The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 352 High status, sit down 1 point

"My conditions are still the same as before." Sarutobi Hizan looked at Wudai Kazekage Rasa calmly.

"Hehe, Hokage, are you still making your face fat? We are not blind. Everyone here must know how Hokage's assistant died."

Sarutobi Hizan sat there very calmly, and said: "In any case, the human column force and the tailed beast are in our hands, and it is you who proposed to make peace..."

"please wait for a moment.

Tsunade, who had been sitting there without saying a word, finally spoke up, and directly interrupted Hiruzen Sarutobi's words, leaving Hiruzen Sarutobi with a stunned look on his face.

"Regarding the matter of Ren Zhuli and the Tailed Beast, if you want to get the Tailed Beast and Human Zhuli back, you need to pay a sum of materials to our Yuyin Village."

Saying this sentence also caused the eyes of several shadows present to fall on Tsunade's body in unison.

If it was a normal genin and chunin, under the gaze of so many shadows, you might be in a cold sweat all over your body in an instant, and you wouldn't even be able to speak.

But what kind of person Tsunade is, even in the face of the eyes of these shadows, he is still not surprised at all, sitting there extremely calmly.

This woman... is a character!

Hearing what Tsunade just said, coupled with Tsunade's calm performance now, the eyes of several shadows became a little more serious, but they still had a little contempt.

"Are you kidding? We want to return to the tailed beast. What does it have to do with your Yuyin Village?"

Luo Sha of the Five Dynasties looked at Tsunade coldly. Although Naito Yu was standing behind Yuyin Village, any woman who claimed to be the leader of Yuyin Village could make conditions here.

I don't even look at where this place is. This is the Five Shadow Talks. If it is Naito Yu, the god of the ninja world, I can say a few words here. If Tsunade, it would be good to be able to participate. condition.

"Naturally it has something to do with it. Although the tailed beast is in the hands of Konoha, it is only temporarily kept there. If you want to ask for the tailed beast, you must discuss the conditions with our Yuyin Village."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Especially Sarutobi Hizan looked at Tsunade in disbelief, and couldn't help showing a questioning expression.

But Tsunade just looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi indifferently, and one sentence made Hiruzen Sarutobi's heart sink.

"I am now the leader of Yuyin Village."

Damn it!

Sarutobi Hiizan scolded angrily in his heart. He originally thought that he could use Tsunade, and then borrow Naito Yu's potential to threaten several large ninja villages, but he didn't expect that Tsunade would directly identify it as soon as he came up, and even put The ownership of the tailed beast is over.

But unfortunately, Sarutobi Hiizhan couldn't say anything more about this, because it was true that every tailed beast was suppressed by Naito Yu.

At the same time that Sarutobi Hizan was depressed in his heart, he was also secretly surprised that Tsunade had already had such a bearing, and he was so calm and indifferent during the five shadow talks.

How did he find out before that Tsunade still has the bearing to be a leader? If he had known it earlier, if he let Tsunade be Hokage, it seems that things would not deteriorate to this level!

If Tsunade becomes Hokage, Naito Yu will definitely continue to take care of Konoha because of Tsunade.

The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it. Why did he think power was so important in the first place? Even if he didn't give it to Naito Yu, he could still give it to Tsunade!

Sarutobi Hiizan regretted it over there, and the three generations of Tsuchikage and others here were all changed because of Tsunade's conditions.

Because Sarutobi Hipsan also put forward very strict conditions and asked for a large amount of materials, but Sarutobi Hipsa did not ask for the land occupation.

But here in Tsunade, not only did the supplies and materials requested by Sarutobi Hidden be not much worse, they even asked the neighboring country of wind and land to cede part of their land!

The third generation of Tukage Onogi was directly laughed at, looking at Tsunade mockingly, and said, "Hey, little girl, didn't that fellow Hokage teach you etiquette?!"

"After all, this is the Five Shadow Talks. It's not impossible for you to participate as the leader of Yuyin Village, but don't be too presumptuous. Everyone here has a higher status than you!"

Wudai Fengying Luo Sha also looked at Tsunade with a bad expression, with a cold expression on his face.

A trace of anger flashed in Tsunade's eyes. It doesn't matter what the negotiation is, but it would be too much to directly put on a posture higher than her!

"Oh? I heard you want to discuss etiquette and status?"

Just when Tsunade was about to attack, a faint voice suddenly entered the arena, causing Tsunade's clenched fist to suddenly loosen.

Then, Tsunade showed a smile on his face, leaned back on the chair, and stopped talking.

The five shadows present instantly realized that the voice was not said by the five people in the field, nor did it seem to be said by the guards behind them.

"Who is arrogant there, this is the place for the Five Shadows to talk, how can anyone have the right to speak?!"

Wudai Fengying Luo Sha turned his head angrily, but in the next instant, his expression instantly froze on his face.

At the same time, the third generation of Earth Shadow Onogi, the fourth generation of Raikage, the third generation of Hokage Sarutobi Hiizan, and the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura all changed their expressions, their expressions instantly became extremely solemn and solemn, and they looked at the person who walked in from the outside in shock. that person.

Next to that person, the general of the Iron Country, Mifune, stood there with a wry smile. Naito Yu's arrival was completely elusive. He even regarded Naito Yu as an enemy and attacked Naito Yu.

As a result, before he could draw his sword, his sword shattered inexplicably, and then he could see Naito Yu's appearance clearly, and he was horrified and did not dare to stop Naito Yu.

Naito Yu walked in so swaggeringly, first looked at the fifth generation Fengying Luosha lightly, and said: "I heard... your status is higher than our Yuyin Village leader?"

There was a trace of cold sweat on Luo Sha's forehead, but he was the fifth generation of Fengying after all, and he was relatively young. He gritted his teeth at Naito Yu: "After all, this is the Five Shadows meeting, even you can't..."


Before Luo Sha's words were finished, Naito Yu's figure silently appeared behind him and pressed lightly on his shoulder.

In an instant, the chair under Luo Sha's butt shattered, and the whole person sat on the ground with one buttocks, and even a crack appeared on the ground!

It was not until this time that the sand controlled by Luo Sha surged, trying to hold up Luo Sha's body, and at the same time want to blast Naito Ye out.

But in the next instant, a shocking force slammed down, shattering the sand as if it was shattering.

"Since your status is high, then... sit down a little." (To be continued.)

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