The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 314: The Changing Ninja World Situation

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Surrounded by clouds and mist, this is the Yunyin Village with extremely high terrain.

At this moment, in Raikage's office, there was a sound of scolding, and the sound of the table being smashed with a punch.

"Humph! Shayin Village and Wuyin Village are really rubbish. They almost collapsed after being beaten by that damn guy in three or two blows, and the situation can only be stabilized with reluctance."

The fourth Raikage stood in front of the broken table with an annoyed expression on his face, while the few Yun Ren next to him looked at each other in dismay and did not dare to speak.

Because the third Raikage died earlier than in the original book, the fourth Raikage also appeared earlier. When Naito Yu and the third Raikage fought, the fourth Raikage, who was the son of the third Raikage, believed in his father very much. strength.

In the end, he did not expect that his father was not Naito Yu's opponent. After fighting with Naito Yu for a day and a night, Naito Yu was killed by Naito Yu, and Naito Yu did not die!

Therefore, when Naito Yu appeared in the ninja world, and directly stopped the offensive of Sandyin Village and Kiriyin Village, the Fourth Raikage was greatly annoyed.

"One tail and three tailed beasts are also really weak... No, no, it should be said that the strength of those two people is too weak, and it is impossible to compare the power of the tailed beasts to my brother Kirabi. "

After a cold snort, there was a strong murderous intent in the eyes of the fourth generation of Lei Ying.

"Ninja demigod? If you dare to come to the battlefield here..."

The fourth Raikage has also seen the battle between Naito Yu and the third Raikage. Naito Yu's speed is similar to that of the third Raikage, so the third Raikage cannot gain any advantage in terms of speed.

The fourth Raikage had inherited the powerful physique of his father, the third Raikage, from the moment he was born. After practicing hard, his body was also extremely strong.

And more importantly, his speed surpassed the third Raikage!

At this time, because he became Raikage early, he has been sitting in Yunyin Village, and has not yet been on the front line, and the fourth Raikage, who has never played against Minato Namikaze, thinks that he already has the speed of the first in the ninja world.

Commanding a few Yun Ren to throw the broken table fragments out, there was a touch of coldness and chill in the eyes of the fourth generation of Lei Ying.

"No matter how powerful you are, in front of my speed, there is no chance to play!"


Rock Hidden Village.

This is the high-level meeting room. The three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi are sitting at the top, while the elders of Iwayin Village are sitting around the oval table.

Ohnogi had a heavy expression on his face, and there was no relaxed atmosphere in the entire conference room.

"Naito Yu joined the battlefield and captured Ren Zhuli in Shayin Village and Wuyin Village, but there was no news after that, what do you think?"

"I think he should not dare to deal with our Yanyin Village easily. After all, we have two people, four tails and five tails. The combined power is far from the two villages that can compare."

An elder of Yanyin said solemnly.

Several other people listened and nodded, feeling that it made sense.

Another person said: "Having said that, we still have to be careful of his sneak attacks. Now that he has proven his ability to suppress the tailed beast by himself, we must keep the two of them together at all times, and don't let them Separate, so it's invulnerable."

Hearing the words of several people, the third generation of Tuying Onoki also nodded, sighed at the same time, and said: "When I fought with that kid, he was far from being so strong, if it wasn't for Konoha Baiya, I would have killed him long ago. If it falls, it won't give him a chance to grow up at all."

"Now, he has really grown up, and even the power of the tailed beast is difficult to deal with him."

There was a hint of regret in Tuying Onogi's eyes. He knew that, even if he took out more cards from Yanyin Village to contain Konoha Baiya, he would try his best to kill Naito Yu.

When the elders of Yanyin Village heard Oh Yemu's words, they all sighed, but some people showed a cold look on their faces and said, "You don't have to worry about Tuying, no matter how powerful he is, he is just a person, and it is impossible to reverse it. the entire battlefield."

"That's right, only our village and Yunyin Village's offensive is left unchecked. It is said that Yunyin Village's Renzhuli can perfectly control the power of the tailed beast, which is a tougher bone to crack."

Onogi nodded, took a deep breath, and spoke in a deep voice.

Now only Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village are left with fierce offensive. Both of their villages are very special. They each have two tailed beasts. Yanyin Village has four and five tails, while Yunyin Village has two tails. and eight tails.

"As long as those idiots in Yunyin Village, don't let the two people be separated and be defeated by Naito Yu, Naito Yu can't do anything to them."

"Also, Naito Yu has not appeared on the battlefield during this time, I think we can launch a raid."

Speaking of which, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Tsukage Onogi, and said, "How about dispatching fifty jounin, leading a thousand elite ninjas, and raiding the battlefield directly?"

After saying this sentence, all the Yanyin veterans in the audience were stunned for a moment, and then they all took a breath of cold air.

Fifty Jounin is not a small number!

"As expected of a Tuying, either he doesn't move, or he moves with such a bold attack... However, I support your decision!"

"I object, Yunyin Village does not move, why should we take action first."

"I support it, that is, we have to take action first so that we can plunder more resources. Otherwise, if Yunyin Village takes action first, they will divide most of the resources we can grab."

There was a quarrel in the conference room, and the final result of the vote was still more support than opposition.

Therefore, under the mobilization of Yanyin Village, they immediately assembled a team of fifty jounin and one thousand elite ninjas, marched toward the border, left the land of the land, crossed the border of the land of fire, and prepared to attack the frontline battlefield.

At this time, Naito Yu had just arrived at Konoha's front-line camp.

Although Naito Yu did not ride Nanao, a person in the sky is still more conspicuous, especially when Naito Yu fell from the sky and fell to the Konoha camp.

Many Konoha ninjas immediately noticed the silhouette of the sky, and there was a commotion in an instant.

"There seems to be a shadow in the sky!"

"It seems to be really... bad! The ninja who can fly in the sky, is it the Tsuchikage Onoki of Yanyin Village?!"

At the mention of Tsuchikage Onogi, the faces of Konoha's ninjas changed drastically, they all took up their weapons, and looked at the sky with great vigilance and solemnity. Could it be that Tsuchikage led Yanyin to raid?

Except for Tsuchikage Onogi, they had never heard of any ninja with the ability to fly.

As the figure in the sky got closer and closer, Konoha's ninjas became more and more vigilant, and some people were even ready to perform ninjutsu, so it was better to do it first. (To be continued.)

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