The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 60: Cicadas Catch Praying Mantises (Part 2)

Chapter 60: Cicadas Catch Praying Mantises (Part 2)

Looking at the combination of more than a dozen English and numbers at the bottom, Zhang Yang is completely speechless. Those who have seen SB have never seen such SB. Needless to say, the hidden encrypted folder password of the E drive is also in these numbers. Zhang Yang didn't even need to crack it. Quickly opening Pan Wenlong's encrypted folder, Zhang Yang entered these password combinations one by one.

When he entered the fourth one, Zhang Yang successfully opened the hidden folder. When he saw the contents of the folder, Zhang Yang's face became very strange. He didn't expect that, compared with Mr. Pan, Guanxi Brother Guanxi is also a floating cloud. Although Brother Guanxi likes to take selfies, he only takes pictures, and Mr. Pan here is all videos.

Quickly packaged and copied all the files inside to his computer, Zhang Yang quickly opened it and scanned it. After reading it, Zhang Yang was completely speechless. There are awesome people everywhere, and the pictures taken are not limited to selfies. , there are at least a few videos that can't be taken by selfies, and a few of them are actually 3P. I didn't expect Pan Wenlong to have the potential to be an AV superstar.

Zhang Yang picked a relatively clear 3P video and compressed it, and then began to blackmail the forum where Pan Wenlong had previously posted. This time, Zhang Yang didn't delete Pan Wenlong's post, and didn't even change the name. He just changed the video in it, and the protagonist became Pan Wenlong himself.

After more than half an hour, Zhang Yang successfully replaced all the posts in more than a dozen forums. Zhang Yang did not change the title of the post. Anyway, the title did not mention Li Keqing's name. After doing all this, Zhang Yang stared at Pan Wenlong's computer. He posted a post on a forum, and Zhang Yang followed behind to invade this forum, and then replaced the video in the post.

Pan Wenlong didn't even look at his video after posting, but just confirmed that no one had deleted his post, and closed the forum directly. After posting seven or eight forums, Pan Wenlong reopened the forum of S University. This time, there was no problem with Pan Wenlong's registration, so he quickly reposted the post.

The S server is undefended for Zhang Yang, even if all the viruses inside are found, it doesn’t matter, he has a super administrator account of the S server, he logs in "normally", and logs in quickly After logging out of his own account and using his authority to change Pan Wenlong's post, Zhang Yang saw that Pan Wenlong didn't continue to post.

"That's not right? Why is there no movement? If it was the master who made the move, why did you delete our school's post? Could it be that beauty's fan did it? Just a coincidence?" The kings who were waiting to see the excitement waited for an hour There is no movement at all, not only did the post show no signs of being deleted, but there were more than a dozen forums with its content.

"Yes, yes, why is there no movement? Could it be that the Great God just passed by and deleted it?" Poison Palace Rose also asked curiously.

"Damn!" After a while, suddenly Zero's voice yelled out in the channel.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" King and the others, who had been waiting so painfully, immediately asked quickly.

"MLGBD, the master is the master. We were all deceived. Look at the posts on these dozens of websites. Although the names and narration have not changed, the content of the video has long been changed." Zero gloated. Said.

King and the others froze for a moment, then frantically clicked on a website, and then played the video in the post. When the video started, King and the others were completely stunned.

After watching the video, Zero's voice came out proudly again: "Haha, okay, this person took the picture clearly enough, but who is this person in here? Could it be the person who posted the post?"

Zero's words made king and others look at each other in blank dismay. This is almost 100% certain. Naturally, the master's actions cannot be targeted indiscriminately. If you just find a small AV movie to post, it is better to delete the post directly. Since the master did not delete it, it proves that the content of this video is worth digging.

Seeing that Pan Wenlong didn't move, Zhang Yang started to move. I quickly checked the server of S University, and confirmed that the administrator in the school just restored the data and did not make any major changes, at least the virus that Zhang Yang placed in it was still there.

After uploading his firewall to the school server, Zhang Yang clicked on the post from Pan Wenlong. Obviously, there are quite a few people who follow this post. There are only a few hundred people online in the forum of S University, and this new post received more than one hundred replies in just a few minutes.

Zhang Yang took a look at it. At the beginning, everyone was cursing Pan Wenlong there. There were replies all over the place saying that the landlord is SB. After more than 20 floors, the reply changed. I guess this guy just saw this. post, so after watching the video, and then replying to this post, Zhang Yang almost died laughing.

"A weak question... What are you scolding? The poster is a headline party? And why did the school's forum start posting pornographic movies?"

"What do you mean upstairs?"

"You click on the video to watch it yourself, what is it if it's not a pornographic movie?"

"Wow, it's really...Wow, haha, the original poster is SB, there must be a master to make a move, and change the video, right?"


"Isn't this male protagonist Pan Wenlong who is in the same class as Li Keqing? Is this SB posting this? I'm also a freshman, and I'm part of their class. I'm not far from them during military training. I heard that Pan Wenlong always I want to chase Li Keqing, but Li Keqing doesn't like him at all."

"...This post should be Pan Wenlong's revenge. I already knew about Li Keqing's part-time job. At noon today, Pan Wenlong said that he wanted to keep Li Keqing, but Li Keqing slapped him. Later, Li Keqing's classmate, suspected male One of my friend's boys got hit."

Zhang Yang, who had nothing to do for the time being, gloated and looked at the posts in the school forum. Pan Wenlong was a complete tragedy, and now the entire forum was full of posts criticizing Pan Wenlong. After a few refreshes, a new post suddenly popped up.

"There are pictures and the truth! The perfect truth about the school beauty incident!" Seeing the title, Zhang Yang clicked it curiously, and there was also a video inside.

"... My girlfriend came to see me on National Day, and I happened to bring a DV, and I was lucky enough to watch the whole story of this incident." This is what the guy who posted the post left at the bottom of the video. Zhang Yang clicked on the video and watched it. The video wasn't long, but it happened to capture Pan Wenlong's appearance before and after, and this guy was so close that he even had their conversation.


Kneel for votes! ! !

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