Regarding Guo Jia’s analysis, Liu Feng, who is familiar with the historical process, also agreed.

However, he believed that even if Huangfu Song was impeached and Emperor Hanling changed generals on the spot, he would be afraid of his own meritorious service, so he might send other generals to Liangzhou to resist the rebellion.

In this regard, Guo Jia also said that it is not impossible.

In the end, the two came to the conclusion that if Huangfu Song adopted the tactic of holding back steadily, he would inevitably be removed by Emperor Hanling.

It didn’t take long for the facts to confirm Liu Feng and Guo Jia’s judgment.

Huangfu Song really adopted a relatively prudent tactic, although he held his position firmly and did not let Huangzhong Yi go further, but because he did not retreat from the enemy, he was slandered by eunuchs, and after four months in office, he was removed from office before he could show his skills.

Subsequently, the continuous rebellion in Liangzhou caused a great loss of the national treasury, and the imperial court had to collect taxes and recruit labor to cope with the war.

At this time, Situ Cui Lie actually suggested abandoning Liangzhou.

In this regard, Fu Xie said a stirring word to Emperor Ling of Han in the early dynasty, strongly condemning Cui Lie and emphasizing the importance of Liangzhou being on the front line.

He said: “The officials of Liangzhou lost peace, and the whole of Liangzhou fell into the hands of rebellion.

As the prime minister, Cui Lie did not want to think of a way to pacify it for the country, but he wanted to cut off the land of thousands of miles, and his subjects thought it was doubtful.

If the barbarians of the left side are allowed to occupy this place, and the army is strong and cause chaos, this will be the greatest concern of the world and a deep concern for the society.

If Trili didn’t know this, he would be stupid; If he knew and said so, it would be disloyal. ”

At the same time, Cao Cao, a military colonel, also spoke out against Cui Lie’s views, arguing that abandoning Liangzhou was at least three points undesirable:

First, Liangzhou is a territory laid down by ancestors and must not be easily abandoned.

Second, if Liangzhou is lost, Guanzhong Sanfu will become the front line, and if he suffers defeat, will even Sanfu have to give up.

Third, the people of Liangzhou are fierce and daring to fight, if you force them to give up their homeland, won’t you force them to rebel?

At that time, these people will rebel together with the Qiang people, and the imperial court will be helpless?

Liu Hong was impressed by Fu Xie and Cao Cao’s statements, and he appointed Zhang Wen as a riding general to take over the battle in Liangzhou on behalf of Emperor Fusong, while appointing the general Dong Zhuo and the general Zhou Shen to assist.

Unfortunately, Zhang Wen’s army still failed to achieve a key victory.

Before again, Li Wenhou and Beigong Boyu led Huangzhong Yi to capture many Liangzhou officials as hostages, and at this time the hostages Xin’an County Ling Bian Zhang and Liangzhou Zheng Han Sui were persuaded to join the rebels.

Bian Zhang and Han Suijiu were in Liangzhou and had great prestige, so Beigong Boyu and Li Wenhou elected Bian Zhang as their leader.

Coupled with the fact that Han Sui’s general Yan Xing was a first-class and pinnacle martial general, the rebel army was unprecedentedly strong, and Zhang Wen’s army was defeated one after another.

Seeing that the army led by Zhang Wen was about to be completely defeated by the rebels, Emperor Hanling finally panicked and immediately asked the ministers of the dynasty what good strategy to break the enemy.

Just when everyone couldn’t think of a way, Lu Zhi suggested to Emperor Hanling: “Liu Feng, the king of Liaodong, has high martial arts, and the Liaodong army under him is the elite of the world.

Since his debut, the king of Liaodong has never tasted defeat, and he has almost wiped out all the foreign races in Youzhou.

Presumably, in fighting against foreign races, the King of Liaodong is very experienced.

The minister thought that although the king of Liaodong was not very old, he could almost be regarded as the most capable official of the Great Han.

If His Majesty wants to quell the Liangzhou rebellion as soon as possible, Liu Feng, the king of Liaodong, must be the most suitable candidate. ”

Liu Hong listened to Lu Zhi’s words, and also believed that Huangzhong Yicong was strong in battle, and even Huangfu Song was not his opponent, and no one except Liu Feng might really be able to defeat them.

So Liu Hong agreed to Lu Zhi’s suggestion, personally drew up a holy decree, and sent someone to Liu Feng to go to Liangzhou to assist Zhang Wen in suppressing the rebels.

And because Liu Feng had already made miraculous achievements in the previous campaigns to eliminate Wuhuan, quell the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and overthrow Goguryeo, and even achieved high merit, Liu Hong’s dissatisfaction was caused.

Therefore, Liu Hong had been deliberately avoiding the idea of letting Liu Feng go to the front line to suppress the rebellion.

It’s just that the famous generals who can be sent out at this time are difficult to stop the attack of Huangzhong Yicong, and Liu Hong has to use Liu Feng again.

However, Liu Hong not only hoped that Liu Feng would suppress the rebels, but also feared that Liu Feng would use this to make great achievements, so he did not give Liu Feng the commander of the whole army, but only let him serve as a supervisor.

This overseer seems to have great power, and can even issue orders to Zhang Wen, the commander of the army, but in fact, he is only responsible for making decisions for Zhang Wen and ensuring that Zhang Wen does not make mistakes.

And the real command is still Zhang Wen’s final say.

Therefore, if he wins, it is Zhang Wen’s excellent command, and if he loses, in addition to Zhang Wen’s responsibility, Liu Feng also has the responsibility of supervising unfavorably.

However, after receiving the holy decree, Liu Feng and Guo Jia secretly looked at each other, and after exchanging opinions, they still agreed.

After all, there was a 10,000-year-old princess who supervised Liu Feng in Dragon City and reported to Liu Hong at all times, and Liu Feng could no longer pretend to be ill and shirk, so he had to accept the holy decree and agree.

After sending off the angel, Liu Feng discussed countermeasures with Guo Jia, believing that since Emperor Ling of Han appointed himself as an overseer rather than the supreme commander, he was obviously jealous of himself.

Since he was a supervisor and had no real power, Liu Feng decided to ride to Chang’an alone and leave the Liaodong army in Longcheng in case someone took advantage of his absence to attack Liaodong.

However, Guo Jia objected to Liu Feng’s idea: “It is not wise for the Lord to go to the front alone.

Although the lord has a strong martial art, there is no danger in going alone, but it is not conducive to managing the frontline personnel.

If the lord goes alone, there are no trusted soldiers under him, and he needs to do everything himself, not only will he suffer himself, but he will also be used by people with ulterior motives in the eyes of others.

After all, the harm of this Liangzhou rebellion was even slightly inferior to the Yellow Turban Uprising, and Emperor Hanling attached great importance to it.

At this time, in the case of successive defeats in successive battles, Emperor Hanling asked the Lord to go to the front, even because he knew that the army under the Lord Duke was strong in battle.

If the Lord went by himself and was seen by He Jin, Dong Zhuo and other people who were already dissatisfied with the Lord, they would inevitably impeach Liu Hong and passively deal with the Holy Decree.

Liu Hong was already wary of the lord, but he was afraid that if he heard this, he would definitely be dissatisfied with the lord in his heart.

This is by no means what we want to see. ”

Liu Feng listened to Guo Jia’s words and felt that it made sense, and finally decided to rush to Chang’an with three thousand red blood dragon horses, leaving Guo Jia and Tai Shici, as well as three thousand long archers and three thousand dragon city iron horses to guard Liaodong.

The 3,000 cavalry marched all the way, and within a few days, they reached Chang’an City, where they met Dong Zhuo and Sun Jian again.

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