The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 372 Tsunade and Kushina

Uchiha Itachi looked at his father Uchiha Fugaku in surprise.

"He... who is he?!"

"The strongest ninja in the ninja world, Naito Yu!"

Uchiha Fuyue's expression was extremely solemn, especially when he mentioned the name Naito Yu, his tone even trembled slightly.

Uchiha Itachi showed a contemplative expression and murmured, "Naito Yu? A very familiar name..."

"Itachi, although you are still young, since you met him today, you must remember this name, because this name represents the pinnacle that stands above countless ninjas in the entire ninja world, an absolutely insurmountable peak. !"

"This name is an era!"

A rare look of awe appeared on Uchiha Fuyue's face. Even if Uchiha Jingshan died at the hands of Naito Yu, now he and the Uchiha family would not dare to provoke Naito Yu!

Naito Yu's name seems to be an insurmountable giant peak that people can only look up to.

Uchiha Fuyue's words made Uchiha Itachi take a breath, and he couldn't help showing a hint of shock.

A name that represents an era.

What kind of existence can get such an evaluation!


Rainy Village.

In the bright and spacious living room, Tsunade was sitting there excitedly, undressing, sitting there without any image, holding a dice cup in one hand, constantly shaking.

Several dice kept making dong dong dong sound in the dice cup.

"Come on! I'm sure to win this time!"

"Looks like you've never won a game."

Kushina covered her forehead and looked at Tsunade, then pressed a small amount.

Tsunade slammed the dice cup on the table, laughed and said, "You are sure to lose, this time it must be... uh."

The dice under the dice cup are all one point...


Kushina couldn't help laughing out loud,

Although she had no interest in this, it was fun to watch Tsunade lose anyway.

"No, no, no! Come again!"

Tsunade didn't look shocked at all, but instead became more excited.

At this moment, the door on the side was suddenly pushed open.

Naito Yu walked in and saw the scene in the living room, and suddenly a black line appeared.

Really enough!

It's fine if you like to gamble, don't ruin Kushina too!

Naito Yu didn't want to see that when he wanted to sleep one day in the future, Kushina suddenly pulled out a few dice, and then said, "If you are older, you will sleep on the floor, and if you are younger, you will sleep on the bed..."


Naito Yu showed a helpless expression, but Tsunade had to deal with things every day, and it was rare to have free time. It was impossible to run out to gamble, and it was not allowed strategically.

Otherwise, according to her way of losing, the entire Yuyin Village can be lost by her!

Naito Yu also finds it strange, Tsunade seems to have an invisible power, unless something bad happens, she will win, otherwise she will lose every bet, but even if Naito Yu uses shock waves to sense her inside and out After sensing it over and over, I couldn't find that invisible power.


Tsunade looked a little embarrassed when she saw Naito Yu coming back, because such a thing had happened before, Naito Yu strongly condemned her behavior of wanting to bring bad Kushina.

"I still have something to do, I'll go first!"

Putting away the gambling equipment, Tsunade walked very neatly and smoothly. As for what she had lost before, she also completely forgot.

Naito Yu and Kushina looked at Tsunade's back a little speechlessly, then looked at each other, and couldn't help but smile at the same time.

"What happened to Konoha again?"


Naito Yu sat on the sofa, picked up an apple, and the golden ring instantly turned into a small fruit knife, which peeled off the peel in three or two strokes.

Kushina looked at this scene with a speechless expression, and took the Kusanagi sword to peel the apple, and only Naito Yu could do such a thing.

"Kai's practice should almost come to an end. Next, I will go to Konoha less often, and the extra time will be spent with you."


Kushina walked to Naito Yu and sat down, leaned gently in Naito Yu's arms, and took the initiative to grab Naito Yu's hand.

Holding Kushina's lush little hand, Naito Yu suddenly showed a look of surprise, and said, "This feeling is... Have you completed your cultivation in the third stage?"


Jiuxinnai smiled sweetly and said, "The little fox is still doing a good job of refining natural energy, and just finished the third stage of cultivation today."

Nine tails are almost used to Kushina calling it a little fox, lying there weakly, not bothering to argue with Kushina, with an expression of resignation.

"It's good, but in the fourth and fifth stages, the difficulty will increase a lot."

Naito Yu nodded lightly. He was still very concerned about Kushina's cultivation of the body of a fairy. Naito Yu also tried to help Tsunade and Xiaonan in the first and second stages of cultivation.

Tsunade succeeded very easily. It seems that because she already has the blood of the Qianshou family, and her chakra volume is also very high, she basically did not encounter any obstacles.

After completing these two stages of cultivation, Tsunade has completely satisfied the cultivation conditions of the Shibone Forest Immortal Mode, but now Tsunade is not very interested in cultivation, and she is now Yuying, who handles it There are a lot of things, so the practice of practice is almost completely let go.

As for Xiaonan, although it was a little more difficult, it was relatively easy to complete.

Originally, Xiao Nan's weakness was that she didn't have any special physique. Chakra's quality was not strong enough, and the amount was not enough. Now the transformation of this immortal body just made up for her weakness.

Coupled with the special paper ninjutsu she developed, with enough chakra support, her strength has almost reached the peak of the shadow level.

In addition, Yahiko only completed the first stage, and he was a little unbearable in the second stage.

"By the way, how is your practice?"

Kushina looked at Naito Yu with some concern. She cared more about Naito Yu's practice than her practice.

"Slowly improve." Naito Yu's tone showed a hint of dissatisfaction. Although his training speed is already at a perverted level in the eyes of many people, Naito Yu's urgent mentality to obtain powerful strength is still to let He feels slow.

Kushina showed a helpless expression. Not to mention the level of Naito Yu, the average ninja is not so easy to become a jounin, and the jounin is basically the limit of many ninjas. It is not easy to reach the level of Naruto. Such an easy thing.

But Naito Yu's power is already strong enough to stand at the top of the ninja world. Under such circumstances, Naito Yu can continue to improve his strength, which is already an incredible thing in itself.

(To be continued.)

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