The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 446 Shouhe Cries

Gaara, who was injured again, because of the extremely serious injury, coupled with the fact that he couldn't accept the fact that the strongest defense was broken, finally poured out the strength of Ichio Morikura.

This time, the release of Yiwei's power was not under Gaara's control, nor was it through some false sleep technique, but it had completely occupied Gaara's consciousness from the very beginning!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Amidst the crazy roar, from the blood hole on Gaara's shoulder, a strange Chakra surged out, and instantly turned into a huge khaki-colored arm with patterns.

Immediately afterwards, the huge khaki arm wrapped Gaara's whole body in it, and the chakra surged wildly at one end, and Gaara's figure could no longer be seen.

Almost in an instant, the extremely huge Ichio Shukaku appeared in the death forest of the Chunin Exam!

The Konoha ninjas who were monitoring the death forest could almost all see this scene, and Qi Qi showed a look of horror.

"Not good! Isn't that... a tail?!"

"How could one tail appear in the Chunin exam!"

Everyone had disbelief on their faces, and even the Anbu ninjas in the tower who were in charge of controlling the overall situation showed a look of horror.

First, a large area of ​​the forest was frozen in an instant, followed by a terrifying forest of bone spurs popping up suddenly, then the ice and the forest of bone spurs were all shattered into powder, and finally a guardian crane suddenly appeared.

What kind of Zhongnin exam is this? It's a ninja world war!

In the forest of death.

Looking at the extremely huge Izuzuru that condensed into shape almost in an instant, Hinata also showed a look of shock on his small face.

"This is……"

With her white eyes, she could clearly see the Chakra contained in Shuzuru's body, which was simply huge to the extreme. Although it was far behind Naito Yu, it was still difficult for her to touch.

The amount of chakra she has is almost higher than that of the elite jonin, close to the level of the shadow, but it is still much worse than Shukaku, one of the tailed beasts, unless she can have the body of the third stage of the fairy, perhaps Can compete.

"Wow ha ha ha!! It's finally out!"

After guarding the crane and roaring to the sky,

Then let out a creepy laugh.

Its civet cat life has always been very sad, it has always been sealed, and it was finally unsealed once, and was beaten by Naito Yu again.

After escaping, it wasn't long before it was found by the ninjas of Hidden Sand Village and sealed again, its heart almost collapsed.

After the Ninja World War, he was finally able to vent. After a massacre, he met Naito Yu again, another tragedy.

"The bastard shouldn't be here this time, right?"

Thinking of Naito Yu, Ichio Shukaku's heart trembled, his small eyes rolled around, he glanced at the death forest, and then looked at Hinata and the others ahead.


It's impossible to be so unlucky every time you appear, but this time you finally come out, you should be able to vent comfortably.

Thinking of this, Shuhe laughed wildly again, and then raised his huge claws, making a gesture of slapping Hinata and the others to death with one paw.

And Hinata below, watching this scene, was also taken aback, showing a scared expression. After all, Shukaku's huge size, coupled with the terrifying Chakra, is far more deterrent than Gaara many.

It's scary just looking at it!

Kankuro, Temari, Inuzuka Kiba, Yume Shino, and the others had long been frightened and stood there stiffly, unable to move.

Looking at the huge Shukaku, he raised his paw, as if he was about to take a picture, Hinata didn't know how to hide for a while, and was really frightened by the appearance of Shukaku, showing a weak, almost Scared expression.

However, one second, two seconds, three seconds...

Time passed bit by bit, but Shouhe's raised paw didn't intend to fall down at all. Instead, it stopped in mid-air, motionless.

At this time, even Hinata, who was about to cry in fright, felt strange, because she was opening her eyes, and she had a 360-degree perspective.

Attention shifted slightly from Shuhe, and she saw a figure appearing behind her at some point.

"Do not be afraid."

The familiar voice rang in her ears, and the fear in Hinata's heart disappeared instantly. A cute expression appeared on her little face, and she turned around.

"Yu... Teacher Yu Ye."

Hinata, with her eyes open, has a 360-degree viewing angle. Turning around is the same as not turning around. Seeing Shutsuru's huge body still standing there, she couldn't help feeling a little timid, and shrank behind Naito Naito, her small hands Pulling Naito Yu's sleeve, only a pair of eyes were exposed looking at Shukaku.

Inuzuka Kiba, Yume Shino and the others, who were so shocked to the extreme, finally showed a look of surprise when they saw Naito Yu appearing.

It's Naito Yu-sama!

The two met Naito Yu once before, but at that time they didn't know who Naito Yu was, and they didn't know why when they asked Hinata, but soon got the shocking information of Naito Yu from the ninja card in the pocket , also knew Naito Yu's identity.

Seeing Naito Yu appear, both of them breathed a sigh of relief, but they were still a little apprehensive.

Although Naito Yu-sama is the strongest ninja, he is only a human being... and the thing in front of him is completely a monster. Even if Naito Yu-sama can win, the scope of influence will be very wide. I am afraid they will be unavoidable here. Being affected.

Compared to Inuzuka Kiba and Yume Shino, Temari and Kankuro in the distance don't know Naito Yu at all.

Yu Naito's sudden appearance certainly surprised them, but they didn't think that such a young guy who appeared suddenly could defeat the runaway Shukaku.

However, under the fear of Kankuro and Temari, it was a little strange why Shukaku didn't make a second movement after lifting his paw into the air?

Could it be that you are accumulating strength? !

In their eyes, Shouhe's huge body just stopped there, and his huge claws were raised in the air, but it seemed to be frozen in the air.

In fact, if Shuzuru had a human form, then its expression must have been completely crying, even more miserable than Hinata who was almost scared to cry just now.

God! !

Why! !

Do you want to be so cruel to the civet cat!

Why every time I come out, I see the person I least want to see!

Naito Nai stood there like this, his size was not as big as a finger of a Shukaku compared to the huge one-tailed Shukaku.

However, Naito Nai, who is completely a little guy to Shutsuru, is someone Shutsuru doesn't even want to see, and is about to cry when he sees him. (To be continued.)

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