The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 751: All Enemies Are Paper Tigers (11)

Zhang Yang is not just talking about some things. In the past two years, ANUBIS, who has already suffered huge losses, will not come to trouble Starry Sky Group, and others will not come to trouble Starry Sky Group. As for GSCSD It's publicity, so Xingkong has almost nothing to do. In the past two years, Xingkong has used almost all of its resources to analyze the location of the real base of ANUBIS. ;

And now, Zhang Yang is almost certain that the real base of ANUBIS is in India! Although there is no way to get the exact location right now, Zhang Yang can guarantee that if he is given another year, there will be some clues about this base. The reason why it is impossible to find out now is because the Starry Sky Group can control not many high-level Indians. No Chapter 751 All enemies are paper tigers (11) Otherwise, with the help of these people, Xingkong would have found his target long ago.

It's too simple. Such a huge base requires a huge number of logistical supplies. No matter what method the Freemasonry uses to hide it, as long as these numbers are analyzed in combination with the power of a country's intelligence department, it will definitely be a huge number. It is possible to find any clues, which is why David looked a little dignified when he left, because Zhang Yang had given him enough hints before!

Walking out of the headquarters of the Starry Sky Group and entering the car, David's face was extremely ugly. Although he thought that this trip to [China] might not go well, he didn't expect that things would still develop to a place he couldn't imagine. Thinking about the analysis report given by the Freemasonry, David felt a little headache. To be honest, the intelligence analysis department within the Freemasonry has given enough information. Judging from the development of the current situation, as far as the current With the strength demonstrated by China, in the next thirty years, China may really catch up with the United States and become one of the superpowers on par with the United States!

This is still under the condition that the U.S. policy does not make too many mistakes. Perhaps many people will say, Chapter 751 All enemies are paper tigers. (11) A camel is bigger than a horse. It can be confirmed that the United States will not be greatly affected. Even if it is lonely, such a country will fall behind very slowly.

But in fact, in modern society, due to the development of science and technology, the progress of science and technology is getting faster and faster, which leads to an increasingly close relationship between the economic system and social stability, especially the overall international situation, which can easily cause a country to collapse all at once. situation.

Was the Soviet Union strong enough back then? But the collapse of the Soviet Union was only a few decades old. Although the United States is behind the scenes to promote it, it has a lot to do with the wrong policies of the Soviet Union, which shows the importance of a country's policies.

So the Freemasonry has given David enough rights, as long as the Freemasonry can survive, some things that should be discarded can be discarded! At least it is impossible for the United States to be of one mind with the Freemasons. The rise of the Rockefeller and Morgan consortia is the most important step taken by the US government to divide the Freemasons. This is also the reason why the Freemasons' power in the United States is extremely weak.

But around so,

David still didn't expect Zhang Yang to be so extreme, and in the report before coming here, the future development of the Star Group was even more frightening than that of [China], there is no way, the monopoly industry is too popular in this world, Not to mention the monopoly in favor of energy!

David has a headache, but what David doesn't know is that there is a person who has the same headache as him at this moment, that is, the president of the United States, Obama. At this moment, Obama is not at all easier than David. The reason is very simple. The relationship between them directly affects the interests of the United States! After India's defection, the United States discovered that things had developed beyond its imagination, which made the U.S. government's response a lot slower. If the United States is now losing its largest ally in Asia and its biggest dogleg, the United States will almost Ten years of hard work really paid off.

However, whether it has a direct conflict with [China] on the side of [Japan] because of the Diaoyu Islands, the Joint Chiefs of Staff is directly divided into two factions, and the strength of both sides is similar! This makes Obama undecided. And with the development of the situation, he had to make a decision as soon as possible, and time did not allow him to hesitate.

"Mr. President." Gates, who was sitting on the sofa, saw Obama's hesitation. This is Gates' last Secretary of Defense. He has assisted six presidents. It can be said that Gates' influence in the American military circle Power is beyond doubt!

"Minister Gates, what do you think?" Obama raised his head and glanced at Gates in doubt.

"My opinion is that it is better not to have a direct conflict with [China], which is not in the interests of the United States!" Gates hesitated for a while, and finally said here what he didn't say at the Joint Chiefs of Staff come out.

"Why?" Obama knocked on the table.

"I think Mr. President, you should read this document." After speaking, Gates quickly took out a document from his bag and handed it to Obama. When this document landed on the table, Obama immediately frowned suspiciously. This document was not top secret, but an ordinary encrypted document, and it was read decades ago. thing.

However, he still opened the document, and when he saw the contents clearly, Obama's pupils shrank slightly. This is a matter of the last century, and the information in it is about the situation when Sino-Soviet relations were tense in the last century. During the period from the 1960s to the 1970s, Sino-Soviet relations were once tense, and the two sides even assembled a large number of troops on the border! The flames of war are on the verge of breaking out!

In order to fundamentally eliminate the biggest military threat of [China], the Soviet Union has even prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons against [China]! At that time, the Soviet Union was preparing to use long-range and medium-range ballistic missiles carrying nuclear warheads of several million tons equivalent to China's BJ, Changchun, Jiuquan, Xichang and other missile launch bases, as well as a series of important military industrial bases and politically important strategic targets. "Surgery"-like precise nuclear strike!

This is not a fairy tale, nor is it a fabricated novel. The slogan of "digging deep holes, accumulating food widely, and not becoming a hegemony" was shouted at that time. At that time, I did not know how many enterprises were transferred from civilian use to military use, and the employees of military factories worked overtime and worked hard. At that time, some workers even shouted It is not an exaggeration to come up with the slogan "live to work, die from exhaustion"!

In order to prevent all these military enterprises and heavy industry bases from being completely destroyed by the enemy during the war, I did not know how many factories were transferred from the coastal northeast and other convenient transportation areas to the northwest, including Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities. The digging of underground facilities, the air-raid shelters we can see now are all from the hands of that time!

Seeing that two countries that have nuclear weapons and are really planning to start a war with nuclear weapons, a weapon that can directly destroy human beings, are about to fight, at this most fatal time, a funny scene appeared. The protagonist of this scene is the United States! At that time, the United States considered the interests of the United States in the world, and in order to prevent human beings from being directly destroyed by nuclear weapons, the United States really did everything in its power to contact [China]. Express your sincerity to the [China] country at that time.

At that time, the United States made it clear to the world on October 25, 1969 that the interests of [China] were related to them, and they would never sit back and watch the Soviet Union launch a nuclear attack on [China]. If the Soviet Union launched an attack first, then the United States It will immediately be judged that it is the beginning of the third world war, and they will enter the war first! At that time, US President Nixon directly signed a secret order to prepare for nuclear retaliation against more than 100 cities and bases in the Soviet Union! At that time, Nixon declared that even if the Soviet Union had a medium-range missile carrying a nuclear warhead flying off the launch pad, the US retaliation would begin immediately.

It can be said that the easing of Sino-US relations after entering the 1970s has an inseparable relationship with this period of history! It can be said that within a few months at that time, the three countries of China, the United States and the Soviet Union fully interpreted the proverb "There are no permanent enemies in this world, and there are only permanent interests between countries"!

And what Obama saw was this document! But this document I is not promoting the US policy or diplomatic situation at that time, etc. Everyone knows that this document [truly] describes all the scenes at that time, especially in the country of [China] In order to face the various reactions to the Soviet Union's attack at that time!

It also described that the Soviet Union gave up its attack plan at that time because of the deterrence of the United States, and more because of the counterattack of [China]! Because [China] is a huge country with 9.6 million square kilometers, not to mention the domestic situation of [China] at that time, the leaders of any country will feel scalp numb when they see it!

At that time, an arsenal with only more than 10,000 employees had an annual production target of 500,000 automatic rifles. Perhaps the current data is not high, or even low, but don't forget, that was more than 40 years ago! What kind of machinery was used in the arsenal of [China] at that time? There was no automatic assembly line production at that time!

In that one year, the bullets produced in [China] were enough to support a fifty-year national war! In fact, until entering the 21st century, the 〖中〗* team still used bullets produced in 1969! If the 〖中〗* team hadn't changed the caliber of their guns, these bullets could still be used for more than ten years!

This kind of madness makes any country that wants to be hostile to it feel its scalp tingle. After reading these data, Obama rubbed his forehead with a headache, raised his head to look at Gates with a wry smile, and said, "Okay, Secretary Gates, I understand, but I think we won't talk to [China] either. Come to an all-out war."

Gates looked serious, and after hearing Obama's words, Gates gave a wry smile: "Mr. President, being hostile to China, which is almost certain to be the next superpower that does not belong to the United States, is not against small countries like Iraq and Syria. In a war between countries, our aircraft carrier will be fine. We can fight those small countries as we like, and everything is within our control. But for countries like [China], we can choose to start the war, but how to end it And how it develops is out of our control.”

"But...don't everyone say that the [Chinese] people are in a state of disunity? And the current [Chinese] Chinese can't be with that?

Gates sighed helplessly: "Mr. President, as a country with a history of 5,000 years of civilization, as a country that has been leading the world in the past thousands of years of history, as a A country that does not take the initiative to attack is a country that is scattered but has never been conquered by any country, except for their own civil war. In the history of more than 5,000 years, the people on that land have never been conquered by outsiders. Do you think even if the situation changes now, if the war happens, the situation will be under our control?"

Obama choked. He didn't know much about the history of [China], but he also knew that what Gates said was true, because in the thousands of years of [China] history, there were only a few dynasties that were not ruled by Han Chinese. It is an undeniable fact that even the most aggressive Yuan Dynasty at that time and the now independent Mongolia were separated by the shameless Soviet Union in modern times. Otherwise, it is also the territory of [China].

"But do we just let [China] rise like this? This is not in the interests of the United States!" Obama was a little annoyed.

"I know, but this will not make us fall behind. If we have a conflict with [China], Mr. President, how do you want to fight? Local war? So where is the scale of the war controlled? Do you want to bomb their cities? Don't forget, 〖China〗 China's submarines are not vegetarian. Even if we maintain the scale of the war as a conventional war, if we want to bomb the opponent's city, our city will be counterattacked by the opponent's submarine. If we don't attack **? Are the two sides at sea? Fight? Well, the four aircraft carrier battle groups of the country [China], which is supported by a large and nearby naval base, can fight at least seven of our aircraft carrier battle groups. Under such circumstances, how can we guarantee our logistics? The important thing is that [Chinese] people can bear losses and sacrifices, but Mr. President, have you prepared for the losses?" Gates' series of rhetorical questions left Obama speechless.

Bomb the cities of [China]? This Obama has never thought about it, because it is impossible for [China] to log in to the mainland of the United States, and the United States cannot log in to the mainland of [China], even if the United States can really log in, well, want to occupy? Thinking about the only two wars that the United States lost in the last century, it is impossible for Obama to kill this idea.

As for the latter matter, Gates is right. [China] and the United States have different national conditions. [Chinese]* people can not be afraid of death, and can even honor death, but the United States can’t, even if thousands of people die. This president is about to step down, especially for [Japan], not for the interests of the United States itself, to be hostile to a powerful country. This is not allowed by the people of this country.

Thinking of this, Obama sighed. He also knew that there was no second choice from the beginning. "Then Secretary Gates, what do you think we should do?"

"Do the opposite." Gates thought for a while, and directly gave an 〖answer〗 answer.

"Huh?" Obama froze for a moment.

"I mean, support [China] to take back the Diaoyu Islands, anyway, there is no [Japan] in the first place." Gates gave a surprising [answer]. "Since we can't interfere, and we can't stop [China] even through the United Nations, don't even think about economic sanctions. We need the [China] market to restore our economy, and we need the starry sky of [China] even more. The controllable nuclear fusion power plant technology and battery technology in the hands of the group, under such circumstances, and we have almost no effective measures to stop the [China] country, why don't we get some benefits from the [China] country? What?" Gates asked bluntly. ! ! ! \u003c/p\u003e;




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