The Strongest Guild Of The World

998: Gui Yuan (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

998: return to yuan


There was thunder in the sky, and the torrential rain was still falling, washing away all the blood on the ground. During the violent storm, how many people's bodies were buried under the soil.

In the sky, countless black spots are being absorbed, those are rat monsters, they originally wanted to use this opportunity to spread to the whole world, and then turn this place into a purgatory, but they didn't expect , this final plan was interrupted by Ye Ze!

The appearance of Ye Ze, becoming the new owner of this divine curse, is unexpected to all of them. One or two are very confused, but they all know that if they are reabsorbed back into hell What happens. ,

According to the rules of this hell, they are fugitives, fugitives who have escaped from this purgatory. After they go back, they will definitely suffer the pain of flesh and soul.



In the sky, the wailing sounds from the rat monsters can be heard endlessly. One by one, they were absorbed by the tornado, and then all of them were reabsorbed by the crack! They didn't belong to this place in the first place, if they weren't released by Pei Fei, they I can't set foot here in my life.

This absorption lasted for about ten minutes, and after the dark clouds and thunder in the sky gradually disappeared, Ye Ze forcefully put down the magic spell in his hand.

"Ah ah!"

This kind of magical power that suddenly disappeared, as if all the strength in Ye Ze's body was drawn out at once, made him very uncomfortable, and his head was a little dizzy, but fortunately, his body could hold on.

The sky also began to clear up, the heavy rain stopped falling, and even the sun slowly (chdg) emerged from the clouds, and everything regained order and light again.

Ye Ze looked up at the sun in the sky, and then blinked his eyes. He doesn't know when he longed for the sun to appear so much... Maybe it started when Pei Fei took out the magic spell, This world will no longer have light, and everything will be blinded by darkness.

Ye Ze took a deep breath, and looked down at the magic spell, but the magic spell had disappeared out of thin air when the world had been restored to order, no, it should be said to have turned into spiritual power and was captured by Ye Ze absorbed in the body.

It's the same as this heavenly spell, but until now, Ye Ze has been unable to use the true power of this heavenly spell, and he doesn't know the special significance of the weapon that the old man gave him.

But it is irrelevant to say these now, the matter is over.

On the other side, one soldier after another stood on top of the pile of corpses. They were stacked high, and under their feet were the corpses of those monsters, rat monsters, their brothers, and so on.

Alaga was also among them, bathed in blood, as if he had just come out of a bath of blood, his hair, his neck, and his skin were all stained red, and even he himself suffered a little. hurt.

There was a scratch on his stomach, as well as on his back, a deep gash that made him feel no pain even when he was exhausted.

However, the matter seems to be over, he has not seen a mouse monster flying towards here for a while, and the sun is also rising in the sky, everything is really over?

Alaga looked up at the sky, and when he saw the sunny day, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's over..." Alaga slowly climbed down from the pile of corpses, but because his legs suddenly lost strength, he rolled down from the top. The soldiers on this side saw it and hurried over help.

But looking around, it seems that only Alaga and the two soldiers survived, a total of three people.

In a team of more than 20 people, only three people survived in the end. What a terrible number, but also what a lucky number.

Facing the turbulent army of rat monsters, they only had more than 20 people. With their mortal strength, they were able to resist this monster from another world, and they were lucky to survive!

"General!" After the soldiers saw it, they hurried over to support Alaga.

"It's all's all right..." Alaga supported the ground and stood up. Panting for breath, he turned his head slowly and looked around at the current scene.

Everything was dyed black and red. The skin of those mouse monsters was black, and the blood of those dead soldiers was red. They were mixed together, lying on the ground, mixing blood with blood.

"We succeeded....." Although so many people died, they still succeeded and survived!

No! It should be said that Ye Ze succeeded. Without him, they would not have survived among so many rat monsters. Therefore, the credit "is Ye Ze's...

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