The Strongest Interstellar Commander

One thousand one hundred and eighty one crack

After hearing Luo Li's words, Lin Fan was a little confused.

Does the Federation's new warships still have this function?

"Actually, this is not a specially made function. It's just that when I was designing the naval guns of the new warships, I reserved some operations for adjusting the parameters."

"It's just that under normal circumstances, such an adjustment would be meaningless, but in the current situation it's just enough!"

Lin Fan would not doubt what Luo Li said.

And in this case, the problem is just solved.

"That's it, this parameter will be issued to the three of you after the meeting. After each of them adjusts accordingly, find out the existing stellar defense array in the target universe and its core. After destroying all of them at one time, immediately march to sweep the entire area. universe!"

"Yes, Marshal!"


After half an hour.

The Ebola universe, a planet radiating holy light.

"Those heretics retreated to the distance of two standard black chamber units and haven't moved since then!"

"Well, it seems that the plan of the bishop was successful. Even if they defeated the Holy Church of the Third Holy See, they were unable to enter under such a deployment."

"The effect is really good, but the number of our stellar defense formations is still a little small. It consumed more than 50 in the previous one, and it has not caused any losses to the pagans, just forced them back!"

"This is indeed a question, how many stellar defense arrays do we have deployed now?"

"There are 170 units that have been deployed. In addition to the 50 units that were consumed before, there are 120 units and 600 units are being deployed. In addition, according to the current output, an average of 50 sets of core devices can be produced every day!"

"I hope the other party can be frightened for a while, let us have enough time to produce and deploy more stellar defense arrays..."

Several purple-clothed bishops who are responsible for the affairs of the universe are discussing countermeasures.

Although the pagans were scared off just now, it was really inspiring.


The number of star defense arrays is insufficient,

Also a big problem.

Take the example just now, if Lin Fan hadn't backed off, and after a few dozen more rounds, the Ebola universe would have run out of ammunition and food, and it would have been exposed.

"Three bishops, there is an abnormality on the pagan side!"

Just as the three continued to discuss, a priest entered the hall and reported.

"Abnormal? What happened?"

"We have detected that the pagans are locking the precise positions of the core devices in all our stellar arrays one by one!"

"Locked...guns locked?"


Hearing this, the three of them were silent.

No matter how I think about it, I don't understand, what is the reason for the pagans to do this?

The two sides are now two standard black-cavity units away from each other. At this distance, let alone the naval guns of the battleship, the range of the star defense formation is not that far.

"Is it just confirming the position of the star array and locking it with naval guns to create psychological pressure on us?"

After thinking for a while, one of the bishops in purple said uncertainly.

"It's possible, after all, there seems to be no other reason to think of it!"

"But this method is a bit too low-level, don't the heretics expect us to be afraid because of this impossible thing?"

"Okay, pagans are savage, powerful but not smart!"

"makes sense..."

Nodding, the other bishop in purple also agreed.


The ease that just came doesn't last long...

"Bishop, the infidels opened fire, this... this is impossible!"

In the command hall, the priest in charge of monitoring the pagan fleet instantly widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"What's wrong, what happened?"

"We... the core devices of all our stellar arrays have been destroyed!"

"What, the remaining seventy star arrays, the core devices have all been destroyed, so why not replace the spare star devices soon!"

After hearing the report, the three bishops in purple were all in a hurry, and one of them immediately urged.

After all, the deployment of the stellar array takes a long time, mainly because the stellar array is too troublesome. As for the core device, even if it is destroyed, as long as there are spares, it can be replaced immediately without much time.

Therefore, the first thing that came to his mind was to quickly replace the new core device, and never let the stellar array strike.

"This, Bishop..."

"What's the matter, say something!"

"Bishop, I mean, the other party destroyed all our core devices!"

"I know, so I'm not asking you to quickly order someone to replace the spare... Wait, do you mean..."

"Yes, as long as the core formation is made, no matter where it is in the Ebola universe, it will be locked and destroyed by the heretics, and even..."

"Even what?"

"Even those core devices that were half-manufactured were destroyed!"

Hearing this, the three purple-clothed bishops were completely speechless.

Deployed and destroyed...

What was not used for deployment was also destroyed...

Even the ones in production were destroyed?


Three words filled their minds instantly.

"Three bishops, the pagan fleet has begun to march, and the speed is very fast. It is expected to enter the Ebola universe in three minutes!"

"Are you going to assemble a guard fleet?"

The priest in charge of monitoring had a look of panic on his face, and asked the three bishops in purple.

However, the three of them still didn't respond, just whispering something in their mouths.

"The entire 70 legions of the Third Mobile Holy See have been wiped out. What can our two guard legions of Ebola do?"

"It's over, it's over!"

"We are sinners!"


three minutes later.

After the five legions were divided into thousands of fleets, they immediately started a comprehensive sweep after entering the Ebola universe.

The unprepared two guard corps were destroyed before they even reacted.

After all, different from the Crusaders, the Guard Corps is equivalent to the believers in the White Holy See. The performance of the warships is a bit worse, and the elite level of the soldiers is completely incomparable with the Crusaders.

Coupled with the sudden attack, it was a mess, and it completely collapsed in less than ten minutes.

"Marshal, the guard fleet in the Ebola universe has been suppressed, and now all fleets have entered the sweep mode!"

"Well, what about the rest of the three-way army?"

"The situation is similar to ours, except that there are more guard fleets on their side, all of which are more than ten legions, so they are still in the process of suppressing the guard fleet."

"That's good!"

Nodding, Lin Fan said.

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