The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 432 Has Yuyin Shangren Arrived?

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Konoha, in the Hokage Building, in a hall. Le Wen Novels www.しwxs520. com

The third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi was sitting there with a pipe dangling from his mouth, surrounded by smoke, looking at the documents and list in his hand, meditating.

And below the three generations of Hokage, there are Konoha's jounin and the elite jounin who are all ninjas who lead the minin team, or the jounin instructors.

"Then, here is the list of all those who applied for the Chunin Exam."

Sandai Hokage finished reading the information in his hand, took a deep breath, smoked a cigarette, and after exhaling a few smoke rings, he looked up at the ninjas below.

At this time, among this group of ninjas, Naruto Sasuke and others' original Chunin teacher Uno Iruka was clenching his fists tightly, gritting his teeth and looking at Kakashi, while Kakashi had a calm expression on his face.

Obviously, the two have had a dispute over whether Naruto, Sasuke and others will take the Zhongnin Exam, but Kakashi is the one who won in the end. After all, Kakashi is now Naruto Sasuke's captain and guide Jonin.

The third Hokage Hiruza Sarutobi looked at Iruka and Kakashi, shook his head slightly, and stopped talking, but stood up and asked a ninja beside him, "How are the ninjas from all over the world?" How is it?"

"The lower ninjas are visiting Konoha, and the leading ninjas are already in the guest house, but..." The ninja next to Sarutobi Hiruzen lowered his head and said, hesitating for a while.

"Just what?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes flickered slightly, and he took the pipe from his mouth to his hand.

The ninja said in a deep voice, "It's just that the ninjas from Yuyin Village have not arrived yet, and the ninjas from other villages have all arrived yesterday."

"Yuyin Village... didn't they only sign up for three people?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi pondered for a moment, showing a slightly strange expression. Logically speaking, Yuyin Village, as the sixth largest ninja village, should not send only three people to participate.

Konoha is the largest village, and the Chunin Exam is held in his own village, with the largest number of ninjas participating in the Chunin Exam. In addition to Konoha, the Dainin Village that participates in the Chunin Exam also has Sand Hidden Village and Rain Hidden Village.

Sand Hidden Village follows the elite route,

So there are very few ninjas here, but there are only three ninjas in Yuyin Village who participated in the Zhongnin Exam, which is very strange.

Moreover, it is also strange that the leader of the Jonin has not yet appeared. After all, Yuyin Village should be much closer to Konoha than Sand Yin Village is to Konoha. After all, the land is close together.

"Could it be that he was attacked on the way, then there will be trouble."

A Jōnin's eyes flickered, his face sank slightly, and he said, "If a ninja from Yuyin Village who participated in the Zhongnin Exam is attacked in our land of fire, I'm afraid this matter will be difficult to handle."

Hearing this sentence, Hiruzaru Sarutobi also changed his face, and said: "That's right, there are only three of them, including the Jonin who leads the team, there are only four. It is indeed too few. What if they are really caught by someone?" If people attacked and killed them, it would be very difficult to explain to Yuyin Village."

If it was another village, the ninja who came to participate in the Chunin exam died on the way, and Konoha didn't even bother to care about it, even Konoha couldn't get there, so he still took the Chunin exam.

But it can't face Yuyin Village.

Although Yuyin Village is only the sixth largest ninja village, Yuyin Village with Naito Yu as the township is the most terrifying among the six largest ninja villages in the ninja world!

Just when Hiruzaru Sarutobi was sullen and about to ask Anbu to investigate, a ninja suddenly broke in with a look of surprise on his face.

"Master Hokage! Something happened!"

"What's wrong?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was startled, could it be that the ninjas of Yuyin Village really...

"It's like this, Hokage-sama, just now on the street, the ninjas from various countries clashed. During the battle, there was too much movement, which affected the security of the village."

"Too much movement?"

Hearing that it wasn't a problem with the ninja of Yuyin Village, Hiruza Sarutobi heaved a sigh of relief, and then showed a strange expression.

When ninja fights, how big the movement can be, I am afraid that destroying a house is already the limit.


The ninja nodded at Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and at the same time sent a piece of information to Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned and looked at the information, suddenly showing a hint of shock, and said: "The whole street is frozen? And it wasn't a jonin who shot it, it was a ninja from Yuyin Village who participated in the Chunin exam Make a move, is this possible?!"

The few words of Sarutobi Hiruzane instantly caused an uproar among the jonin present.

Frozen a street, this movement is indeed a bit scary!

"Ice? It's strange. Ice escape blood successor limit boundary, not the power of Kirigakure's Minazuki clan, why did it appear on the ninjas of Yuyin Village?"

"Besides, is this really a ninja from Yuyin Village? It can't be a ninja pretending to be a ninja."

After reading the last information, and hearing the jonin in the arena still discussing, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said in a deep voice, "Quiet!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's influence was still very strong, and all the people present were jounin, so with one word, they all fell silent.

"Anyway, now that the ninjas from Yuyin Village have arrived, when we see their guide Jōnin, we'll know exactly what's going on, and we'll also be able to get the information of the ninjas who took the Chunin exam."

After Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the Jonin present, he spoke in a deep voice.

In his opinion, it is a good thing that the ninja of Yuyin Village has arrived at Konoha. Although there is a little trouble in Konoha, it is not a big problem. It is better than the ninja of Yuyin Village being attacked and killed halfway. , and then it is much better for Yuyin Village and their Muye Village to make a bunch of conflicts.

Besides, the power to freeze a street is not small, and it is not particularly large. As far as Sarutobi Hiruzen knows, there is still a jinchu power in the shinobi of Sand Hidden Village.

Since Yuyin Village only sent three ninjas to take part in the Zhongnin Exam, it is expected and reasonable that they should be stronger and special.

Seeing the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi speak, all the jōnin present nodded and stopped speaking, but followed Hiruza Sarutobi to the place where the jōnin led by the major ninja villages gathered.

Soon, a group of people came to the place where the leading jonin gathered.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi put on a smiling and solemn expression, walked into the room, glanced at the audience, and first said a polite word.

"On behalf of Konoha, I welcome everyone to come. If there is any place where the hospitality is not good, please forgive me."

"Master Hokage, you are welcome."

The jounin who were present did not have a particularly respectful attitude towards Hiruzaru Sarutobi, after all, they were all jounin from major ninja villages, but they each responded to Hiruzaru Sarutobi's polite words.

And at this moment, a ninja from Konoha walked up to Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and said, "Master Hokage, except for the Jōnin who led the team from Ugakure Village, everyone is here."

"Hmm, Yuyin's Jonin has not come yet?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned slightly. He had heard the news that a ninja from Yuyin Village had appeared in Konoha. The ninja from Yuyin Village hadn't come to deliver the ninja information form for the Zhongnin Exam.

The jōnin leaders of the major villages who were present at the scene also showed dissatisfaction when they heard that the jōnin leader of Yuyin village hadn't come yet.

"What? The leader of the Yuyin Village, Jonin, left us alone here?" One person snorted coldly, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

"Speaking of which, I'm curious, who is this Jonin who leads the team." Another person said grimly.

Hearing the words of the leading jounin, Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned slightly, but he was also a little curious about who the leading jounin in Yuyin village was, and why he didn't sign up first after he came to Konoha. Where did he go.

And just when everyone was even more impatient, a person finally walked in from the door, glanced at the field with a flat face, and spoke lightly.

"It looks like I'm the only one missing."

(To be continued.)

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