The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 384 The difference in quality

The red sand scorpion threw out a scroll, and at the same time tore a trap in his chest.

puff! !

In the white smoke, hundreds of puppets appeared densely in the sky, and the chest of the red sand scorpion was filled with extremely dense chakra lines, which accurately connected each puppet.

Some shocking scenes, this is almost the ultimate puppet master!

Only the red sand scorpion, who has turned himself into a puppet, can use such a trick. In addition, ten puppets are almost the limit. Like Chiyo in Sandyin Village, it is almost impossible to control more. arrive.

"Naito Yu, the god of the ninja world..."

Chisha Zhi scorpion looked at Naito Yu, and on his handsome face like a demon, he showed a somewhat soft and bewitching smile. This smile revealed extreme confidence.

Even if it is the god of ninja world, it is impossible for him to be afraid, because he is the best puppet master in history, the red sand scorpion who has almost reached the pinnacle of the puppet!

The next moment, the red sand scorpion controlled the hundreds of puppets and launched an attack on Naito Yu.

Whoosh! Whoosh! !

The overwhelming puppets launched various attacks, poisonous needles, hidden weapons, and barbed weapons, falling head-on towards Naito Yu like a storm.

Nagato on the side was also slightly moved by this scene. Although for him, even if the number of puppets is doubled, it is still an ant. One Shen Luo Tianzheng can be completely wiped out, but it can reach this level. It is indeed in a certain sense. 's peak.

At least, compared to other puppet masters, the power of the red sand scorpion is a qualitative change, and it can almost be crushed and swept away.

But it is a pity that this qualitative change will stop here, and it cannot go further. Even if the number is larger, it will never reach the threshold of super shadow.

In the shadow level, the red sand scorpion is also an absolute powerhouse, but once stepping into the super shadow level, no matter how strong the red sand scorpion is, it is still an ant, not to mention that Naito Yu has almost half a foot on it. Entered the sixth level!

Looking at this scene, Naito Yu couldn't help thinking of a long time ago, when he fought against Chiyo during the Second Ninja World War.

"With a puppet, you may have reached the limit."

Looking at the puppet in the sky, Naito Yu spoke for the first time,

With a little emotion, "but unfortunately, that's all it can do."

While speaking, Naito Yu raised the Kusanagi sword, and waved it lightly at the puppet that filled the sky.

Click! !

A white halo burst into the sky, and all the attacks and the densely packed puppets were frozen at this moment, as if time stood still!

This blow seemed to shatter the void, and the white cracked road seemed to turn the sky into a mirror, and the sky shattered under a sword.

Whoa! !

The next moment, the attack of the sky and all the puppets, under the shock of Naito Yu, collapsed like a destructive force.

Even, these puppets were directly broken into small fragments, even into powder, and they were not even qualified to recover again, they were completely destroyed!

On the red sand scorpion, all the chakra lines were all broken in an instant.

Looking at his puppets being wiped out and destroyed by Naito Yu's sword, Chisha Scorpion obviously did not expect that his puppets were so vulnerable in front of Naito Yu. Destroy them all!

He knew that he was not Naito Yu's opponent, but he didn't expect that the gap would be so big, it was like heaven and earth!

Even he, a puppet master who is almost standing at the peak, can only feel his insignificance and the despair that cannot shake the mountains!

This power is like a god!

Looking at Naito Yu with a shocked and complicated expression, Chisha Scorpion finally spoke in dissatisfaction, saying: "No matter how strong the power is, it will turn into dust after all, only eternity is the real art... "

"you are wrong."

Naito Yu looked at the red sand scorpion and said lightly: "What you call eternity is just a false eternity. There is no absolute power. Even if the lifespan is endless, it cannot be called eternity, just like you are now."

"Besides, it will turn into dust, which proves that the power is not strong enough. The power that is really powerful to the extreme cannot even be eroded by time..."

After speaking, Naito Yu swung his sword backhand towards the Scorpion of Red Sand.

Naito Yu's two sentences made Chisha Scorpion's eyes flicker, and his expression finally lowered slightly, as if he was asking, and he seemed to be asking himself.


Facing the wave mark visible to the naked eye that Naito Yu swung out, the red sand scorpion had no intention of evading, and his body instantly turned into powder and completely disappeared.

From the beginning to the end, he simply swung his sword and killed the dried persimmon ghost shark and the red sand scorpion. Naito Yu's eyes fell on Nagato again, with a kind of indifference.

Nagato today makes Naito Yu unable to raise any emotions such as anger, because in Naito Yu's eyes, he is already a dead person.

"With such a look, it seems that you have become the god of the ninja world. You are no longer as cautious and calm as before, but have become arrogant."

Nagato didn't dodge, and looked directly at Naito Yu. In those reincarnation eyes, an extremely powerful pupil power surged, making the surrounding earth seem to sink slightly.

This is not Shen Luo Tianzheng, just pure reincarnation eye pupil power!

"Do you think humans will be cautious and calm when dealing with ants on the roadside?"

Naito Yu felt the pupil power of this Samsara Eye, but his eyes were still very light, obviously looking at him, but he seemed to be condescending, overlooking everything.

He didn't shoot directly, because Naito Yu was considering whether to keep these reincarnation eyes.

Today's Naito Yu can clearly feel the brewing pupil power in Samsara's eyes, the pupil power of this Samsara eye, or it can also be called the power of the six paths.

In essence, this power is even stronger than the current Naito Yu!

After all, even if Naito Yu has a perfect immortal body, as well as a true eight-door Dunjia and a powerful soul, together, they still haven't transformed into six paths.

Perhaps the power of shock itself is a power of the same level as the Six Paths, but Naito Yu's Chakra and body are not at the Six Paths level.

It's a pity that Nagato couldn't exert the true power of these reincarnation eyes.

If Madara Uchiha in his heyday used these eyes of reincarnation and used the tricks of the Tomb of Wheels, then almost no one under the Six Paths could resist, because the shadow of the tomb of Wheels could not be seen at all!

This is a qualitative difference. Even if you have the body of an immortal and have the power of Qianshou Zhujian, you are still slightly inferior to the real power of the sixth level, and you cannot resist it, because you cannot perceive the world of the tomb of the wheel at all. Not to mention evading the attack of the shadow of the tomb of the wheel. (To be continued.)

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