Bosnian Supercluster.

This is a medium-sized supercluster consisting of 78 galaxy groups and 45 galaxy clusters.

Here, there is no civilization strong enough to unify the entire super galaxy cluster, war...

It has been so anxious for more than 100,000 years, very much like the Warring States Period.

Of course, after more than 100,000 years, the number of civilizations participating in this super galaxy cluster hegemony has gradually decreased from the initial tens of thousands to 123.

And because each civilization controls a galaxy group or galaxy cluster, and everyone is a seventh-order technological civilization, it leads to a delicate balance of the entire super galaxy cluster.

After all, no civilization can easily destroy another civilization. Once you go out to attack another civilization, other civilizations around you will definitely rush towards your empty home like sharks that smell blood.

Therefore, in this supercluster of galaxies, there is almost never a day of small fights, and although there are medium-scale battles, there are definitely not many.

However, large-scale civilization annihilation wars have not occurred for tens of thousands of years.


The Hildrick Group of Galaxies.

As one of the three ocean current nodes in the Bosnian Supercluster, the Crete Empire that controlled it should have an absolute advantage that other civilizations did not have.

After all, controlling this cosmic ocean current means that you can attack and retreat and defend, and you can even develop towards the super galaxy cluster on the other side of the ocean current while defending your own territory. The geographical location is unique.


It should be like this!

However, if things are really that simple, can Alia still control the Wirster supercluster for more than 100,000 years?

The answer is obviously impossible!

After all, before Alia encountered humans, the combat power of her entire race had no advantage over the seventh-order technological civilization.

Then comes the problem.

Since the Cretan Empire controls the ocean currents, and there is no stronger opponent on the opposite side of the ocean currents, why is it not like the development of the Velster supercluster?

In fact, it's not that they don't want to, it's that they can't!


The entire Bosnian supercluster is like a Colosseum. A special barrier is placed at the entrance of the three ocean currents. With this barrier, the entire ocean current directly changes from a two-way street to a one-way street.

That is to say, the Bosnian Supercluster can be entered from the Wilster Supercluster through ocean currents, but the cosmic ocean currents leading to the Wilster Supercluster cannot be entered from the Bosnian Supercluster.

As for who made such an arrangement in the Bosnian Supercluster of galaxies, no one knows.

However, all civilizations know that the civilization that blocks the entrance of ocean currents must be a very powerful civilization, at least the ninth-order, or even the tenth-order technological civilization.

Because, for this barrier that blocks the entrance of the ocean current to the outside world, no civilization in the entire super galaxy cluster has a way to break it.


It was impossible to even make a ripple appear on this barrier.

This is like raising a gu, making all civilizations in the Bosnian super galaxy cluster to kill each other,

until the final winner appears.

If you have read the history of the Bosnian supercluster, you will know that in the beginning, the entire supercluster was generally a third- and fourth-order civilization, and no higher-order civilization existed.

However, after more than 100,000 years of mutual expedition, all civilizations that have survived to this day have grown into seventh-order technological civilizations.


The Hildric Group of Galaxies, Zorotus.

The location of the cosmic ocean current, the Lorte star field.

Automatically 20,000 years ago, after some huge and strange bugs arrived here through the ocean current and were annihilated by the Crete Empire, nothing has come out of the ocean current for a full 20,000 years, so that the defense against the current exit is also Relaxed a lot.

However, just today...

A fleet jumped out of the current without warning.

The number of this fleet is not large, no matter how you look at it, it will not exceed 100,000 warships, and such a scale is simply a small fleet in the eyes of the eighth-order civilization.

In addition, the Cretan Empire, which has never walked out of the Bosnian supercluster, also wants to know what kind of world is outside. Like a bird trapped in a cage, it is like a bird trapped in a cage. , full of curiosity.

Therefore, even if the uninvited guest was discovered at the first time, the Crete Empire did not immediately send the garrison fleet in the Lorte Star Field to encircle and suppress it.

after all...

The threat posed by 100,000 warships is completely insignificant compared to the possibility of allowing the Crete Empire to understand the outside world, isn't it?

"This is the seventh-order scientific and technological civilization Crete Empire, the Lorte star field garrison fleet, the unknown fleet will immediately report its affiliation and purpose, if we do not reply to this communication, we will take force to reply!"

"here is..."

Once the warning galaxy was repeatedly broadcast, and sent to the fleet that appeared suddenly.

"Commander, we received the warning sent by the other party and asked us to immediately report our affiliation and purpose, how should we reply!"

"Is it a seventh-order technological civilization?"

Inside the bridge of the Melos, Lin Yu was a little surprised, this... but it was different from what he expected.

After all, almost all the top officials of the federation have speculated that the Hildric galaxy group should be the lair of purgatory creatures, but what the hell is the Crete Empire, the seventh-order technological civilization that suddenly appeared?

If it is said that this is really the lair of purgatory creatures, this seventh-order scientific and technological civilization is probably destroyed long ago, and it is their turn to control the entrance of the ocean?

This...that's really interesting!

"There is no need to reply, the entire fleet will activate stealth mode, and in addition, let the technical team find a way for me to invade the opponent's battleship, I need some basic information!"


Just like a mirage that suddenly appeared and then suddenly disappeared, the unknown fleet that was still under the surveillance of the Crete Empire suddenly disappeared.

Not only did it disappear visually, but it also disappeared from all detection methods, as if it didn't exist in the first place.

This scene made the entire garrison fleet panic, and a large number of warships surrounded them, conducting incomparably meticulous searches for every point at the exit of the ocean current.

But... no matter what means are used to search, there is no trace of the fleet just now.

Could it be that there was a hallucination just now?

And a group hallucination?

But this is also not right. Even if we have hallucinations, is it possible that technological equipment will also hallucinate?

The senior generals of the garrison fleet thought about it, but they couldn't come to a reliable conclusion.

Time flies, and an hour has passed.

"Commander, we have successfully hacked the database of one of the opponent's warships and obtained some basic star map information, but if we want to obtain more information, even we may be noticed by the opponent."

"Well, stop, just have a star map!"

"Yes, Commander!"

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