The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 1001: shock the world

In Xia Guo's webcast room, the barrage rolled frantically.

"I'm going, this picture is too shocking!"

"Haha—I just want to say two words now, Niubi!"

"Huh? Did you find out, why is the aircraft carrier of Oceania okay?"

"Yes! The six aircraft carriers are fine, what's the matter?"

"Could it be that the defense of the aircraft carrier is too strong, and the attack is ineffective?"


At this time, the heads of state and high-level officials of various countries saw this scene through the broadcast, and their eyes widened.

It's numb!

Xia Guo’s secret weapon is too powerful, and what is even more shocking is that Oceanic’s aircraft carrier is all right in the face of such an attack?

what's the situation?

The Tianshui has been penetrated. Why can Oceania’s aircraft carrier withstand the attacks of Xia Guo’s secret weapon?

When the nations of the Peace Alliance saw this scene, they all regretted it all at once.

Knowing that Oceania could withstand such a terrible attack, they would never choose to retreat.

But there is no regret medicine in the world...

It is very likely that the big cake of Xia Guo will be swallowed by Oceania. As soon as this idea appeared, the heads of the nations of the Peace Alliance were jealous.

Oceanic domestic.

This broadcast was on countless big screens. After seeing that the aircraft carrier of his country was unscathed, cheers broke out on the originally silent street.

"I know, I know..."

"No matter how strong your secret weapon is, it won't hurt our aircraft carrier!"

"A little Xia country even dared to challenge our Ocean Country. It's really looking for death!"

"God bless, God bless!"


Everyone can see that the current situation is very unfavorable for Xia Guo.

The terrifying secret weapon of Xia Kingdom seemed to pose no threat to Oceania’s aircraft carriers.

Then, it is time for Oceania to counterattack.

Having destroyed so many warships, the casualties will certainly not be small. With the character that Oceania must report, it will definitely counterattack frantically.

Now it depends on whether Xia Guo can withstand the frantic attack by the six aircraft carriers of Oceania.

Can hold it, then this big show will continue.

Can't hold it, then...

If you let Su Mo know these thoughts, he would laugh out loud.

Crazy attack?

Oceania must also have this opportunity!

On the deck of the Blue Ocean.

After Su Mo put down the radio link, he couldn't help but recall the scene when the sea near Dayang 1 turned black just now.


He couldn't help taking a breath.


too frightening!

It turned out to be a reflection of black gold, how much wealth has Oceania condensed over the years?

The bottoms of the six aircraft carriers are all covered with reflective black gold. This kind of handwriting is really amazing!

If it is spread out, it will definitely move the whole world.


Thinking of this, Su Mo was in a good mood, and his eyes were full of heat when he looked at the six aircraft carriers of Oceania in the distance.

Since Oceania gave such a generous gift, why is he polite?

He wants such a massive amount of reflective black gold!

Su Mo clicked the corner of his mouth and murmured, "It should be almost done, right?"

As his voice fell, a shocking scene appeared in the blue ocean.

Two blue rays of light soared into the sky and directly penetrated the two aircraft carriers Dayang 1 and Dayang 2, and the hulls of the two aircraft carriers shook violently.

The violent shaking caused the fighter planes on the aircraft carrier to break free from the retainer, and collided with each other, and various wreckage could be seen everywhere.

After penetrating the two aircraft carriers, two blue rays of light soared into the sky, with no end in sight.

All this happened in just a few seconds.

Whether it is the onlookers on the coastline or the countless people watching this live broadcast, they are all shocked.

what is this?

How did it change color?

Moreover, the tragic conditions on the two aircraft carriers Dayang 1 and Dayang 2 are clear at a glance.

Isn't the attack ineffective?

What's the situation? !

Xia Guo, in the live webcast room, the passion of the people of Xia Guo was instantly stimulated to the limit.


"Am I dreaming?!"

"Who said the attack was invalid? Stand up, I promise not to kill him!"

"Ahem, brothers, do you believe in light? Believe it or not, anyway, I believe it, there is really light in this world!"

"The new storm has appeared, how can it stand still."

"Through time and space, do your best, a miracle will definitely appear..."



Imperial Capital, in the first meeting room.

Seeing the picture on the big screen, the head of state and many veterans stood up one after another.

These old people trembled slightly, and their breathing was heavier than each.

But one thing is exactly the same. Their eyes are fixed on the screen without blinking; for fear of missing any picture.

Linhai, Yan's family.


Yan Jiuxi shook his small fist excitedly, his pretty face reddened and said, "I knew Xiao Mo must be prepared, and now Ocean Country will lose a lot!"

The two mothers held tightly together, neither of them spoke, everything was silent.

Just now I saw the six aircraft carriers of Oceania actively yaw and seemed to want to pursue the Blue Ocean, but the two mothers were terrified.

Su Mo was still on it, and the hearts of both of them were so scared that they raised their throats. Who knows that the situation of the battle has changed so quickly that they are almost overwhelmed by the reaction.

However, the only certainty is that the crisis is lifted!

Ning Hai held the teacup tightly with his right hand, and there were cracks like spider webs on the teacup, densely packed, but not a drop of the tea in the cup was exposed.

His breathing was heavy and hot, and the image on the screen seemed to ignite the blood in his body.

On the screen, Su Mo appeared from time to time, his calm expression and innate self-confidence temperament were deeply imprinted in Ning Hai's heart.

This own son-in-law seems to be quite awesome...

Bah, let's do it!

Oceania, Yege.


The tea cup in Higginson's hand fell to the floor, and it suddenly turned into countless fragments. He watched the scene on the screen silently, as if he had lost his soul, and muttered, "How could this be?"

Obviously, the bottom of the aircraft carrier has been loaded with reflective black gold metal plates. It stands to reason that Xia Guo's laser cannon attack should be invalid!

However, the scene before him proved that he was too self-righteous.

Thinking of this, he felt ashes in his heart.

It's over!

It's all over!

The development of the matter has completely exceeded his expectations, and what is happening now is completely beyond his expectations.

Two aircraft carriers!

It represents not only the wealth of terror, but also the influence of Oceania in the country.

In today's world, Oceania is the country with the most aircraft carriers. It is precisely because of this that Oceania dares to dominate the international arena, because they have this confidence.

However, the loss of two ships at once directly weakened one-third of the top combat capability of the Oceanian Navy.

It is not painful!

More importantly, since Xia has the means to defeat their aircraft carrier, what will happen to the remaining four ships? The latest chapter address of the strongest Xueba system: the full text of the strongest Xueba system: strongest Xueba system txt download address: strongest Xueba system mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1001 Shocking the World) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Xueba System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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