The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 201 Arrival

Whoosh! ! !

If it is said that the ninja of the Yunren surprise attack force has almost turned into an afterimage, then this figure has reached the level that even the afterimage cannot be clearly seen!

In an instant, blood splattered in the air.

Kushina only felt that she fell into an embrace in an instant, gritted her silver teeth lightly, and was about to endure Yun Ren's attack that knocked her unconscious, but no attack fell on her.

At the same time, she also felt a very strange, very familiar aura.

I couldn't help but open my eyes.

Seeing the figure holding her, she stayed for a while, and then her beautiful eyes filled with endless joy and happiness.

All kinds of emotions are intertwined, but there is no accident!

Because even if she has that feeling somewhere, Naito Yu will find the mark she left, and then catch up to save her.

Even if she was caught in Yunyin Village, Jiu Xinnai believed that Naito Yu would kill Yunyin Village for her and save her!

"Sorry for being a little late."

Naito Yu put one arm around Kushina's back and one hand on the crook of her leg, using the posture of a princess hug, and then her figure gently fell on the trunk of a tree.

"No, it's just right..."

Kushina grabbed Naito Yu's clothes tightly, even though she didn't lose her mobility or anything.

Noticing the few strands of bright red hair caught between Naito Yu's fingers, Kushina's eyes flickered, and she couldn't help showing a smile.

"You still noticed the mark I left."


Naito Yu nodded lightly, looked at her with a slight smile, and noticed that she had no intention of coming down, so Naito Yu continued to hold her and let her stay in her arms.

Then, Naito Yu turned his head slowly, his eyes became calm and indifferent, and he glanced at all Yun Ren who was present.

Just now, Naito Yu caught up with Yun Ren's surprise attack force and sensed the last scene, so he rushed over at full speed and rescued Kushina in an instant.

Whoa! !

Blood splattered everywhere, and that Yun Ren didn't even know how he died. At the last moment of his life, he just felt a flower in front of him.

The rest of Yun Ren all stopped, Qi Qi looked horrified.

Everyone looked up at Kushina, to be precise, at Naito Yu who was holding Kushina, the figure who suddenly appeared.

" are..."

In an instant, cold sweat appeared on all Yun Ren's foreheads.

They recognized Naito Yu almost instantly!

Naito Yu's current name can be said to be famous in the ninja world. Almost all ninjas, even ordinary people, know the title of Konoha Shura!

At this time, Kushina finally recovered from the joy of being rescued. She turned her head and glanced at the Yun Ren, and then a slight blush appeared on her cheeks. She wanted Naito Yu to put her down, and then deal with them. Yun Ren.

But before she could speak, Naito Yu's figure flickered holding her and came directly to the sky.

Looking at all Yun Ren below indifferently, Naito Yu stepped down abruptly under everyone's horrified gaze.

Click! ! !

This kick seemed to shatter the entire space below, and a terrifying force of shock to the extreme exploded, shattering the air like a mirror.

In an instant, almost all the trees in the forest below started from the top of the tree, suddenly began to shatter, and then the shatter spread down in an instant, shattering the crown and trunk of the entire tree.

"not good!"


Yun Ren's heart jumped, and he watched in horror as the attack that almost enveloped the entire sky fell. They had no choice but to resist!

boom! !

Finally, the shock force hit the ground, and the scene was extremely shocking.

It was as if a terrifying force crashed down from the sky, covering the vast area of ​​the forest, turning the forest into a wheat field, and all the towering trees fell down like wheat.

Even the earth was shattered by the shock, spreading in all directions like a spider web, and finally collapsed abruptly!

Naito Yu held Kushina and continued to stay in the sky, looking down calmly.

On the other hand, Kushina's eyes were a little dull.

Although she knew that Naito Yu was very strong, it was just a concept, and she had never seen Naito Yu really take action.

Now she sees it.

What a spectacular scene this is, leaping across the sky and falling down, a forest collapsed, and the earth collapsed with a blast!

Looking at this scene, Jiu Xin Nai's beautiful eyes could not help showing a shocking color, it took a long time to come back to her senses, and she couldn't help but say: "Are they all dead?!"

"Do not."

Naito Yu shook his head and looked down calmly. Although he was looking, he was actually using shock wave induction.

In general, shock sensing can almost completely replace vision in combat.

"A few are still alive."

Under Naito Yu's shock wave, several Yun Ren and the leader of the surprise attack force who seemed to be a quasi-shadow-level leader joined forces, barely resisting his attack, and were not directly killed.

However, even so, almost all of those Yun Ren were severely injured, but the one who was in the lead seemed to have also practiced the secret technique of Lei Dun body forging.

But even so, it was very shocking!

The combat power of a Yunyin surprise attack force is almost comparable to that of a ninja brigade of hundreds of people, but under Naito Yu's kick, it is either dead or injured!


A Yun Ren who was lucky not to die spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body was falling into the crack of the earth.

In his eyes there was endless astonishment and disbelief.

" could it be so strong!!"

Originally seeing Naito Yu's terrifying speed, although they were all fearful, they felt that at least they could be entangled.

But Naito Yu's next kick completely smashed their idea, letting them know what the gap between heaven and earth is in terms of strength!

"Escape! Run away!!"

Several Yun Ren endured the trauma of the body, forced back the blood that was about to spurt, stood up forcibly, and prepared to escape.

The captain who was the least injured had already given the order to escape, and he had already given the order to retreat when Naito Yu had just arrived.

"Damn it, how could it be so strong? Sure enough, killing the three generations of Kazekage was not by luck, but by real strength... You must report to Raikage-sama as soon as possible, otherwise, if Konoha starts a war with us next, he will be in his hands. It's a big loss!"

The captain of the Yunyin surprise attack force gritted his teeth and fled in one direction without looking back. Lightning flashed all over his body, which had already increased his speed to the extreme.

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