"Yan girl, I haven't seen you for a while, she's beautiful again!"

Old Chen was a little surprised, he wasn't sure if it was his own illusion.

I always feel that this little girl in front of me has undergone some changes, but I can't tell where the changes have taken place.

It just feels that this girl is more beautiful than before the meal!

Yan Jiuxi didn't know his changes. He thought that Mr. Chen was making fun of himself, and smiled happily, "Old Chen, you have also become younger."


Old Chen waved his hand and said helplessly: "I'm not joking, I really feel that you have changed a lot, but I can't tell it. Anyway, it's more beautiful!"

While speaking, he couldn't help but touched the topic to Su Mo.

"I don't know what kind of luck this kid got, Yan girl, why would you like him?"

Su Mo: "..."

xx you xx!

What is this called?

Why can't you take a fancy to yourself?

Are you bad?

This old man is choosing something...

Looking at Su Mo's speechless appearance, Yan Jiuxi smiled, "Xiao Mo is very good, Mr. Chen, can you still find a better boy than Xiao Mo?"

Of course, even if there are boys who are better than Su Mo, it doesn't matter to her.

She likes Su Mo because she likes Su Mo.

Regardless of whether Su Moyou is good or not, she just likes it.

Old Chen opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.


Although he often runs on Su Mo, he knows how good Su Mo is.

Like this kind of evildoer, let alone a hundred years or a thousand years, I am afraid that there can be one in ten thousand years.

Not to mention Xia Guo, even if you look around the world and think of finding a boy who is better than Su Mo, that's nothing.

Su Mo, this is an existence that suppresses all contemporary geniuses.

He is the goal of all geniuses struggling to catch up, and he is also the demon of contemporary genius.

No matter how amazing the genius, compared with Su Mo, he looked so ordinary.

Su Mo secretly gave Yan Jiuxi a thumbs up, his eyes filled with pride.

Run yourself?

It's okay, his girl will seek justice for herself!

Old Chen coughed embarrassingly, walked to sit down opposite the two of them, and diverted the subject of his own initiative: "The hospital has already arranged it, and the patient can be admitted tonight."

"Where are the medical staff?"

There was a worrisome expression on Su Mo's face, and his tone was heavy, "Old Chen, the number of patients will reach a peak in the next few days, and a very large number of medical personnel will be needed. This must be prepared in advance."

"Don't worry about this."

Regarding this question, Chen Lao has long considered, "I have mobilized 30 medical teams from all over the country, with a total of more than 2,000 people. These medical personnel will arrive in the imperial capital one after another tonight, and there will be academicians of the medical school at that time. Give them special training and explanations."

Hearing this, Su Mo nodded silently, "Old Chen is still thoughtful. In this case, there is basically nothing to worry about."

Seeing that Su Mo was so concerned about this matter, Old Chen nodded with satisfaction.

A trace of hesitation flashed across his face, and he asked tentatively: "Su Mo, I ask you something, you must answer me truthfully."

"what's up?"

Su Mo and Yan Jiuxi glanced at each other, both of them a little puzzled.

Old Chen's expression was extremely solemn, and he whispered: "If, I mean if; if I let you be..."


Su Mo didn't wait for Mr. Chen to finish speaking, and interrupted directly, "You don't need to say anymore. No matter what you make me, I won't accept it."

He will be married to Yan Jiuxi soon, he just wants to be a good husband.

In addition to this, at most I will do some research or something.

As for the others, I don't even think about it.

Old Chen opened his mouth and his expression was extremely unnatural.

Rejected too quickly!

Somehow let him finish talking!

When talking to the head of state this morning, the head of state raised a mouth and asked him to find a suitable opportunity to probe Su Mo's tone first.

As a result, this was discovered?


"Su Mo, you have to listen to me to finish talking, right?"

Old Chen bewildered: "This matter is only good for you, there is no harm, are you sure you don't want to listen?"

"I don't want to."

Su Mo shook his head like a rattle, and answered without thinking about it.


At this time, Old Chen was completely out of touch.

Don't give him a chance to speak at all, how to detect this?

Yan Jiuxi's eyes flickered, and she already had a trace of suspicion in her heart.

But as soon as the idea came out, she felt unbelievable.


That's not up to the rules...

However, when he saw Su Mo's unbridled refusal, the thought became even stronger.

It seems that Xiao Mo already knows what Elder Chen is going to say, otherwise, he would never refuse so simply.

Su Mo gently held Yan Jiuxi's boneless jade hand with a hint of apology on his face, "Old Chen, I'm really sorry, the kid has no lofty ambitions, and just wants to spend the rest of his life in a gentle town."

Gentle Township?

Are you talking about yourself?

Yan Jiuxi's face was slightly red, and his head was lowered, as if he had eaten honey in his heart.

Old Chen glanced at Su Mo with a complicated expression, and slowly asked, "Do you know what I'm going to say?"

"do not know."

The corner of Su Mo's mouth pursed, "I don't want to know either."

Chen Lao Ru Kun was in his throat and sighed deeply.

The atmosphere seemed a little silent.

Su Mo looked at the time and smiled: "Old Chen, the time is almost up, we should set off."

Old Chen looked at his watch and nodded inconclusively.

"Let's go, the scale of this press conference is very large. A total of more than 230 country representatives were present. You have to pay a little attention to your words, and you must not lose the demeanor of our country."


Su Mo turned his head and blinked at Yan Jiuxi, preparing to say something.

Yan Jiuxi took the initiative to speak: "Xiao Mo, I am here waiting for you."

"No need to."

Su Mo smiled slightly, "From now on, you will be my assistant, but you have to wear a mask."

If he doesn't wear a mask, he can imagine what will happen.

The eyes of the audience will gather on this girl.

That won't work!

His girl, he can appreciate it by himself.

Yan Jiuxi hesitated, "Is it really okay?"

"of course!"

Su Mo raised his head and asked, "Old Chen, Xiaoxi participated in the press conference as my assistant, shouldn't it be a problem?"


Old Chen could tell that this kid was just pretending.

What can he say?

Can't it?

He was sure that even if he said that, this kid wouldn't listen...

"You are the person in charge, so you can decide for yourself."

Su Mo nodded, turned his head and smiled, "Girl, look, Old Chen said it's okay, put on the mask as soon as possible, and let's set off."

Hearing this, Old Chen couldn't help but twitch a few times.

Did you say this yourself?

Quite understandable!


Who makes this kid a treasure?

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