The Strongest Hokage

Chapter 15 Hard to Touch

Although Naito Yu does not have the power to control time, his body has long been free from the constraints of time, transcending time, and it is difficult for time to leave any traces on him, whether it is accelerating or regressing.

After the body returned to its original state in an instant, Naito Yu fell into deep thought.

Personally experiencing the power of time, Yu Naito finally faintly touched the edge of the arc of time, but that feeling was like looking at flowers in a fog, only feeling an outline, not clear at all.

The scene just now and the strange feeling just now were constantly playing back in his mind. After a while, Naito Yu raised his head and looked at Ain beside him.

"Ain, use your ability again."

Ai En has been in shock for a long time, and she hasn't woken up until now. She was awakened when she heard Naito Yu's words, and she still couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Mr. Naito Yu, how did you do it... "

"What did you do?" Naito Yu frowned.

There was an incredible look in Ai En's eyes, and he said: "It's my ability to regress fruit, which seems to be completely offset by you..."

"This, it's a bit troublesome to explain. You can understand that my body can't be affected by the passage of time, and it can also be unaffected by the regression of time."

Naito Yu originally wanted to say that the ability of time was not effective for his body, but when he thought about the ability of stopping time, it was probably effective, so he changed his statement.

Naito Yu's vague statement, on the contrary, made Ain show a hint of awakening. Just now, Naito Yu's body suddenly turned into light spots, and then reunited. It is obviously a special ability similar to the natural devil fruit. .

In this world, there are many kinds of Devil Fruits with unique abilities. It is not surprising that there is one that can ignore time and go backwards.

Thinking of this, the shock in Ai En's heart gradually calmed down.

And after hearing Yu Naito's order, this time she didn't feel embarrassed or hesitant, and directly threw a pink flame at Yu Naito again.

hum! !

Pink light spots appeared on Naito Yu's body again, and then the body slowly shrank in the fluorescent light, but before it completely turned into a child's appearance, it directly turned into nothingness, and then reorganized again.

After experiencing the ability to go backwards in time twice, Naito Yu's sense of the arc of time became a little clearer,

Although it is still looking at the flowers in the fog, the fog seems to have become lighter.

The perception just now was constantly played back in his mind. After a while, Naito Yu looked at Ain again and said, "Do it again."


Ain nodded respectfully, and then used his ability again.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time...

I don't know how many times in a row, until Ain's physical strength was almost exhausted, and his forehead was dripping with sweat, Naito Yu finally stopped.

Superman's devil fruit abilities generally consume stamina, such as Dora Falgaro's surgery fruit, the use of space ability will consume stamina.


Naito Yu, who had returned to his original state again, let out a breath, but there was a look of resignation in his eyes, because he still couldn't fully grasp the arc of time.

In the process of experiencing the regression of time again and again, Naito Yu's perception of the arc of time, or the timeline, has become extremely clear, and he is no longer looking at flowers in the fog, but can clearly observe the timeline The presence.

The timeline is extremely illusory. Although it is a timeline, Naito Yu actually doesn't know how to describe it at all. It seems to be a strange power that is perfectly integrated with the space and hidden deep in the space.

This power is everywhere and operates all the time.

No matter how powerful a person is, it is difficult to escape the passage of time, either to control the power of time, or like Naito Yu, the body becomes a god, immortal, ever-changing.

Naito Yu can clearly perceive the existence of the power of time, but it is like a flower in a mirror, the moon in the water, which can only be seen but not touched.

After many attempts, none of them succeeded. It seems that it is extremely difficult to obtain the time ability empty-handed, and an introduction is still needed.

An introduction that broke the mirror, made the illusory moon in the water a reality, and allowed Naito Yu to truly touch the power of time.

And this introduction is undoubtedly the devil fruit of the time system.

There is no need for the legendary time fruit located at the source, as long as it is any kind of time-based devil fruit, whether it is a regression fruit, a slow fruit, or an acceleration fruit, everything is fine!

For Naito Yu, all he needs is a guide, a guide that allows him to truly touch the power of time.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Seeing Ai Enxiang standing beside him dripping with sweat, with a tired look on his face, Naito Yu stopped trying to control the power of time and smiled at her.

"I am your adjutant, this is what I should do."

Ai En smiled, and there was no dissatisfaction in her expression. To her, Naito Yu, the officer, was much better than the previous officer, Admiral Ghost Spider.

Although occasionally there will be a kind of air that makes people feel extremely ethereal and distant, but generally speaking, they are still extremely amiable.

Although she didn't know what Naito Yu was researching, but she was obliged as an adjutant to help Naito Yu.

"Okay, you go to rest first, and help me collect all the information about the ability of the time-based devil fruit." Naito Yu nodded slightly at Ain.

He is not afraid that others will know that he is researching time ability, even if he knows, he is not the only person in this world who is interested in time ability, but I am afraid that none of them can really research it!

Otherwise, the world would have been in chaos long ago.


After Ain nodded, he stepped aside and took a rest.

Seeing Ai En sitting there resting, Yu Naito stretched his body, as if thinking of something, he suddenly walked to her side, stretched out a finger, and gently touched her forehead.

Ai En opened his eyes in astonishment, but suddenly felt a strange energy entering her body from the center of her eyebrows.

This kind of energy caused her body to undergo a transformation in an instant.

She could feel that both strength and physical strength had almost doubled, and that energy flowed through her whole body in an instant, directly driving away all her fatigue.

This is of course Naito Yu's natural energy, the transformation of the immortal body can be used even in this world, and at Naito Yu's current state, it is easy to directly help her complete the two stages of transformation.

"Okay, I'll take it as a reward for you."

Naito Yu smiled at Ai En, then turned around and left the room. (To be continued.)

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