The Strongest Guild Of The World

1013: Entrance (For Automatic Subscription)

Chapter 1113 Entrance

Since Ye Ze selected the vice president, many places have followed Ye Ze's approach, but Ye Ze is not worried at all, he knows very well that even if they follow suit, they will not be able to do well.

Ye Ze is now putting a lot of thought into the two spells. During these days, the two spells have become more and more integrated, and can eventually supplement their respective weaknesses.

Alaga saw that Ye Ze had such a good effect, and he was also happy for Ye Ze. He felt that since Ye Ze freed up time, he should do more things and let more people join the guild.

Ye Ze also thought about this question, but there was no suitable strategy yet, so Alaga gave Ye Ze a clue, he could use the magic spell to open a door to the colorful world.

Ye Ze was taken aback when he heard that, it is said that this colorful world is full of talents, even a farmer, he has the courage of all men, if he can go to this world. It is not known how many talents he has included.

"Oh, Alaga 730, your method is great, I think we should go now."

Alaga nodded, but there was a look of embarrassment on his face, Ye Ze saw it, he was stunned, he wanted to know what difficulties Alaga had.

"Boss, although this world is good, I can't go there."

Ye Ze was very puzzled, the last time he went to the lower world, Alaga could go there with his own magic spell, why now that there is an extra sky magic spell, Alaga can't get there.

"President Ye, my ability is limited, I can only get into your god magic spell, the power of the sky magic spell is too powerful, I really can't control it."

Ye Ze understood everything, he knew that he hadn't figured out the Heavenly Mantra, that's why this happened, he reassured Alaga that he would open the gap in the Heavenly Mantra in a short time, so that Alaga could Unimpeded.

Alaga shook his head. The power of the Heavenly Demon Curse is more than ten times stronger than that of the Godly Demon Curse. It is not easy to open the Heavenly Demon Curse. Let alone other things, it will take a lot of time.

Ye Ze looked at Alaga, he felt that the other party still didn't believe in his own strength, so he asked Alaga to give him three days.

"President, well, I believe in your strength."

During these three days, Ye Ze drilled into the library and began to search for ancient books. He believed that he could find clues in the ancient books. Sure enough, he discovered many mysteries, and then he broke the magic spell.

When Ye Ze called Alaga over again, he immediately revealed the flaws inside, and Alaga believed it this time.

"Oh, boss, I finally know that you are a person who can create miracles."

Ye Ze nodded, they were wasting too much time, they couldn't turn around in circles, and Ye Ze immediately cast the Heavenly Magic Charm, and soon, the Heavenly Magic Charm opened an entrance ahead.

Ye Ze rushed into the entrance with Alaga, only to see that it was pitch black, with stones flying past from time to time.

"Alaga, close your eyes quickly and don't look forward. 11

Alaga all listened to (chfb) Ye Ze's arrangement, and after a while, they landed in a desert, and when they opened their eyes, they felt that they were buried under the sand.

Ye Ze and Alaga broke free immediately. They stood up and looked around. It turned out that the entire surrounding area was an endless desert.

"What, is this, this is the colorful world, no, are we going wrong?"

Ye Ze shook his head, because the directions marked by the Heavenly Mantra were so accurate that it was impossible to identify them wrongly. He believed that they came to the colorful world hundreds of millions of years ago, just like the age of dinosaurs on earth.

Ye Ze knew that rare treasures would definitely be found in this world, even though they couldn't find talents, if they got these treasures, they would not be in vain.

"Alaga, what are you waiting for, let's set off quickly, I think we can split up, so that we can go faster."

Alaga nodded, they looked around, and finally, they found a wide road ahead.

According to his experience, this road is likely to help them unlock some secrets, so they hurried over, and when they came to the intersection, they heard wild laughter.

"Who are you, come out quickly, don't pretend, tell you, I'm not afraid of you?"

No matter how Ye Ze yells, the person who laughed wildly just doesn't show up. Now, Ye Ze clearly realizes what fear is. When you are in the light and someone is in the dark, it is difficult for you to hit the other party.

When Ye Ze continued to walk forward, suddenly, a row of figures appeared in front of him. They were all wearing black armor. Obviously, they were all soldiers from somewhere.

"It seems that we have met our opponents, and these guys will not let us go."

Alaga also believed this, and they rushed over immediately, they wanted to deal with each other, although their armors were very powerful, they couldn't resist Ye Ze's Heavenly Curse after all, and it didn't take long before they were hit by Ye Ze's Heavenly Demon Curse It was all in pieces, and I didn't even have the strength to stand up. .

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