The Strongest Guild Of The World

332: Buy Combat Uniforms (For Automatic Subscription)

And above his head, pieces of black tiles were organized in a strange form, and a blue light flashed slowly from above, and then spread throughout the house.

"Ding, please adjust the gravity by the host."

"Ding, please choose the length of time for the master to practice."

Hearing the system's notification tone, Ye Ze thought for a while, and then he had an idea in his heart.

"If you have time, give me five hours." Ye Ze said to the system.

"As for gravity, give me a double."

Ye Ze intends to use twice the gravity to get used to it, and if it is not enough, it is okay to increase it again.

"Ding, time: five hours, twice the gravity (initial), can be slightly adjusted, and needs to consume 5,000 gold coins, please confirm."


With the sound of jingling bells, Ye Ze could feel that 5,000 gold coins were inexplicably missing from his property, which seemed to have been taken away by the system~.

"With Ye Ze's confirmation, a blue halo instantly spread from the roof, and then spread to the entire room."

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ze could feel that a terrifying pressure was generated out of thin air, instantly permeating the entire space, not even a single corner was spared.

And Ye Ze could also feel that a terrifying gravity instantly pressed on Ye Ze's body, making Ye Ze almost fall to his knees.

Feeling the terrifying gravity, Ye Ze couldn't help showing a little smile on his face.

"Okay, okay." The two consecutive "hao" characters represented the joy in Ye Ze's heart at this moment.

Exercising in this environment will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

But before that, you still have to adapt to this terrifying pressure.

Gritting his teeth, he slowly propped up his body, and then slowly stepped forward, every step was very heavy, every step was a test of Ye Ze's perseverance and sweat, and after every step, he had to carry out In the next step, it is often necessary to buffer.

In this way, Ye Ze paused while walking. After half an hour, Ye Ze was able to walk normally. Although it was still very strenuous, it didn't hinder much.

At this time, since he is already able to walk, Ye Ze plans to start further movements.

Covered by gravity, Ye Ze can exercise his body in an all-round way, without letting go of all parts. In this way of exercise, it will be very even.

There will be no situation where the muscles become deformed due to uneven exercise.

And the way Ye Ze is going to exercise next is the way he exercised when he was on Earth.

That is, the feeling of exercise such as leapfrog, push-ups, and sit-ups.

But he made a training plan for himself, that is, to practice 500 leapfrogs, 500 push-ups, and 500 sit-ups.

Then start practicing with a plan in mind.

But this time the feeling is even more different, Ye Ze started with sitting push-ups first.

In the face of the terrifying gravity, Ye Ze struggled to stand up, but the effect of this kind of exercise is even more the same. As time goes by, Ye Ze can feel the body's soaring strength gradually becoming familiar, and Ye Ze also I feel as if I am beginning to like this feeling of surpassing the limit.

The feeling of gritting his teeth and persevering and sweating all over his body made Ye Ze feel happy in Shendu.

After a few hours.

"Ding, the five-hour gravity room training time you ordered is about to run out, do you want to renew it?" A system prompt sounded in vain.

"Just give me another day." After thinking about it, Ye Ze decided to continue for another day. Five hours is too short.

At this time, Ye Ze was able to fully withstand twice the gravity, but he felt that he hadn't reached the limit yet, and he didn't have complete control over his body strength.

So Ye Ze still plans to practice for a while until he completely digests the medicinal liquid soaked this time. Although Ye Ze absorbed all the medicinal power in the Lingquan in the dean's practice room, his body only absorbed a small amount. A part of it, and a large part of it is hidden deep in his body, waiting to be excavated by him.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Ze continued to exercise.

In this way, time slowly passed with Ye Sheng's training.

On the other side, Jax also walked to the martial arts arena in one part of the academy, and started his day-to-day teaching.

...asking for flowers......

Tongtian and other students were already waiting in the field.

Seeing the dean coming, they all saluted him.

But Tong Tian was a little puzzled at this time, why Ye Ze didn't come with the dean, so after bowing to him, he couldn't help asking Jax: "Dean, why didn't you see Ye Ze come? Isn't he with you?"

Jax smiled when he heard that.

I couldn't help sighing in my heart, how many good companions do you have.

"Don't worry, he's fine, he's just cultivating, and it's a critical moment, by the way, tell a few of his friends about him.

Hearing that Ye Ze was fine, Tong Tian felt slightly relieved, and then he clasped his fist at the dean: "Yes, dean."

Jax nodded slightly, and then his face became serious.

"Okay, everyone has to be serious next."

Everyone nodded.

And Ye Ze's cultivation has also entered a white-hot stage, his whole body is drenched in sweat, he is panting heavily, and his physical strength is gradually waning.

The whole person also became exhausted, and his face was pale.

However, the training plan he made himself has also been fully completed, but next he plans to challenge the limits of his body.

Start running around the entire gravity chamber until you break your limit.

And the space of this gravity chamber is like an area the size of a school playground.

After taking a short break, Ye Ze began to browse the system guild store to see if there were any items of this kind that could assist cultivation.

After directly selecting clothing products, Ye Sheng began to browse.

However, there are few items that Ye Ze likes, some are not because the points required are too many, and some are because the utility is too simple.

In the end, Ye Ze thought over and over again, and chose a training uniform produced in the Jade Dragon Ball world, which is similar to the kind worn by Monkey King.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully purchasing a set of combat uniforms unique to Dragon Ball World."

"Ding, 100,000 points have been deducted eight."

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