The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 182 Slashing the Wind Shadow!

Sand iron is still constantly interfering with Naito Yu, making Naito Yu unable to attack with all his strength, and he must always think about defending against the invasion of sand iron.

"Since the ordinary shock force can't smash this thing, then..."

With a cold look in his eyes, Naito Yu jumped into the air, temporarily avoiding the interference of sand and iron, and then holding the Kusanagi sword in both hands, a sword suddenly fell.

"Shockwave Slash!"

hum! !

The air rippled like a drop of water falling into a calm lake.

The ripples fell in an instant, and spread away in an instant, slashing the ground of the entire Shayin Village, and a terrifying gap like an abyss appeared!

And the sand iron ball of the third generation of wind shadow is in the center of this crack, and there is a slight crack on it.

However, the rift healed silently in the next moment.

"If you can't slash the people inside, the sand iron can heal without limit, even if it is cut open by the shock wave?"

Looking at the scene below, Naito Yu blinked and whispered softly.

The power of shock wave slash is still stronger than ordinary shock power on a single unit, not to mention reaching the s-level, but it is definitely the top of the s-level.

"If you can't hit it once, you can do it a few more times."

Looking down indifferently, Naito Yu held the Kusanagi sword in both hands, showing a slightly serious expression, and then quickly swung the Kusanagi sword with both hands.

hum! ! !

For a time, the sky seemed to have turned into a pool, and Naito Yu's Kusanagi sword was a stick that stirred the pool. This pool was stirred up by Naito Yu's Kusanagi sword, and one after another, it suddenly fell from the sky.


Three generations of wind shadows in the sand iron ball, at this time, a cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Just now Naito Yu made a shock wave, directly smashing his sand and iron defense, and almost directly split him in half!

"It can't stop that kind of power, this kind of attack power is really terrible, you have to go all out."

After taking a deep breath,

San Dai Fengying's expression became extremely dignified, and suddenly he waved his hands and snorted.

"Magnetic escape! Sand and iron world method!!"

hum! ! !

A chakra, which belongs to the peak of the shadow level, surged, and even made the ground of the entire Shayin Village tremble, and all the iron filings seemed to be attracted.

Part of the iron sand that was still trying to counter Naito Yu, frantically surged towards the position where the third generation of Kazekage was, and all of them were blessed on the iron sand ball.

What is terrifying is that the volume of the iron sand ball has not only not increased, but has been shrinking!

Sand iron is being compressed abruptly!

What is the concept of steel being compressed? The terrifying density and firmness are absolutely beyond imagination. Even the high-density sand compressed by Gaara is absolutely incomparable to compressed iron sand.

This is the real absolute defense!

Endless wave marks fell and slashed on the high-density sand and iron ball. In the end, only a few traces were cut, and it was impossible to completely penetrate it.

It's not that the shock wave is not strong. Just looking at the countless terrifying cracks in the earth, like the abyss version of the crack, you know that the shock wave's attack power is definitely strong.

"Completely blocked."

"This is the real absolute defense of Kazekage-sama!"

The sand hidden ninja in the distance originally saw Naito Yu use the shock wave to tear the ground out of the abyss, and they all trembled in their hearts, but when they saw that the three generations of Fengying seemed to be safe, they were all relieved.

Absolute defense is a defense that is absolutely impossible to break!

"It's really good. This kind of defense is just not knowing who is stronger and who is weaker than the three generations of Raikage."

Looking at the high-density sand iron defense below, Naito Yu spoke softly.

He still stood in the sky and didn't fall. His feet kept stepping on the air, and there were traces of slender air tearing, leaving him stuck in the air.

Speaking of which, the defense of the three generations of Raikage seems to be able to resist the tailed beast jade head-on. Only his own strongest spear hell thrust can break his own defense.

I don't know if this thing can resist the tail beast jade.

After shaking his head, Naito Yu suddenly released his hand, and the Kusanagi sword disappeared into smoke.

Afterwards, Naito Yu grabbed the void with one hand, and then Chakra began to flow wildly and condense.

Whether the tailed beast jade can break this absolute defense, Naito Yu does not know, but Naito Yu knows that his shocking profound meaning that can resist the peeling technique of the dust escape world collapses, and he can definitely break this so-called absolute defense!

Because, the attack power of Zhen Dun Profound Truth Collapse is also continuously improved with the improvement of the power of shock!

It can be said that the collapse of Zhen Dun Profound Truth is actually the condensation of shock wave slash.

Countless shock waves condensed at the very core point, and then exploded with a bang, destroying everything. This was Naito Yu's strongest attack.

Now, Naito Yu's shock power has reached the fourth stage, and his shock escape has reached an extremely terrifying level, and there is almost nothing that can defend against his attack.

The only disadvantage is that it has a slow flight speed and is easy to be dodged, even a normal Jōnin can dodge it.

However, what the three generations of Fengying got out was a tortoise shell, it was impossible to escape, and it could only resist all attacks!

"Let me see if the so-called absolute defense can withstand it."

Naito Yu looked down indifferently, and a white ball of light the size of a human head had already appeared in the palm of his hand.

The core is extremely dazzling, like a small sun, emitting a brilliant white light.

Even the size is different from before!

Whoosh! !

The next moment, Naito Yu gently flipped his hand, causing this extremely dazzling ball of light to fall to the bottom, the absolute defense of the three generations of Fengying.

"Escape the profound meaning, collapse!"

hum! ! !

Under the terrified gazes of countless sand ninjas, after the disintegrating light ball fell, it directly disappeared into the sand iron ball like an invisible bubble.

There is no roaring sound, and there is no scary picture.

There was silence.

Naito Yu's expression was very calm, and he fell lightly from the sky and returned to the ground. He didn't think about the second result, because the second result was impossible.

Silently, a breeze blew by.

Under the shock and sluggish gaze of countless sand ninjas, the absolute defense of the three generations of Kazekage suddenly collapsed!

The entire iron sand ball instantly scattered and turned into countless finely scattered sand particles, falling to the ground, and the figure of the third generation of wind shadows completely disappeared.

There was no trace of flesh or bones.

On the ground, only a layer of black, scattered iron sand remained, and there was nothing else.


This is the sound of some sand Ninja swallowing saliva.

No one spoke, no one spoke, and the whole place was silent.

However, in the minds of all Sand Ninjas, there were thunderstorms roaring, as if they were about to smash their minds abruptly, and a monstrous wave was set off in their hearts.

Three generations of Kazekage... dead? ! (To be continued.)

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