The Strongest Guild Of The World

735: Poor Liu Rushi (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Now after simply skinning the wolf and starting to roast the meat, Liu Rushi woke up smelling the smell of the meat.

My stomach was beating, and my whole stomach was aching.

When he opened his eyes and saw the peeling wolf skin in front of him, he fell back in fright, only to see the pile of blood lying beside him.

It wasn't nausea and retching, but there was nothing in the stomach, and the stomach began to turn upside down and upside down.

Ye Sanwen looked at him like that and taunted him.

"Okay, you're not suitable for this place, it's fine, let's go back as soon as possible.

Once you start to smash the talisman in your body, someone will come to you, and you are just suffering here now.

After leaving, go back to the Taoist Academy, and no one will say anything about you. This is the world, and the most important thing is to try to save your life. "

Liu Rushi who was in front of him shook his head impatiently after hearing this.

Ye Sanwen didn't talk to him, but put the blood on the side that was already paralyzed and almost formed a film beside him.

"Drink this blood to preserve your strength, and now that the weather is getting damper, you need to eat something stronger to get rid of the dampness in your body.

This wolf blood is a plaything with inferiority. After eating it, it will have a strong restrictive effect on the dampness in the body. After drinking this water, eat a wolf leg to balance the skills in your body. "

Liu Rushi's body was tortured badly now, holding the bowl of wolf's blood next to him, he couldn't swallow it, the smell of blood irritated his nose, but he didn't dare to take it down.

After taking a sip, he felt nauseated and retched, and stood leaning against the wall for a long time. Ye Sanwen shook his head, and roasted the wolf meat next to him again, tearing off a piece and chewing it in his mouth.

There is no delicious expression on his face, nor any unpalatable meaning, in short, everything is calm and breezy.

Liu Rushi looked at Ye Sanwen in front of him, gritted his teeth, squeezed his throat and drank the bowl of wolf blood. When he first drank it, he felt nauseous and retched, but when the wolf hole fell into his stomach, he began to roll over and over again. Burning, his body is now churning a bowl of wolf blood down, the whole body lying there began to twitch.

He wanted to vomit, the cold blood had already vomited up to his throat, but he kept his mouth shut and swallowed it again. He knew that this was the best way to save his life, so he could only do so. Apart from this, if he wanted to survive here, he followed Ye San ( chdf) asked, it must be like this.

Suddenly thought of the amiable master.

Now it seems to be full of tears, rushing out.

It's because of nausea.

It was because of the tumbling in the stomach.

It's because of the pain.

Passed out again after a while.

Ye Sanwen looked at him, curled his lips and smiled, the smile was extremely bitter.

It seems to recall that he entered the back mountain for the first time and stayed there for half a year.

He didn't eat or drink in the past six months. It was the first time he wanted to drink cold blood, and he had the same expression, even more sad than Liu Rushi.

Because there was no one next to him at that time.

After drinking the wolf's blood, he passed out with stomach pain. If he didn't drain it, he would be eaten by the nearby wild beasts. But Ye Sanwen was lucky to survive. From that moment on, there was no blood in his eyes. Then there are those childlike innocence, which are extremely sharp.

Liu Rushi fainted there, Ye Sanwen went over, cleaned a piece of wolf skin that had just been removed and covered him, Liu Rushi felt an indescribable warmth in his stomach.

After a long time, I slowly opened my eyes, my stomach felt much better, and my spirit recovered a bit.

Looking at the wolf fur covering his body, but there is no strength in his body. Now he is conscious, but there is nothing he can do.

I could only lie there with tears streaming down my eyes.

As for Ye San and I, looking at his pitiful appearance, my heart was inexplicably touched.

"Want something to eat?"

Liu Rushi didn't speak.

Ye Sanwen went over and tore off a wolf's leg and put it near his mouth. Liu Rushi bit it lightly, chewed it, swallowed it enduring the pain, then turned his head to the side, and Ye Sanjian shook his head. Twist him around.

"This is the end of life, don't think that living in that so-called academy can really make you grow.


There are not many people who can become the favored children of heaven after many years, but once you leave that academy, what you will face is that if you don't eat, you will only starve to death.

Ye Sanwen said this not only to Liu Rushi, but also to himself who was so weak and incomplete before.

Now he has become strong enough to be able to live in a mountain forest for 10 years without any problem, but his heart is getting more and more remote and lonely.

It wasn't until the appearance of Ye Ze that his life and death situation had a place to settle, he seemed to have a little more agility in his heart.

There was so much anger in his eyes.

So he wants to preserve his strength and preserve his life.

Meet Ye Ze.

Liu Rushi, rasping his throat, the wolf meat is extremely stiff [when it passes through the throat.

La's throat was very sore, and he was almost speechless, but Ye Sanwen still forced him to finish eating this piece of wolf meat.

It was obvious that the whole wolf leg had been eaten, and Liu Rushi's stomach was already distended in front of him. It seemed that he had eaten almost everything, but the wolf leg was thrown back into the fire and kept roasting over charcoal, smoked it into dry meat, Do the next processing.

After a night of recovery, Liu Rushi's whole mood began to feel better, and his body began to move.

In the middle of the night, the heat in the body got rid of the stagnant moisture and he woke up. At this time, it was raining heavily outside, and now the bloody wolf fur covering his body was so bloody and pungent.

He didn't throw it either, feeling the warmth in his stomach.

He only saw Ye Sanwen next to him leaning against the wall, falling asleep with his sword in his arms.

After the stomach was warmed up, because of eating wolf meat, the so-called stagnant moisture in the body was eliminated, and then the whole body felt refreshed, and serious things gradually returned to normal.

Looking at Ye Sanwen in front of him, thinking about everything he experienced today, Liu Rushi's eyes suddenly became flustered.

Ye Sanwen was not as calm as he usually thought he was. He didn't have any so-called prayers at all. In his own opinion, he treated them completely indifferently.

But now, he found a murderous look in his eyes, and even all kinds of superhuman living skills during the driving process made Liu Rushi in front of him turn pale with shock.

Looking sideways at the person in front of him, who was lying beside him, Ye Sanwen's mood fluctuated slightly.

Is this still the Ye Sanwen I saw before?

Not really. .

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