The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 1034: Bottom line!

Faced with such strong words from Su Mo, surprisingly no one spoke out to refute.

The representative of Oceania, who always likes to take the lead, is more honest than everyone this time. He listened carefully. After Su Mo finished speaking, he nodded in agreement. That is a cooperation!

Before coming, the representative of Oceania received the above instructions, and in any case, he should not provoke Xia Guo.

Even if Xia Guo didn't plan to pass on cancer treatment techniques to them, he would never say anything.

Oceania has repeatedly and repeatedly stumbled on Xia Guo; now it is even more so that the candidate for the head of state has not yet been determined, where would you dare to sing against Xia Guo head-on?

Seeing that he hadn't spoken, Su Mo's eyes slowly swept across the conference hall.

Then five representatives were randomly selected. Soon, five patients appeared in the conference hall, followed by Xia Guo's medical staff.

The medical staff put on equipment for five cancer patients, and they became busy with their hands and feet in groups of three.

Everyone's eyes were focused here, and many representatives couldn't help but clenched their hands into fists because of tension.

Can cancer really be cured?

After the treatment was over, everything became clear.

Seeing that no one was paying attention here, Yan Jiuxi whispered, "Xiao Mo, are the words you just said a bit inappropriate?"

She was naturally touched when Su Mo gave her a head start.

However, there are too many countries attending this conference, accounting for almost five-sixths of the countries in the world.

She can't help being a little worried about being too strong on this occasion.


Su Mo clicked the corner of his mouth and said lightly, "Actually, I'm not satisfied with that."

To put it plainly this press conference is that Xia Guo is giving welfare to all mankind.

Other countries can get cancer treatment technology for free, so let’s go for fun.

Make irresponsible remarks?

How dare you?

He wouldn't be used to these people!

Yan Jiuxi gave a wry smile and said nothing.

As time passed by, the hearts of the hundreds of people in the conference hall couldn't help but squeeze.

It was 3:27 in the afternoon.

A medical staff raised his hand and bowed to Su Mo, "Mr. Su, Ling Xuguo’s patient has been treated. After examination, the cancer cells in the patient’s body have been eliminated by more than 99.95%. In the following week During the period of time, you only need to take some antibiotics. After the body gradually returns to normal, the cancer cells will be completely eliminated."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the meeting hall.

Everyone knows what this result represents.


As soon as this idea emerged, everyone went crazy!

"real or fake?"

"Is this cured?"

"It only took less than an hour, is it a lie?"

"OMG, is this true?"

Hearing these comments, Su Mo knocked on the table and said loudly: "I believe there must be a lot of people who are skeptical now. They must be wondering if my country's medical staff lied about the military situation?"

"If this is the case, let the medical staff of Lingxuguo check it. They won't lie?"

After speaking, he looked at the third row, "Representative of Ling Xuguo, please."

Representative Ling Xuguo nodded heavily and walked out of the conference hall in large strides.

A few minutes later, representative Ling Xuguo walked in with five or six medical personnel and inspection equipment.

He walked up to his patient and asked in a low voice, "How do you feel now?"

The patient carefully felt the changes in his body, and said: "I feel a lot lighter and not uncomfortable. The body is warm and comfortable."

Representative Ling Xuguo nodded silently, waved to the medical staff behind him, "Check him."


Several Lingxuguo medical staff quickly checked the patient, and the whole process did not exceed five minutes.

Seeing the final examination result, the head doctor trembled, "On behalf of... Representative,'s all right, it's really cured!"


There were countless exclamations in the conference hall.

"All right?!"

"Humanity finally conquered cancer, a miracle, this is a miracle!"

"Why do I feel like dreaming?"

Su Mo didn't speak, let everyone slowly digest this fact.

Soon, the treatment of the remaining four patients came to an end.

Same as Ling Xuguo, the final inspections are all carried out by their own medical personnel in these four countries.

After all, this is convincing.

When all the results came out, everyone was shocked to the point of numbness.

All five patients with terminal cancer were cured.

You should know that the cancer patients they brought are almost in the advanced stage. According to normal conditions, the remaining time is definitely not more than half a month.

Rao was cured, and the success rate was 100%.

All representatives were shocked.

After everyone calmed down, Su Mo said: "Okay, the facts are in front of everyone, I won't talk nonsense."

"After consultations with high-level my country, it was decided to make this technology freely public, without charging any fees."

Everyone was ecstatic as soon as he said this.

At the same time of ecstasy, I couldn't help but secretly startled.

Is this Xia Guo?

Such an important technology has chosen to be freely disclosed?

Too atmospheric!

Anyway, if their country has mastered this technology, they will not do it in all likelihood.

For a while, a touch of admiration appeared in the eyes of all representatives.

"Don't be happy, everyone."

Su Mo knocked on the table and said solemnly: "One thing I have to remind everyone is that our country is making this technology free of charge in order to save more patients suffering from cancer, and does not want to become a profit-making tool for some people. "

"After your country obtains this technology, it must provide free treatment to cancer patients and cannot charge any fees. Once it is discovered that someone uses this technology for profit, my country will block the country’s technology and list the country at the same time. Be blacklisted!"

These words spoke loudly and echoed in everyone's ears.

Everyone wears a synchronous translator in their ears, so there is no worry that someone will not understand it.

Su Mo's expression was extremely solemn, and his voice was extremely serious.

This technology is life-saving, not for making money.

This is the bottom line.

It was his bottom line, and it was also Xia Guo's bottom line!

All the representatives nodded seriously, and they were convinced by Su Mo's words.

Who would dare to use this technology for profit, that would be too frantic!

Seeing that there was no objection, Su Mo nodded in satisfaction, "Later, everyone will sign an agreement in this area. After signing, you can go with this technology."

"I originally planned to conduct experiments in a certain country first, but considering the patients who are tortured by cancer, our country has decided to directly hand over the core technology to the countries. If one can save one more, one more will be saved."

After saying this, Su Mo got up and announced: "Alright, this conference is over!" The strongest learner The latest chapter address of the Ba system: strongest Xueba System full text reading address: strongest Xueba system txt Download link: strongest learning master system mobile phone reading : Https:// the convenience of reading next time, you can click below "Favorites" record this time (the bottom line of Chapter 1034!) Reading record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Xueba System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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