The Strongest Guild Of The World

Chapter 1016, Display (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Chapter 116 Display

Although there are many members of the Blu-ray Society, with the martial arts of the leader of the Blu-ray, he can easily raze them to the ground. He saw that they were all stubborn, and he was very angry. For this reason, he thought about Ye Ze giving The advanced ideas he instilled.

When the leader of the blue light opened his eyes, he said the whole set of words taught by Ye Ze, and he wanted to convince the blue light members.

The words of the leader of the blue light reached their hearts, and they had no room to refute. They felt very ashamed and recalled the words of the leader of the blue light in their minds.

"Boss, you are right. It is meaningless for us to be killed by you like this. Our wives, children, and children will all suffer disasters. This is not what we want to see.

The leader of the blue light nodded, seeing that they had finally figured it out, he was indescribably happy, so he led them to Ye Ze's camp. 27

Ye Ze was overjoyed. He thought that if the leader of the blue light could wipe them out in one fell swoop, everything would be fine. Unexpectedly, the leader of the blue light not only defeated them, but also recovered them.

"Blue light leader, this time, you made a great contribution, I really don't know what to say, what do you want, just tell me, I will give it to you?"

The leader of the blue light shook his head, he did so willingly, nothing mattered to him, Ye Ze nodded.

Ye Ze can imagine the expression of the president of Blu-ray, and his hair is probably white when he is angry.

The leader of the Blu-ray kept reminding Ye Ze that he could only be a third-class figure in the Blu-ray club, and there were still many masters in the Blu-ray club. They were always hiding and waiting for orders from above at any time

This time, President Blu-ray was severely injured. He definitely couldn't swallow his breath, and he would definitely send experts to deal with them.

"You're right. In fact, I've thought of this truth a long time ago, and I know what to do next, but don't worry, since I dare to challenge the president of Blu-ray, I naturally have an advantage, and I won't let them It worked."

The leader of the blue light nodded, he was relieved when he heard Ye Ze say that, he knew that Ye Ze's tactics were ever-changing, one way to deal with himself, another way to deal with others.

Sure enough, as the leader of Languang said, the president of Languang was so angry that his hair turned white overnight. He looked at all the people in Languang, and he was so angry.

"What do you think we should do? Not only did he take refuge in the guild, but he also beat our Blu-ray people to pieces. If we can't get out of this tone, I think we will be razed to the ground by them sooner or later. .”

All the Blu-ray people were filled with righteous indignation, and they wanted to fight to the death with the leader of Blu-ray to save the face of the Blu-ray society.

Coincidentally, President Baiguang sent someone over to inquire. He wanted to form an alliance with the Blue Light Society. As long as their two swords were matched, they would not lose to Ye Ze.

President Blu-ray nodded in agreement, so he accepted the gift from President Bai Guang. President Blu-ray looked at the Blu-ray people present, and he wanted to know which warriors among them could fight against the guild.

As soon as the words fell, a strong man came over, he showed a confident look, the president of Blu-ray was stunned, because in the past, he had no impression of this person at all, and he didn't know what the other party was capable of.

Everyone else laughed at Hercules, because he had just started and he was still in his infancy, not to mention the president of Blu-ray, others didn't take him seriously.

"What ability do you have to take on important responsibilities? I can tell you that you don't want to make up for it. Otherwise, not only will you not be able to perform meritorious service, but you will not even be able to save your life."

Hercules was not intimidated by President Blu-ray's words. He told his own skills. President Blu-ray had never heard of it. from.

"Well, since that's the case, you can perform. If you can perform well, I will reward you a lot."

Hercules nodded, so the 690 Hercules practiced what he had learned in his life, and the president of Blu-ray was amazed by it. He hadn't seen this kind of trick for a long time.

"Okay, stop acting, I know all about your ability."

Hercules immediately stopped performing, and the other Blu-ray people applauded. They all thought that Hercules performed well. Then, the president of Blu-ray asked Hercules to sign up.

"My name is Zhao Guang, nicknamed Hercules, you should call me Hercules."

The president of Blu-ray laughed. He didn’t expect the opponent to be highly skilled in martial arts, and he was quite humorous. He immediately appointed Hercules as the chief vanguard to challenge Ye Ze’s guild. If he can capture Ye Ze alive, he will definitely have a big reward.

Hercules nodded, and he backed out immediately.

Although Ye Ze was thousands of miles away, he heard the news of the Blu-ray Club clearly, and he was so angry that he never thought that the other party would send such a person to deal with him.

Ye Ze looked at Alaga, he knew that Alaga had long wanted to make a contribution, so Ye Ze told him to get out of the car. .

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