The Strongest Guild Of The World

Chapter 337 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

75: Immigration Strategy (seeking automatic subscription)

Celestial Coast.

A Japanese military camp.

A little bit of starlight at night.

Ye Ze's Shadow Clone came out, followed by a group of dull-eyed Japanese soldiers, including Japanese army officers.

The special agent from Tokyo looked extremely ugly.

He shivered a bit, gritted his teeth and suppressed it, with anger and unwillingness in his eyes.

The previous agreement in the Northeast, a seemingly ordinary clause, was not taken seriously by Japanese high-level officials.


The Japanese commissioner felt a deep chill in his heart when he looked at the staff of the so-called Republic of China government.

This man, no, is a lot of them.

Entered the Japanese military camp at night, and brought out a group of Japanese who killed people in the Celestial mainland except for war.

Ye Ze doesn't care about the anger of the Japanese. The beasts he finds seem to be many, but the proportion of the "seven-five-zero" Japanese in China is not high.

The Japanese will not turn their faces, and Ye Ze has a way to make them regret it.

No matter what, he will not spare one of these Japanese who have committed unforgivable crimes.

In the dark of night, the Japanese wrote the confession record, which is very detailed, and they may not remember a lot of content, but Ye Ze reminded them.

The sound of digging a pit came, not one pit but many pits.

Bags of white ash fell down, and the Japanese jumped down one by one.

Just like making lasagna, the Japanese automatically complete the process of burying alive.

Nodding in satisfaction, Ye Ze's Shadow Clone left.

Ye Ze's Shadow Clone filtered them out before the Japanese army left the Celestial Empire, damn it better die sooner.

When Ye Ze brought Uncle Wolf back, the work was almost finished.

When Natasha and Uncle Wolf were discussing.

Tokyo, Japan.

The teacup shattered with a snap.

"Vicious Chinese." A Japanese army boss roared in the mansion.

But he can only do this, because the next Pacific War has to rely on the Chinese people.

Not only the people of the Celestial Dynasty, but also the Chinese and the Soviet Union also sent representatives to provide Japan with manufactured products such as engines and oil in the form of trade. Japan exchanged gold and raw materials from Southeast Asia.

The next day, the prime minister's residence in Tokyo.

Ye Ze's Shadow Clone, as the special envoy of the Republic of China, secretly met with the Japanese Prime Minister, and there were also members of the Japanese Marine Army representing the royal family.

"If your country can join hands with our country, I believe that the whole of Asia is our pasture." The Japanese Prime Minister said happily.

"Let's wait and see." Ye Ze smiled slightly.

How could Japan's development of Southeast Asia be without the Celestials?

In the past, Japan planned to use the indigenous people to check and balance the Chinese in Southeast Asia. Now the situation is different. It is natural to unite the Chinese to deal with the indigenous people. Otherwise, the Celestial Dynasty and Japan may have to fight.

There are not many Chinese in Southeast Asia. Ye Ze came here this time to talk with the Japanese government about the issue of manpower output from the Chinese mainland. The Chinese, the government of the Republic of China, and the Japanese worked together to complete this vast immigration work.

Ye Ze left after ten minutes.

The Japanese Prime Minister and others did not leave.

"Just let the Chinese people emigrate to Southeast Asia?! That's the land we conquered." Some army officials expressed dissatisfaction.

"Things have to be seen in the long run. When the population of the Celestial Dynasty comes, we can be tied together, and it is impossible for the United States to defeat us." The Japanese Prime Minister has deep eyes.

Most of the people nodded their heads. Japan has not enough troops to occupy the Celestial Empire, let alone the vast Asia. The development of Southeast Asia depends on Japan itself.

Ten days ago, there were Chinese cities in Southeast Asia such as Yue South, Malay, Temasek, and Indonesia.

Ye Ze’s Shadow Clone brought a bald-headed commission and called for a secret meeting with local Chinese representatives.

Many people don't understand, Ye Ze analyzed it patiently.

If the land of Southeast Asia does not take the opportunity to immigrate to the Master, the local indigenous people with inflated nationalism will surely establish a country dominated by indigenous people in the future.

What will the Chinese face at the time? Second-class people may even be worse.

Therefore, it is better to immigrate more from the mainland and completely turn Southeast Asia into a Chinese country.

These countries will form the Chinese Federation with the Heavenly Dynasty in the future, or become a part of the Heavenly Dynasty, it all depends on the wishes of these Chinese people.

Seeing the excitement of these Chinese, Ye Ze nodded. They were all shocked by Ye Ze's pie.

But Ye Ze is not fooling them, he is really ready to let the Chinese occupy Southeast Asia, so this time cooperation with the Japanese is very important.

Northeast of the Celestial Dynasty.

Natasha invited the uncle wolf who came to eat a sweet and sour delicacy called pot-packed meat and went to 0...

Ye Ze received the news of his Shadow Clone in Tokyo and looked at the outdoor sky with a satisfied smile.

"The most important immigration in the history of the celestial dynasty has begun." His smile was extremely bright at this moment.

This important event is also destined to be remembered in history.

Only one day later.

Qingdao Port.

Poor people from Shandong took their family and boarded the boat for bald collection.

The ship will go all the way south and finally arrive at the southern Yuue area occupied by Japan.

The coastal ports of the Celestial Dynasty became busy for the first time after Japan invaded the Celestial Dynasty.

A ship, carrying the toiling people of the heavenly dynasty, to the vast Southeast Asia, they will have a new life.

This time the immigrants of the Celestial dynasty, the official is very low-key, the people are very lively, all kinds of organizations know about it.

Originally, they were going to watch the bald head jokes, but they didn't expect the bald heads to be arranged in an orderly manner, and there was no corruption.

Of course not.

Ye Ze’s Shadow Clone was in charge of the whole process, from materials to transportation, and all those who intervened were unlucky.

For example, the Kong family.

The third day after the start of immigration.

Celestial Chongqing.

The bald head looked at the brother-in-law who came to the door and took a deep breath.

"Take out the money you greeted before, just because immigration needs funds." Bald said coldly.

"This, how is this possible!" The middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears, who is known as the descendant of Confucius, couldn't believe it.

"I'm doing this for your own good, who asked you to stretch out your hands recklessly, now you are paying for your life." The bald head said angrily.

"Who the hell?!" Kong was still a little unconvinced.

Ten minutes later, calm down.

The bald head looked helplessly at the blue sky outside the window.

He is all these idiots, no wonder the country will perish.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth bitterly, got up and made a call.

Money is needed everywhere now. He happened to be fighting corruption and killing a batch of fat pigs. With that Lord Ye Ze, no one can change his status.

On the same day, Ye Ze knew about the decision to bald his head.

He nodded in satisfaction, anti-corruption is a good thing, otherwise the country will not be saved.

He looked in the direction of northern Shaanxi, wondering what choice people there would make now. .

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