The Strongest Guild Of The World

277: Tianxing Branch (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

From the Antarctic star field to the Tianxing city in the North star field, the Yuanbao flew for three days. The distance between the two star fields is almost 100,000 light-years.

It is conceivable how wide the sphere of influence of the alliance is.

It's different from what Ye Ze imagined. He thought that Tianxing City should look like an international metropolis. After all, this is one of the most affluent cities in the North Star Region.

But the buildings here are similar to an ancient city, with red tile pavilions and bluestone floors.

If it wasn't for sitting in the starship by myself, I would really think it was-traveling to China.

Miss Lucky's starship didn't land directly near the market, firstly because she was afraid of causing unnecessary riots, and secondly because the system of Skystar City is relatively

Strictly speaking, although it is said that Miss Lucky is a status god.

But here even Tianwei God dare not act recklessly.


Like thunder, the starship landed in the Alliance Academy.

All the academies of the Alliance in the void world are called Alliance Academy, not the Hero Academy in the Alliance world.

Because heroes are not believed in here, the alliance only believes in interests and power.

This is also the basic law of the void world.

If you want to survive, you must turn yourself into a fierce person like a hungry wolf. Kindness is the cheapest and most incompetent thing in the void world.

Of course, it is not so absolute. There are good people in the empty world, but sometimes the basic morality is driven by interests, and good people will turn bad.

"It's here!" After getting off the starship, the equipment in the rest cabin was automatically released.

Master Tongtian's practice was suddenly interrupted, and his expression didn't change at all. For people who have reached his level, except for dealing with Yuanshi Tianzun, he is as calm as Lao Tzu in most other matters.

Carl Sass is a little bit unfinished, other people are practicing, only he is thinking about how to create new laws.

He found that there are many elements in the power of chaos, just like the result of the fusion of multiple laws.

Throughout Han Xin's process, he has been researching the elements that separate the power of chaos, but because he was afraid of disturbing other people, he didn't make any big moves.

The other few people didn't have any bad expressions.

Ye Ze didn't practice at all, so he didn't have to be disturbed by the sudden interruption of the rest cabin.

In fact, the sudden interruption of the rest cabin is Miss Lucky's temptation to Ye Ze and the others.

There are many geniuses in this world, but a genius who died young is no different from a mediocrity.

She did this today to test whether there are any of Ye Ze's people who are proud of their talents.

If there is, she will definitely help to train him.

Save yourself trouble when the time comes.

"Here is Skystar City? It's so prosperous!" Ezreal, who was belatedly aware of it, didn't care about being disturbed at all. For him, there are only two things in his life that would make him angry. Take the wine in his hand, and the other is to shut him up and not let him go out.

He is born to love adventure and good wine, as for other things, he can't think of other things.

Seeing that this group of people didn't have any sullen expressions, Miss Lucky nodded in satisfaction.

When he turned around, a group of college staff had come to greet him in person.

As early as two days ago, they received a summons from the God King, saying that Miss Lucky would bring a few young Tianjiao to join their Alliance Academy.

For those who were personally ordered by the God King, how could the academy dare to neglect, not to mention Miss Lucky herself is the famous teacher of this academy.

Later, she was also a destined god, so the first time she came back, the dean personally brought people over to greet her.

"Dean!" Seeing that the dean came over in person, Sister Haoyun was also a little surprised, and it was obvious that the god king personally gave the order.

Otherwise, the dean would never be alarmed. After all, this is a celestial god. How can I spend time with them in this inkblot during normal time.

"Don't be too polite, you did a good job this time, reward!" Seeing these geniuses standing behind Lucky Sister, especially Ye Ze and Master Tongtian, the dean also said to the two god kings before. The perfect evaluation is convincing.

And it's not just these two people, several other people can also see that their talents are superb.

In this way, in the future exchanges between the colleges, it is indispensable for them to get more honors from the Tianxing branch.

In addition to teaching and educating people, colleges also have competition among themselves.

The better the reputation of the college, the more resources it can get, and the Tianxing College, as the only college where the rare and rich Tianxing City is located, ranks directly in the top of all the colleges in the North Star Region.

...asking for flowers...

In fact, he was able to enter the top three in the early years, but the potential of the students recruited by the college is limited now. If it is not for the abrupt support of the college's resources, he might not even be able to get in the top ten.

But now with Ye Ze and Tongtian Jiaozhu, you can't say for sure what will happen in the future.

"You are the new students recruited by the bounty!" The dean was impartial, not showing much enthusiasm, and not even half a bit mean.

But what he did was actually a kind of love.

It is also the golden mean that a superior person should have.

Everyone can see that he will personally welcome a group of freshmen, which shows how important these people are to his heart, so even if he doesn't show much enthusiasm, it won't change the fact that he will get close to Ye Ze.

"Yes, Dean!" Ye Ze continued, while carefully looking at the dean of the Tianxing branch.

Strong! Extremely strong!

This was the first reaction in Ye Ze's heart. Even though the middle-aged man in front of him looked like a kind uncle next door, the detached aura on him showed that he was different.

From the avenue to simplicity, back to the basics, it is talking about the current state of this person.

Ye Ze could feel that if he tried to fight the dean, he might be killed before he even thought about it.

Of course, except for the Immortal Guild helping him.

While Ye Ze was watching, Master Tongtian was also observing the dean, but after comparing them, he discovered a more terrifying fact.

That is, although the dean is very strong and can easily kill him, but after comparing with the teacher Hongjun buried deep in his memory, he found that his teacher was actually much more terrifying than him.

In this way, Hongjun's strength should be above the heavenly gods, even above the god kings and god kings.

Or even the Supreme Shendu can't compare.

But Tongtian didn't say this sentence, and his shock was deeply hidden.

His face was still calm.

Jie is quite frightened, since he entered the void world, he couldn't help but start to worry. .

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