The Strongest Guild Of The World

Chapter 341 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

79: Infrastructure Crazy (Sorry to update it late)

The same day that the People's Republic of China was issued.

The official residence of the Presidential Palace in Nanjing.

The bald received Ye Ze warmly, even though it was Shadow Clone.

Mrs. Song met this Mr. Ye for the first time and showed that she was very decent, elegant and generous but not flattering.

Ye Ze nodded secretly. The Song family's tutor was still good. Although she had been wild for a while when she was young, she became more wise and stable after middle age.

"The Soviet Union gave us a loan from the dé country. I suggest using this fund for education. Only after completing the basic education can the industrial development of the celestial dynasty take off." Ye Ze opened the door and cited the example of the development of Japan and the dé country, industrial development education. Go ahead -.

"I am very impressed by the rise of great powers written by a writer these days. Our celestial dynasty is indeed too backward in education." The bald head said with emotion, "but are these funds enough?" He hesitated.

During his reign, insufficient education funding was the norm, and many teachers were unable to pay salaries. Now, looking at Ye Ze's meaning to open compulsory education on a national scale, the cost is astronomical.

"We can issue educational bonds to the private sector, and the bonds can also be sold overseas, which should solve the education funding problem." Ye Ze said lightly.

This is the method he came up with, but in the future, he may have bought most of the education bonds around the corners, and the gold treasure he got back cannot be exposed yet.

The bald head was very happy, and the two discussed the development of industry again. This aspect is temporarily in a hurry. After there are millions of elementary school students, it will not be a problem.

"Infrastructure? You need a lot of money, right!" Bald head really has a headache. He was anti-corruption and got a lot of money a while ago, but it was all spent on immigration and land redemption. Now the funds are not enough.

After Xiao Jiang came back, he personally presided over the anti-corruption work and continuously supplemented funds for the construction of the Republic of China, but these officials became shrewd and became honest one by one.

"Issuing bonds is also called infrastructure bonds." Ye Ze shrugged and said, he has no good way to do this. There is not much capital outflow in the war between Europe and America. These bonds are still Ye Ze Kabuto's bottom for the time being.

With the kindness of the bald couple, Ye Ze stayed for dinner.

A few dishes are very simple, this is not a shaved head, but his life is inherently simple.

I talked with Xiao Jiang in Nanjing and bought a few saltwater ducks. Ye Ze's Shadow Clone became another person, and the duck flew to the third province of East China.

In the office.

Ye Ze opened his eyes, looked at the duck in front of him and smiled, saying that his clone has the same character as him.

Picking up the pen, Ye Ze drew up a plan for education bonds and infrastructure bonds.

a week later.

There are not many people who buy the two types of bonds. Many people buy some out of patriotism, and ordinary people have no money to buy them.

Ye Ze sneaked in, and the branch in Nanjing had extra money on the books. Strict monitoring and execution opened the way for compulsory education in the celestial dynasty.

The cement and white ash factories in the Northeast broke through a month ago, and a steady stream of building materials was produced.

Five engineering and construction companies were established all over the country at the same time. After the bank funds were in place, huge construction began.

Infrastructure construction is mainly to build roads.

Part of the railway, this will be officially launched with the completion of the transformation of the steel plants in the three eastern provinces.

The highway plan connects counties and cities across the country, builds a primary transportation network, thoroughly opens up the national economic context, and further activates the local economy.

With millions of bald heads, it is impossible for everyone to go home to farm. Many people came in handy at this time, and they began to be absorbed by engineering and construction companies.

As more and more constructions are carried out, the veterans are also rapidly changing their way of life and thinking. They are now construction workers in the celestial dynasty.

At noon one day, the sun was hot.

Ye Ze's Shadow Clone watched the busyness of the big kitchen. He appeared here to monitor the diet of the workers. Whether the food was hygienic or not was one aspect, and he was mainly worried about being embezzled.

In the past few days, he has caught a lot of typical cases, but he can only say that corruption is a common phenomenon in this era, and if you don't pay attention, you will be rich in your own pockets, which is almost impossible to prevent.

A thousand kilometers away.

At the road construction site, Ye Ze's Shadow Clone is framing a worker's bones. This kind of work-related accident is very frequent, and if it is not treated in time, there will be serious problems.

Thanks to the efforts of each Shadow Clone, the foundation construction of the Celestial Dynasty has been developed efficiently and vigorously, setting off an exciting picture on the land of China.

There is a saying that workers are the most beautiful.

Ye Ze has a deep understanding.

He is also trying his best to take care of everyone.

0……Look for flowers……

After the road construction started on a large scale, the railway construction began.

The railway mileage in China is not much now, and it is far less developed than Ye Ze's impression, let alone bullets.

The steel mills in the three eastern provinces are responsible for the materials needed for the railway construction. Ye Ze would rather be slower than importing rail locomotives. The construction of the railway can match the speed of economic development.

In addition to the highway and railway, it is the reconstruction of the old dilapidated buildings in the city and the construction of the underground drainage system.

Nanjing, the capital of the Republic of China, has entered the transformation process first.

The foundation of Nanjing City in the Daming era is very good, and it can be improved on its basis. As for the city wall, there is no need to demolish it at all. The bald head has already divided the population of Nanjing City in the future according to Ye Ze's suggestion.

A super city with a population of tens of millions will hardly appear in the Celestial Dynasty in the future. Ye Ze knows too much about the drawbacks of such a model, which is not good for the economy and people's livelihood.

What kind of house should the Chinese people live in in the future?

The Tongzilou is also a two-bedroom, one-bedroom apartment building that Ye Ze is familiar with.

Ye Ze thought about it for a day, gave different answers, and drew it himself with a pen.

It is a soft and generous Japanese-style single-family house with two or three floors, which is very in line with the oriental aesthetics.

Ye Ze has long been fed up with the same ugly concrete high-rise buildings.

It's not that the people of the Celestial Dynasty couldn't live better, but the bureaucrats at that time didn't think it was just that, officials could live in large courtyards and small villas, and how could ordinary people live in such luxury.

Outside Nanjing, a pilot satellite city has begun construction.

Ye Ze's two- and three-storey detached houses are not only for the officials, but also for ordinary people. They don't need to buy the full amount, and the rent can be paid.

at the same time.

The renovation of Peiping City also began.

Compared with Nanjing, it is more dirty here.

The Manchu Qing Dynasty was chaotic, and the later warlord melee period was even more chaotic.

Ye Ze's Shadow Clone looked at the city walls, which were torn down long ago in his time.

"Let's stay, what a good tourist city." Ye Ze smiled lightly, he positioned the city, it's better to keep yourselves in a city that lacks water.

Tianjin will be the leader of the northern economy in the future, and Zhili will also be the leader of Tianjin.

The three northeastern provinces are industrial bases. wide,

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