The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 362 Deviation

In the minds of all the sandy ninjas, there is an idea that no matter who you provoke, you must not provoke Naito Yu.

Because in front of Naito Yu, even the entire Shayin Village can't stop it!

"Since you have seen it clearly and fulfilled your wish, then you can go on the road with peace of mind."

Naito Yu glanced at the sandy ninja lightly, and then never looked at him again, walking directly past him without even any extra movement.

On the face of this sand hidden ninja, the expression of extreme fear was still fixed there, and the next moment his body suddenly turned into powder!

Naito Yu walked towards the rest of the other sandy ninjas step by step, causing these sandy ninjas to have expressions of extreme fear, even staggering and subconsciously retreating.

"You guys..." Naito Yu said lightly, and after only half a sentence, several Sand Ninjas were so frightened that they almost fell to the ground.

"I don't want to hear about ninjas entering this country again, understand?"

Several ninjas swallowed their saliva and nodded in unison, their movements extremely neat.

"Then go away."

Naito Yu waved at them coldly.

When a few people met the amnesty, they turned around and left, not even daring to turn their heads back, their clothes were almost completely soaked with sweat.

Until they left Loulan far away, their faces were still a little frightened, with a look of horror and incomparable fear.

If you have nothing to do, take up the task of investigating Loulan!

It’s okay to take it, why do you want to attack Loulan’s bodyguards directly and arrogantly because Loulan doesn’t have ninjas, and even want to threaten the Queen of Loulan!

As a result, although there are no ninjas in Loulan, there is a big mountain behind it, and it can't be any higher. A mountain that no ninja can climb over, the kind that can kill a ninja by dropping a stone!


After the few sandy ninjas escaped, Sarah couldn't help but watch Naito Yu.

However, she didn't dare to look directly at Naito Yu, but lowered her head slightly and used her peripheral vision to secretly look at Naito Yu, while continuing to think about the question just now.

Naito Yu's appearance isn't that scary, is it?


Sarah's cheeks showed a slight blush,

I hadn't watched Naito Yu carefully before, but now I secretly watched it a few times. There was only one evaluation in her mind, and that was perfection.

Not to mention Naito Yu's appearance, just talking about Naito Yu's temperament, it seems to be otherworldly, giving people a feeling like a god.

"Okay, those ninjas shouldn't come again."

Naito Yu didn't care about Sarah's peeping, and felt that this little girl should have been frightened, and now she is very grateful for saving her.

Having said that, Naito Yu smiled at Sarah and Queen Loulan, and said, "If there are ninjas coming in the future, you can directly mention my name, Naito Yu."

After saying this, Naito Yu's feet moved slightly, and the whole person rose into the sky in an instant. From the ground, only a small black shadow could be seen in the far sky.

Then in another instant, the shadow disappeared directly from the sky.

Seeing Naito Yu leave, Sara stretched out her hand to say something, but withdrew her hand, and finally looked at Naito Yu's departure with a look of admiration.


After Loulan devoured the power of the dragon veins, Naito Yu returned directly to the country of rain.

Naito Yu's figure cut through the sky, landed on the tallest building in Yuyin Village, and walked in slowly.

The ninjas of Yuyin Village have long been accustomed to Naito Yu's appearance. Even if they saw this scene, no one made a fuss. At most, they showed some respect and admiration.

Naito Yu first returned to his home, but after opening the door, he didn't see Kushina's figure, which was a little strange.

Under the induction of the shock wave, Naito Yu felt that Kushina was actually in the chief office of Yuyin Village, and Tsunade, Konan and Yahiko were all there.

"Looks like something happened."

Touching his chin and showing a thoughtful expression, Naito Yu walked directly towards the office. When he came to the door of the office, he pushed them away and stepped into it.

Tsunade was sitting at the back of the desk, while Kushina and the others were sitting on the chairs and sofas in front, and their expressions were slightly solemn.

When the door was pushed open, Yahiko, Xiao Nan and the others turned their heads in unison, and when they saw Naito Yu walking in, they immediately stood up and saluted Naito Yu.

"Miss Naito Yu! You are back."

"Lord Naito Yu."

On the other side, Mute who was standing beside Tsunade also saluted Naito Yu.

Tsunade, who was sitting there, looked at Naito Yu, with a sigh of relief in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face, and said, "Why every time you come back at the right time."


Naito Yu waved to indicate that Yahiko and Xiao Nan did not need to be more polite, but because of Naito Yu's arrival, the two of them did not sit down anymore, but stood directly beside them.

Kushina muttered, and showed a dissatisfied expression at Naito Yu, saying: "You guys are too unpunctual, you said it would take a month at most, but it ended up being nearly three months after you left."

Hearing Kushina's words, Naito Yu was a little stunned.

three months? !

I feel that it is obviously a month at most, how can it be inexplicably more than two months.

Thoughts flashed in his heart, Naito Yu had the answer, although the dragon veins needed the moment of eruption to distort time and space, but under normal circumstances, it can distort time and space a little bit.

It is very possible that Naito Yu is in the dragon vein for a day, and several days have passed outside. There is a reason for the time being out of sync.

Of course, the difference is at most a day and a few days, and it can't be bigger, because if the distorted time and space are bigger, it is impossible to notice it at Naito Yu's current state.

After roughly guessing the cause and effect, Naito Yu walked to Kushina's side, held her little hand lightly, looked at her a little apologetically, and said, "Sorry, there is a little deviation in the calculation."

Although this pot has to be carried by the dragon veins, the dragon veins have already been absorbed by him, so this pot obviously cannot be thrown away...

Seeing that Naito Yu had a good attitude in admitting his mistake, Kushina nodded with satisfaction and decided to give Naito Yu a chance to reform and be a new person.

"Okay, just wait for a while before you two fall in love. Can you talk about serious things now?"

Tsunade looked at Kushina and Naito Yu and covered his forehead helplessly.

"What happened, it seems to be quite serious."

Naito Yu looked at Tsunade with a strange look. In his perception, Yuyin Village seemed to have no problem, Yahiko Xiaonanjiu Xinna was all there, everyone around him was here, and there was no danger. (To be continued.)

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