The Strongest Guild Of The World

1005: Challenge (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Chapter 1005 Challenge

Marcia's worry is not unreasonable. The leader of the organization has a big brother named Roja. Every time the leader of the organization encounters difficulties, he will ask Roja for help, and he can resolve them in the end.

Roja also wondered why the leader of the organization didn't come to him for so long, did something happen.

Just as Roja was thinking, a subordinate hurried over to report.

"What are you panicking about? I'll be the one to support the sky falling."

Roja asked his subordinates to quickly tell what happened. When the subordinates told the news of the death of the leader of the organization, Roja almost passed out. Fortunately, the subordinates on both sides supported him.

"Three nine three" "What, my virtuous brother was killed, what happened, such a big thing happened, why did you come to report now?"

The subordinate then explained the specific situation in detail. Roja also knew what kind of organization the guild was, and he knew that their president was Ye Ze. Logically, they had nothing to do with the guild, but they didn't expect the leader of the organization to actually annoy the other party.

"Hmph, I don't care what guild it is, if I killed my younger brother anyway, I must settle the debt, and I will never let them go."

All the subordinates were angry when they heard that, and they all wanted to go out to fight. Roja waved his hand, and he told them not to act rashly.

"You want to deal with them as soon as you encounter something. You have to understand that a clear mind is more important than anything else. If we don't come up with a perfect plan, no matter how many people we go to, it will be useless in the end, and we will die instead. "

They felt that Roja's words made sense, and they were too anxious, and almost ruined the big event. Roja felt that they should investigate the guild's background first, so that they could proceed to the next step.

After a while, Roja understood that he was going to learn Ye Ze's tricks.

Ye Ze knew that Roja was the eldest brother of the leader of the organization, and he was also shocked. He knew that a battle was about to start.

"President, this incident was caused by me, and I am willing to take responsibility."

Ye Ze told Marcia to be quiet. He also wanted to know what tricks this Roja had. He looked at the challenge book that the other party had placed, and he thought he would go there.

The members all followed, but Ye Ze stopped them. You know, there are many things in the guild that need them. If they all go, who will manage the guild, and how will they deal with it if someone comes to sneak attack.

"Listen to me, you stay in the guild well, don't come out, you have to wait for my triumphant return."

They sighed, and finally retreated, Ye Ze looked at Marcia, he wanted to come with Marcia, two people were enough to repel Roja.

Ye Ze and Marcia came to the front according to the appointed place, there were dense forests everywhere, and there was a horrible atmosphere everywhere.

Then, Ye Ze saw a figure standing in front of him, and he believed that the other person was Roja. Marcia didn't expect that Roja would dare to come here alone, he didn't bring more than ten soldiers.

When Ye Ze and Marcia came to the front, Ye Ze greeted each other, but the other party was not friendly and did not say a word.

Ye Ze knew that the opponent was ready, and saw that the opponent immediately stretched out his fist to hit Ye Ze, Marcia was taken aback, he didn't expect the opponent to punch so fast, and he had no time to react.

"President, you have to be careful, I think he punched too hard."

Ye Ze nodded, and then challenged the opponent. They fought for many rounds, but the opponent didn't show any signs of defeat. There was no way, Ye Ze could only show the martial arts in the guild. These martial arts should not be easily displayed, for fear of others Stealing and using…………

Ye Ze finally defeated the opponent, he looked at the opponent and snorted coldly.

"If I'm not wrong, you must be Roja's number one warrior. I said, how can Roja challenge me alone? I didn't expect Roja's warrior to be so powerful.

"Hmph, President Ye, you are not easy. In my challenging career, no one can leave alive, and no one can fight me to ten strokes. You are the first one to let me hit one hundred strokes." people.

Ye Ze felt that the other party was a man, and if he could accept it, it would be of great benefit to him. He wanted to know his inner thoughts.

Ye Ze said some words of persuasion, but the other party didn't change his mind, so he didn't waste any more words.

"You have lost now. I could have killed you, but I didn't do that, and I don't want to become enemies with you. The reason why the leader of the organization ended up like this is entirely his own fault. Don't you want to be like him, so It's really not worth doing, I hope you go back and persuade me not to make unnecessary sacrifices in 4.0."

The warrior nodded after listening. Although he was very stubborn, he was defeated after all, so it was better to be honest.

"Don't worry, I will take your words with you, and I will definitely convince the master not to embarrass you."

Ye Ze nodded, and soon, the warrior disappeared.

"President, you missed a great opportunity. You shouldn't let him go. This guy will definitely not follow suit. He will definitely advocate Roja to deal with us."

Ye Ze thought of these things, he did his best. .

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