The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 366 Unknown Purpose

Namikaze Minato looked down with an extremely cold gaze.

Although holding the baby made him completely unable to fight with all his strength, he did not dare to put the baby in his arms down.

Because it was this person who didn't know his true face who had been chasing him, no matter where he went with Flying Thunder God, he would almost follow him in a moment, making him dare not let go of the baby in his arms.

This baby was his son, and Jiraiya named him Naruto.

Minato Namikaze didn't know why this person came to his child, and even tried to kill him together with Uzumaki Meiling and Naruto before his child was born.

Below, the rattan-faced man looked at Namikaze Minato indifferently, with a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes glowing brightly, revealing an incomparably bewitching aura.

Under the weird rattan, there was a layer of weird black, and under the black, there was a very familiar face, Uchiha Obito.

Just looking at the pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, Minato Namikaze couldn't recognize it. Besides, the tone and strength of the person in front of him were far from the Obito who disappeared in the Third World War. Minato Namikaze didn't even go there at all. Think about it.

Moreover, Uchiha Obito didn't have any reason to come to destroy Konoha, and also tried to kill his child, which is simply a nonsense thing.

"Flying Thunder God..."

Seeing that Namikaze Minato was still able to easily avoid his own attack with the baby in his arms, Uchiha Obito stopped for a while and then spoke hoarsely.

The sound was so strange that Minato Namikawa's brows instantly wrinkled.

"Forget it... Since it can't be stopped, it's pointless to get entangled with you here. I have other things to do."

"what are you going to do?!"

Namikaze Minato had a stern look on his face, he knew that the sky was overturned outside Konoha, and the four-tailed and five-tailed rampages were mostly caused by this guy.

"Do something meaningful, by the way, you'd better think about how to suppress those two tailed beasts..." Uchiha Obito's tone revealed a gloomy tone, and then his entire body disappeared in a whirlpool of space.

Namikaze Minato looked at the four tails and five tails who were running wild in the distance, but in the end, he gritted his teeth, launched Flying Thunder God, and chased Uchiha Obito away.

Whoosh! !

the next moment,

Namikaze Minato appeared in Konoha's underground, a very hidden place, as if it was an extremely old laboratory, with dust everywhere.

And the figure of Uchiha Obito was standing in front, and the space vortex appeared, as if something had been taken away.

"here is……"

A look of surprise appeared on Namikaze Minato's face, but it was immediately replaced by icy coldness.

No matter what happens to the four and five tails outside, it is obvious that the person in front of him is the mastermind behind the scenes. There is no doubt that he should be the one who stole the four and five tails.

Although he was still holding Naruto in his arms, there was still no trace of fear on Naikaze Minato's face. Instead, he looked at Uchiha Obito in front of him icy coldly.


boom! !

A tailed beast jade slammed down, directly blasting a large pit in an area, and countless ninjas were hit and flew upside down, spurting blood.


Hatake Kakashi gasped violently, looked at the four tails and the five tails in front, and said, "This kind of power is really... how easily Naito Yu-sama suppressed them."

"Damn, even if you open the fifth door, can you barely keep up with its speed?"

Matekai is standing next to Kakashi. For them now, it seems too difficult to directly face the upper tail beast, and it is still impossible to fight.

On the other side, Red Bean's performance was the most surprising. No one would have thought that this girl could burst out with strength that was not weaker than Kakashi, and even comparable to the elite Junin!

However, on such a battlefield, even the strength of the elite Junin does not have much effect, and it is simply difficult to resist the attack of the two tailed beasts.

At this moment, there are only two people who can really stand at the forefront and resist the attack of the two tailed beasts.

A body surrounded by blue steam, it is Akai's father, Matt Dai, who has opened the seventh door at this time, barely able to resist the tailed beast, but it is difficult to suppress the tailed beast.

The other one is the third-generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiizhan. Although Sarutobi Hiruzen has begun to go downhill, these two tailed beasts are only four and five tails, which are much weaker than the nine tails, and he can still resist. of.

Jiraiya is not in the village at this time, which is also the problem. Otherwise, Jiraiya in immortal mode will be able to resist a tailed beast.

"Apart from that pervert, you are the first human being who can compete with me in strength..."

Four tails looked at Mattai in front of him, and said in a deep voice, it was not under control.

"However, you are far from that guy!!"

After an angry shout, the four tails slammed down and smashed directly at Maitdai, and Maitdai could only grit his teeth and punch him. With the joint attack of many ninjas in Konoha, he barely blocked the blow of the four tails.

"Comparing strength with me, you humans... can't do it!"

Four tails roared, two fists beat his chest, and then slammed downwards continuously, attacking like a storm for a while, all the Konoha ninjas backed away in shock.

Hearing the sound of the four tails roaring, Matdai's expression gradually became solemn.

"You said... what can't you do?!"


In Konoha Village, Minato Minato and Uchiha Obito are constantly entangled, Minato Namikaze embraces Naruto, it is difficult to gain the upper hand, but it also drags Uchiha Obito tightly.

Uchiha Obito obviously didn't want to entangle with Minato Namikaze. It seemed that he had something to do besides what he just did, but Minato Namikaze didn't give him a chance at all.

In the previous assassination, the reason why Naruto didn't die was because Uzumaki Meiling desperately protected Naruto. Although Minato Naikaze arrived immediately, he only had time to save Naruto.

At this time, Namifeng Minato had an extremely rare murderous intent in his heart, but his expression was extremely calm. The ability and power of Uchiha Obito.

"Are you sure you want to mess with me here?"

Uchiha Obito's voice was hoarse. The strangest thing was that this tone was actually completely different from Uchiha Obito, giving people an extremely gloomy feeling, as if two voices were fused together and issued at the same time.

Namikaze Minato glanced at the situation in the distance from the corner of his eye, and continued to look at Uchiha Obito in front of him coldly.

But in the next moment, the eyes of the two showed a hint of stunned at the same time. (To be continued.)

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