The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 299 Too much bullying civet cats

After smashing the tailed beast jade with an understatement, Naito Yu looked at Yiwei who was frantically erupting in front of him and said a word, and then walked slowly towards Yiwei.

One step, two steps, three steps...

Naito Yu's pace was very slow, but after a few steps down, his body gradually disappeared as if it were illusory, and it turned into an afterimage!

Whoosh! !

In the next instant, Naito Yu's body was already like a teleportation, coming directly above Yiwei, standing right in the middle of Yiwei and Nanwei, standing in the air.

Nanao saw Naito Yu, and immediately restrained its power, and there was a hint of obedience and flattery in his eyes.

And Ichiao was in a rage, and before he turned his head for a while, he saw a human suddenly appear in front of it, as if to interfere with the battle between it and Nanao, and suddenly became even more crazy.

"Don't disturb this uncle's battle, just get away!"

Yiwei directly slapped Naito Yu with a paw, like swatting a fly, and wanted to slap Naito Yu directly, and then fight Nanwei fiercely.

However, before its claws landed on Naito Yu, it froze halfway.

Naito Yu's figure was suspended in the air, with a hint of indifference in his eyes, looking at the tail below.

And one of Naito Yu's hand was lightly knocked into the void beside him. It was this understated knock that made Yiwei's claws swing in the air and instantly freeze!

Click! !

A crack appeared in the air, and before the claws of Yi Tai even touched the crack, it was directly impacted by a terrifying shock force, and it shattered in an instant!

The claws are broken, and it is nothing to the tailed beast that can be continuously reborn and immortal.

But the strange thing is that a severe pain spread all over the body in an instant, as if a human arm was abruptly interrupted.

Roar! !

One tail let out an earth-shattering scream, and in the pain, it finally remembered a memory many years ago that it didn't want to remember, and finally recognized who Naito Yu was in front of!

Looking at Naito Yu,

There was a hint of horror in Yiwei's eyes, and there was even a hint of fear.

"It's you! It's you damn..."


When Naito Yu heard its voice, his face became indifferent and cold, and before it could finish speaking, he directly stepped on it at the bottom.

boom! !

Although Naito Yu's foot did not directly step on the body of the tail, the terrifying shock force was already roaring, and it hit the huge body of the tail fiercely, causing the tail to disappear. After he finished speaking, he choked back half of the words.

At the same time, Naito Yu's unscrupulous kick did not have any idea of ​​restraining power, and directly caused the desert that was created by Yiwei to collapse in an instant!

Boom! !

At this moment, the entire desert centered on Yiwei, collapsed suddenly, and turned into a deep pit under Naito Yu's foot, and Yiwei's body was forcibly stepped into by Naito Yu's foot. In the very center of the deep pit, only a trace was left.

Kakashi watched this scene, his chin almost fell to the ground, and even the mask almost slipped off.

The Konoha ninjas in the back were shocked, and they all showed a look of incomparable awe and admiration.

"This is the power of Naito Yu-sama..."

"Sure enough, Nine-Tails can easily suppress it, and Ichi-tail is no problem either."

"Fortunately, Naito Yu-sama is not an enemy, otherwise..."

The gazes of these Konoha ninjas looking at the sand ninjas in the distance are no longer angry and murderous, but show a trace of pity.

At this moment, those sand ninjas have all stayed there, and there is endless awe and disbelief in their eyes.

At this time, they finally recognized Naito Yu's identity, and the shock in their hearts has reached the extreme!

In fact, some of these sand ninjas have seen Naito Yu kill the three generations of Kazekage, and beat the battle of Izuo Morizuru, but although Naito Yu won that battle, but in the process, it was a good fight. Yes, it's extremely intense.

And this time, Naito Yu is just a simple punch and a kick, and it will rampage on the battlefield of the three battles, and the entire country of fire will be suppressed with an unstoppable tail!

This level of strength has already reached an incredible level. Compared with a few years ago, it is simply a gap between heaven and earth!

Is this... the strength of the ninja demigod Naito Yu?

Did he hide his strength a few years ago, or did Naito Yu grow to such an incredible, god-like level over the past few years? !

"I called you arrogant, now you've become a dead civet cat."

Nanwei flew in the sky and muttered as he looked at the pit below, and there was a hint of schadenfreude in his eyes, because it had been beaten by Naito Yu before, and now seeing Shouhe being beaten by Naito Yu, he felt a lot more at ease.

Naito Yu's figure fell from the sky and came to the bottom of the pit.

There is no Shouhe here anymore, only a tail of Ren Zhuli is left with scars all over his body and his breath is dying. Shouhe has taken the initiative to run back into Ren Zhuli's body.

Naito Yu waved at Nanwei in the sky, and Nanwei immediately flew down, showing incomparable loyalty and respect, as if he could go up the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of ​​fire at any time.

"Boss, what are your orders!"

"take away."

Naito Yu has become accustomed to Nanao's character, and pointed directly to the one-tailed person Zhuri in the pit.

Nanao hurriedly flew into the pit, his claws stretched out, and directly grabbed the one-tailed human column force, and then flew to the side and hovered in the air.

At the same time, the seven tails, who grabbed the tail of the human pillar, also entered the consciousness space between the tailed beasts. This is a white spiritual world, and only one tail is lying there.

"It's comfortable now! I asked you to find trouble, no wonder the nine tails look down on you the most, you really don't have a brain at all! I'm afraid you even have sand in your head!"

Nanao flew around one tail, extremely gloating.

Facing Nanao's ridicule, Kazuo was furious in his heart, but he was helpless, and said very painfully: "Damn, what is the origin of that human being, it hurts to death, and he seems to be stronger than a few years ago. "

"Huh?! It turns out that you were beaten by him a few years ago, hahaha!"

Nanao laughed even more cheerfully when he heard Kazuo's words.

Ichiao was depressed in his heart, and didn't want to pay attention to Nanao's mockery. He really didn't have the strength to quarrel with Nanao. It felt like his whole body was about to fall apart when Naito Yu stepped on it, and he didn't want to move when it hurt.

The fear of Naito Yu is also completely raised in my heart. The next time I encounter Naito Yu, I won’t fight him if I kill him. It’s okay to be strong, but what the hell is it when it hurts so much? It’s really bullying the civet cat .

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