The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 1030: Help news

"Come in."

Hearing Old Chen's voice, Su Mo picked up Yan Jiuxi and pushed in.

As soon as he saw the two of them, Old Chen put down the papers in his hands and smiled very kindly, "Girl, you have become beautiful after a while. When you and Su Mo get married, this old man of mine will definitely give you a big gift."

Yan Jiuxi smiled sweetly, "Old Chen, you are not an old man, you are obviously so young."


Old Chen smiled, "It's still you girl who has a sweet mouth."

As he said, he couldn't help but look at Su Mo, "Unlike this kid, he knows to anger me all day long, and he doesn't know what good things this kid has done in his life, and he can get the love of your girl."

"I said, you're almost old enough, right?"

Su Mo twitched, rather helpless, and raised the account book in his hand, "Today I have earned three years of tax revenue for the country. If you don't praise me, you can forget it. How can you harm me?"


Old Chen was stunned and looked at Su Mo in surprise, "What did you say?"

Su Mo smiled, winked at Yan Jiuxi, and directly put the account book on the desk, "You can see it by yourself."

Old Chen quickly picked up the ledger in front of him, his eyes widening, his expression changed from shocked to numb.

When he knew Su Mo's plan in the morning, to be honest, he couldn't understand it.

Is Xia Guo short of money?


After all, who is too much money?

Moreover, Xia Guo has developed too fast in recent years, so the more money is naturally the better.

But how much money can an auction have?

There is no need at all!

In his opinion, these dark powers should be expelled from Xia Country as soon as possible to prevent uncontrollable things from happening.

What auction is going on? !

But after reading the ledger in front of him, he finally knew why Su Mo insisted on holding an auction. This was almost a money grab!

An auction actually earned taxes equivalent to three years of Xia Guo, how exactly did it do it?

It's unimaginable!

Seeing the look of surprise on Old Chen's face, Su Mo's mouth curled up, "Old Chen, only 17 sets of equipment were used in this auction, and a total of 143,000 billion yuan was earned. Not earning?"


Old Chen twitched at the corner of his mouth.

Does this still need to be asked?

He quickly stabilized his mind, put down the ledger and asked, "Where are the dark forces?"

"dark power?"

When Yan Jiuxi heard this, a clear look flashed in his eyes.


Su Mo secretly winked at Old Chen and said with a serious face: "Those VIPs have been dismissed. Of course, there may be some VIPs who are reluctant to give up on our country, but you don't have to worry about them, they have already been arranged."

Upon hearing this, Old Chen glanced at Su Mo unexpectedly, had a general guess in his heart, and turned the subject away: "Boy, you did a good job this time."

Su Mo held Yan Jiuxi's hand and raised it up, and said with a smile: "Old Chen, Xiaoxi is also indispensable this time. You have to treat us to a big meal."

Hearing this, Old Chen was even more sure of the guess in his heart, laughed, and waved his hand happily, "Small things, office canteen, enough care!"

Su Mo curled his lips, "It's stingy!"

He had eaten the food in the canteen several times. It was not unpalatable, but it was not delicious either.

I wanted to have a mixed meal, but I didn't expect it to be the result.

It's really hard to describe in one word!

Old Chen got up and said with a smile: "Don't pick your kid, just have something to eat."

"The press conference is scheduled at two o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, representatives from nearly two hundred countries will attend. When the press conference is over, I will definitely invite you to have a big meal with Yan girl. You can choose the place. ?"


Seeing that his goal was achieved, Su Mo pulled Yan Jiuxi towards the door, "Girl, I'll take you to dinner."

"Old Chen, goodbye."

Yan Jiuxi had only time to say such a word, and was dragged away by Su Mo.

Upon seeing this, Old Chen shouted angrily: "Your kid doesn't have a work license, so why do you go so fast?"

Su Mo walked to the door and stopped, grinned and pointed at his face.

"I can brush my face."

Old Chen: "..."


On the Internet, major websites, chat software, post it.

All are occupied by the topic of cancer treatment, and the degree of popularity is particularly terrible.

Many family members of patients rushed to Su Mo Weibo to leave messages.

"Teacher Su, when can treatment be carried out in our country?"

"Yes, my dad has advanced lung cancer. The doctor said there are only a few days left. Teacher Su, please help my dad!"

"Can I open a room for treatment in advance in China? My sister can't hold it anymore, Teacher Su, I'll just kowtow to you, please!"

The messages in the last ten hours are almost all of this kind, and there are thousands of them.

Those netizens who wanted to praise Su Mo saw these comments and did not consciously disrupt the formation.

Life is great!

After the meal, Su Mo and Yan Jiuxi returned to Old Chen's office. Just after they sat down, their cellphones rang.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

Su Mu's tone was very heavy, "Xiao Mo, look at your Weibo message and think of a solution."


Su Mo didn't understand, "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Mother Su sighed, "Just look at it and you will know, we must find a solution."


Hearing the hang-up sound from his hand, Su Mo quickly opened Weibo. When he saw thousands of requests for help on the message board, he instantly understood what his mother meant.

A wry smile appeared on his face. After thinking about it, how did he forget this incident?

Yan Jiuxi held Su Mo's big hand and said softly, "It's okay, it's still too late."


Su Mo nodded heavily and planned in his heart while waiting for Old Chen to return.

One o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Mo's Weibo has been updated with a post.

"People across the country, please be aware that regardless of whether this news is useful to you, please tell everyone around you this news.

After discussion, it is now decided that the First Affiliated Hospital of Imperial Capital Central Hospital will be used as a temporary treatment site to provide free treatment for patients with advanced cancer, with the highest priority.

Patients with mid-stage cancer have the second priority. This news is true and effective! "

Once the dynamics were sent out, the entire network instantly exploded.

All celebrities, public figures, and Weibo big V; in just a few minutes, they all reposted Su Mo's Weibo.

Countless netizens are unwilling to lag behind. Those who know this news are heavy in their hearts.

This is life-saving news!

In less than ten minutes, the number of comments on Su Mo's Weibo increased by nearly 10,000.

"I'm crazy!"

"Great, worthy of being my idol!"

"As a native of Xia, I am so proud!"

"Free treatment? How many families can this save!"

Countless people across the country hid their faces and wept bitterly.

"Mom, you are saved, you are saved!"

"Sister, it can be treated, you don't have to die!"

"Dad, let's go to the imperial capital now..."

Su Mo on the sofa lowered his head and remained silent.

Yan Jiuxi leaned on Su Mo's shoulder and accompany him quietly.

She thought Su Mo was thinking about curing cancer, so she didn't want to disrupt his thoughts.

As everyone knows, this is not the case.

At this moment, Su Mo's eyes were full of surprises. The latest chapter address of the strongest Xueba system: the full text of the strongest Xueba system: strongest Xueba system txt download address: strongest Xueba system mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this (Chapter 1030 Life-Saving Message), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Xueba System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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