Fei's ability, he basically inherited part of his brain cells!

"Danger, danger! The current temperature is too high, it's dangerous to stay here!" The system also started to send out an alarm, but who would want to stay in this damn place if they could leave!

Ye Ze used the wind in his hand to blow away the burst of fire in front of him, and temporarily opened a way for him to run in.

But at this time, the fire dragon still followed in. It seems that the fire dragon seemed to have thought that Ye Ze had run to make up for it and had reached a dead end, so it crawled in, but it did not miss the water below. Just stick it above the sewer and fly over.

"You bastard, you're still following me!" Ye Ze looked back and had no choice but to run away.

The opportunity is here, there is not enough water here, below! Which one is there below!

When he passed by Araki and Ollie before, he still remembered that there was a big pond in the deepest part of the sewer. It was just the place together, it was smelly and disgusting, Ye Ze didn't think much about it at the time, and just bypassed that side.

But I didn't expect that now, I hope that the swill is in front of my eyes so much. After all, it may be the only weapon that can save me!


The fire dragon behind it started to roar, and then sprayed a mouthful of thick phlegm directly towards Ye Ze. This burst of flames directly blocked the road in front of Ye Ze. Obviously, the fire dragon wanted to make Ye Ze have nowhere to go can escape.

Ye Ze took a deep breath, then slowly turned around, facing the fire dragon behind him, and squinted his eyes.

"You really think I'm afraid of you, don't you? Do you know the consequences of bringing me to this kind of place? The consequence is that you will die here!"

Ye Ze raised his hands slowly, took the wind force, took over the surrounding water, and then gathered all of them in his hands, and attacked the fire dragon vigorously!

All these liquids gathered together are basically more powerful than any of his attacks just now, and the power is astonishing.

The fire dragon wanted to use its own firepower to offset Ye Ze's attack, but when his flame sprayed out, there was no way to offset Ye Ze's attack. The water attack directly hit the fire dragon!

……ask for flowers…

With a puff, the liquid hit the fire dragon directly. It can be seen that a part of the fire dragon's head has gradually turned gray, and the fire light has gradually weakened.

"Very good! That's it!" Ye Ze has figured out how to defeat the fire dragon, now, he just needs to keep attacking a few more times!

But the fire dragon turned around and wanted to run away, of course, Ye Ze won't let him go, at least for now...

"For me... to die!!"


Ye Ze raised his hands again, and directly attacked the fire dragon with the second ball of water!

That poor fire dragon was planning to flap his wings and leave, but he is now in such a closed environment, not to mention the narrowness, which restricts his performance at all, making him unable to fly at all, and Can't run away.

Then, the attack from Ye Ze hit the fire dragon impartially, knocking him down directly!


Another cloud of white smoke came out, the fire dragon had already suffered two or three consecutive attacks from Ye Ze, and now it fell to the ground, flapping its wings, but there was nothing to do.


The fire dragon was still howling, it was a howling of pain, a howling of powerlessness, he still wanted to resist, but he was powerless.

Ye Ze clutched the wound on his chest, and then slowly walked over to the fire dragon.

The fire light on the fire dragon has gradually weakened and dimmed bit by bit. Ye Ze knew that the fire dragon would soon turn into a mass of ashes.

But I don't know why, Ye Ze feels a little distressed at the moment...

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