The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 144 Fighting the Earth Shadow!

Whoosh! Whoosh! !

Naito Yu and Hatake Sakumo came to the far side of the battlefield in an instant. It was said to be far away, but in fact it was not far away. You could still see the battlefield of the Konoha Ninja and Iwa Shinobi battle, and Konoha Ninja and Iwa Shinobi. You can also see them. Bayi Middle School√ Wenwang

This is a hilly area, and there is a place that resembles a mushroom cloud. Naito Yu and Hatake Sakumo took a leap and came to the high ground.

Tsukage Onogi watched this scene without hesitation, and flew directly from the sky, his face was cold and condescending.

Strictly speaking, Hatake Sakumo is also a junior in front of Tsukage Onogi, and he is slightly younger, while Naito Yu is even younger.

Now, this is equivalent to Naito Yu and Hatake Sakumo's challenge to Tsuchikage Onoki.

He didn't speak, because he didn't need to speak, and the people present were all wise and wise, and it was enough to judge their intentions just by seeing the other party's actions.

Could Ohnogi back down from the challenge of Naito Yu and Hatake Sakumo?


Because, he is a soil shadow, one of the five shadows that stands above the five kingdoms of ninjas and stands at the top of the ninja world!

With the name of Shadow on his back, it is absolutely impossible for him to retire!

"Earth escape! The technique of rock fist!!"

With a low voice, Onogi was in the air, and suddenly punched Naito Yu and Hatake Sakumo.

The dust escape just now caused him a lot of consumption, and he couldn't use it continuously. He needed a little recovery. Even so, it was impossible for him to be afraid of the juniors Hatake Sakumo and Naito Yu.

Boom! !

The rock fist cast by Tsuchikage Onogi is naturally completely different from the ordinary rock ninja. It is much stronger in nature, and the huge rock arm is much stronger.

Onogi fell with a punch, Hatake Sakumo took two steps slightly to the side, not trying to avoid, but handing this to Naito Yu.

Naito Yu watched the rock fist crash down, his body did not move, he looked at the sky calmly, and then he also punched to meet him.

boom! ! !

Totally disproportionate fist,

They collide with each other, but the effect is quite different.

Under the blast of the air, the terrifying power of shock suddenly charged up, even the rock fist displayed by Onogi could not fight against Naito Yu's shock!

Tsukage Onogi's heart froze, and sure enough, Naito Yu could block his dust escape not by luck. This strange power possessed by Naito Yu seems to have an essence comparable to the elimination of bloodstains.

If it is stronger, maybe it can really defeat his dust escape!

Thinking of this, the murderous intention in Oh Yemu's heart became stronger, and a sharp cold light appeared in his eyes.

"Earth escape! The technique of adding weight!!"

As a soil shadow, Ohyegi's use of light and heavy rocks and heavy rocks has already reached the level of perfection, and there is no need for seals or time.

It is even more convenient to use than Muji Ninjutsu like Spiral Pill.

boom! !

The rock fist, which was nearly shattered, shattered completely under the weight, but each of the shattered rocks became almost as heavy as a thousand pounds, and slammed into Naito Yu.

Naito Yu's eyes were cold, but he didn't mean to retreat at all, but he just recklessly bombarded the power of shock directly above.

Click! !

Those rock blocks that carried heavy properties were still unable to break through the area that seemed to be broken like a mirror. They were blocked from the outside, and then shattered one by one.

At the same time, the force of shock penetrated the rock and slammed towards Ohnogi.


Ohnogi didn't expect Naito Yu's shock power to be so powerful that he could even resist his aggravating rock technique, and he didn't seem to be able to break through from the front without using the dust escape.

Sensing the impact of the shocking force, Oh Yemu's face suddenly became a little ugly, and his body suddenly retreated.

And just as Ohnogi backed away, trying to avoid Naito Yu's shocking force, Hatake Sakumo, who had taken two steps to the side from the beginning, moved.

If you don't move, it's already dead, and if you move, it will kill the sky!

The chakra blade and white teeth flashed a splendid star-like light in an instant, and Hatake Sakumo's body suddenly flickered and appeared directly behind Ohnogi.

And Onogi's body instantly appeared a line, splitting from the middle!

Click! !

Onogi, who was torn apart, suddenly turned into rock and soil fragments.

Rock clone? when? !

Seeing this scene, Hatake Sakumo's pupils shrank slightly.


In the next instant, Tsuchikage Onogi suddenly appeared from below, and his hands suddenly formed a seal.

"Tu Dun!, Tu Long Spear Technique!"

boom! boom! boom! ! !

In an instant, what was originally a huge mushroom cloud-shaped flowing water eroded the rock, and instantly turned into a strange shape, and countless sharp and thick thorns slammed into the top from below.

This move was originally a very common move, but in the hands of Tuying Onogi, it almost turned the entire area into a hedgehog, like the dance of grass and corpse veins!

Hatake Sakumo was in mid-air, he couldn't levitate and couldn't use his strength, and he suddenly fell to the countless thrusts below.

However, it was still impossible for him to hurt Konoha Baiya with this trick. He waved the chakra knife in his hand a few times, and chopped up the protruding thorns like chopping melons and vegetables.

As for Naito Yu on the other side, the response to this move is even simpler, just raise his foot and step on it.

boom! ! !

Countless thorns smashed like a smash, and it was impossible to break through Naito Yu's shocking power.

At the same time, Naito Yu's figure also directly leveraged his strength to come to the sky above Tuying Onogi, and he couldn't help but slammed down with a punch.


Onogi looked at Naito Yu in the sky and snorted suddenly. He was always flying in the sky, and it was the first time someone dared to attack him from above him.

"Tudun! Rock Golem Golem!"

When the shock force fell, a huge rock statue suddenly rose up, completely blocking the Tsuchikage Onogi.

In the original work, this move had blocked the eight-foot Qionggou jade bullets used by Madara Uchiha, and the defense was extremely strong. At this time, facing Naito Yu's full-strength punch, it was also abruptly blocked.

However, Naito Yu didn't stop after throwing this punch. He stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the Kusanagi sword suddenly emerged, and then Naito Yu's figure turned into a streamer, rushing down from the sky.

At the same time, Hatake Sakumo came from the side, and the whole person also turned into a white streamer.

laugh! !

The two streams of light suddenly flickered one after the other, intertwining with each other, as if two electric lights suddenly intertwined in the field.

In the next instant, the huge rock statue suddenly split apart, and the figure of Tsukage Onogi was also a little embarrassed. Although he managed to avoid the attack, his clothes were torn apart, and there was also a slender line on his shoulders. bloodstains.

He was injured!

Naito Yu and Hatake Sakumo appeared one after the other on both sides of Tsuchikage Onogi, one holding the Kusanagi sword, the other holding White Fang, and looking at Onogi at the same time.

Both of them have a kind of extreme edge surging, like two swords that can pierce the sky!

The battlefield in the distance is not far from here, and you can almost see the battle here clearly, including the scene where Onogi's shoulder was cut.

"Lord Tuying... is he actually injured?!"

"This is impossible!"

Some rock ninjas showed a look of horror and disbelief.

Although it's not a serious injury, the injured person is Tuying, one of the five shadows standing at the top of the ninja world!

"Lord Tuying just cast Chen Dun too much and couldn't use Chen Dun for a short time, so that's why it's like this."

"Wait for Lord Tuying to recover, no matter what Konoha Baiya Konoha Shura is, it is impossible for Lord Tuying to be an opponent!"

When the few Joinin saw Yannin's morale disintegrating a little, their expressions sank, and they drank coldly in a low voice.

Hearing these few words, those ninjas who were a little stunned and unbelievable because of Onogi's injury revived and nodded to each other.

That's right!

Lord Tuying is like this because he can't use Chen Dun for a short time. When Lord Tuying recovers, the situation will inevitably be reversed! (To be continued.)

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