Hearing that Kiyosuke was going to confess, Red suddenly became interested, a girl of this age, it's impossible not to be interested in love, didn't I expect Kiyosuke to have a girl he likes so soon? Wait, isn't it

normal for this guy to have a girl he likes? What he did in the middle ninja exam was shocking everyone's eyes.

"Yes, but who do you want to confess?" Red wants to know whose girl can make Kiyosuke confess.

"You'll find out when you go.

Qing said without changing his face.

"Okay. Putting down the tools of flower arrangement, Red changed his shoes and went with him to the edge of a pond.

A long, straight black girl sat on the edge of the pond with her back slender, Seisuke and Red hid in the grass, and Red asked, "Is that him?"

"That's right." "

Kiyosuke's body arrived, holding a bouquet of flowers, and the Asma people around him were stupid, didn't they say let me confess? Why did he become this guy? Does he want to confess to Hong?"

He whispered in Asma's ear and laughed, "Wait a minute." "

It didn't take long for Rin, Kakashi, and Kai to arrive, and even Azuki was found by Kiyosuke.

Kakashi glared at the dead fish eyes and said, "What's the matter with me? I've finally taken a vacation, and Rin is usually busy." "

Rin's injuries have healed, because Naruto is still young, she is not very good at taking care of her, so she is still working in Konoha Hospital, and she usually has a lot of work.

"Kiyosuke, do you want to have a youthful duel with me?" Kai didn't know what was going on, and his blood became hot.

"Yes, senior brother, I'm also very busy, and there are still a lot of experiments that I need to prepare for at Mr. Orochimaru. Red Bean said dissatisfiedly.

"I want to confess, you help me. Hearing

this, everyone looked at him as if they had seen a ghost.

"You?" this is Kakashi.

"Do you have a favorite girl?, come on, Seisuke!" this is Rin.

"Oh-oh! Is this youth? I'm burning!"

"Senior brother, you won't fail to confess, right?"

"Hey, what's the matter with your skeptical eyes? I'm just confessing! Let's go, be a spectator for me. Kiyosuke said with a rose.

"Okay. "

Let's go!"

"I'll support you." "

Kiyosuke, come on!" Everyone

followed behind Kiyosuke, came to the edge of the pond, the black long straight girl turned her head, revealing a beautiful face, seeing Kiyosuke's arrival, she stood up expressionlessly, and said, "Kiyosuke, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Of course it's a confession, Miss Yoko, I've liked you for a long time, please be my girlfriend! Please!"

Holding the flowers, his tone was sincere, and the few people behind him secretly cheered for Kiyosuke.

"I'm sorry, Kiyosuke, you're a nice guy. The girl shook her head slightly, her expression unchanged.

Damn, although it's fake, why does it sound so uncomfortable?!Everyone

showed regret, and Kiyosuke sighed and said, "In that case, I won't force you, Miss Yoko." "

Well, I'm sorry for you.

"That's nothing, after all

, it's not me who confessed today!" "It's not you?Who is that

?Asma's eyes are bright, I didn't expect such a reversal?

Seisuke said and stuffed the rose into Asma's hand, kicked the bewildered Asma's leg, made him kneel on one knee in front of Red, and said, "It's this guy who confessed!"


"Miss Yoko" disappeared all of a sudden.,It's Kiyosuke's shadow clone.。

Red was still in shock, reversing too quickly, catching her off guard.

"You stupid, don't you confess!?" Seisuke slapped Asma on the back with hatred of iron, which made him grin in pain, and hurriedly reacted, his tone was sincere, and his expression was serious

, "Red, promise me! I've always liked you!" "Ah, I'm ......"

Red opened his mouth, and he didn't know what to do for a while, and his teammates who got along day and night liked him or something.



: "......" Red: "

......" A few others

: "......" Sunset was really red on Asma's shoulder, and his tone was deep, "Asma, you need to know, confessing this kind of thing, you can't be so hasty! Also, my family is still young, and now is not the time to fall in love!" Asma

: ......What

should I do if I meet my father-in-law when I confess, and I am very anxious to wait online!

He looked at Kiyosuke as if asking for help, but found that

Kiyosuke was looking at his nose and nose, and he looked like he had nothing to do with himself! Kiyosuke, what are you doing, Kiyosuke

! Why are you just watching, we are obviously close friends! Have you betrayed?

Because I got up in a hurry, my body was already pineapple and pineapple! I'm sorry, Asma

! OMO,

you bastard!

Asma was dragged away by Sunset Red into the woods, and then, screaming.

Everyone: ㄟ (▔,▔) ㄏ

Hong laughed, picked up the flowers on the ground, and said to Kiyosuke, "You came up with the idea, right?"

"The confession is my idea, but the appearance of Teacher Zhenhong is none of my business. "

I didn't expect Sunset True Red to appear here, it was really beyond his expectations, but it's good, this time it played a better role than he imagined, Red saw his father, he could think of Asma who was beaten, and then he could remember today's confession.

At this time, Asma should shout: Thank you for the assist!

Of course, he doesn't have time to shout now, because he is being beaten.

"Let's go, let's not eat lunch, right? I'll invite you to eat barbecue, the money for the meal is from Asma." "

Oh, let's go.

"It's scattered, there's nothing to see.

"Kiyosuke, you're really good at playing

!" "Hahaha, that's, who am I? I'm Kiyosuke Asakawa!" Kiyosuke laughed and led everyone to the barbecue restaurant.

Asma came over with a blue nose and swollen face, and found that Red was not there, and asked, "Where's Red?"

and "Go home." "

Damn!Kiyosuke, you guy actually gave up on me and ran away

!" "I don't want to be caught and beaten by Mr. Mako, Asma, you know, confession, it's not such a simple thing!" Kiyosuke's face was dark, and he said, "Our goal has been achieved, and after that, you can say goodbye to Hong." "

Farewell?" the crowd looked at Asma, not understanding what it meant.

Asma said, "I'm going to protect the Daimyo, and I probably won't be back for years." "



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