The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 1070: massage

"Your kid did it on purpose?"

The head of state's voice was full of speechlessness, and he could see that this kid was deliberately teasing himself.

In Xia Guo, I am afraid that Su Mo dared to joke with him like this.

Su Mo laughed in a low voice, put away his joking heart, patted his chest, and said earnestly: "Everywhere you look is summer, the soul of the nation is faith!"

"Xia Guoren, Xia Guohun!"

"well said!"

The head of state’s laughter was full of relief, "Well, it’s okay, so I won’t bother you to accompany Yan girl, and I will give you a surprise when the wedding comes."

As soon as the voice fell, he hung up the phone.

Su Mo put away the phone, a look of expectation flashed across his face.


Surprise again? ? ?

Zhang Ge also said to give him a surprise, and now the head of state also said so, are there so many surprises?


After eating at noon, the two mothers and the four daughters went out.

As for the task of housekeeping, it was naturally left to Ning Hai and Su Mo.

In the living room.

Ning Hai pointed to the dishes and chopsticks on the dining table, and said to Su Mo on the sofa: "Wash the dishes and chopsticks, mop the floor after washing, and the garbage in the kitchen should be thrown away, and..."


Before Ning Hai could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Su Mo. He looked at Ning Hai impeccably and asked, "Dad, aren't these all your work?"

"Hi, I can't call you yet?"

Ning Hai said uncomfortably, "My dear daughter was cheated away by you. Did you do too much work?"

"Not too much."

Su Mo chuckled, without saying anything, and got up to clean up his dishes.

According to Ning Hai’s request, he dragged the ground again and threw the garbage...

More than an hour has passed since everything was done.

Back in the room, Su Mo lay on the bed with a fruit in his hand.

It is the fruit of body evolution that was rewarded by the last achievement mission. Now, many days have passed since Yan Jiuxi took the beauty fruit, and there are no side effects.

This made the trace of worry in Su Mo's heart completely disappear. After reading the introduction of the fruit of physical evolution, he planned to let Yan Jiuxi eat this fruit of physical evolution tonight.

Apart from other things, at least the physical fitness can be improved a lot, so Feng Guanxia's weight will not have any effect on this girl.

But what makes Su Mo more difficult is, what excuse should I find for Yan Jiuxi to eat this fruit?

No matter how mild the medicinal effects of the fruits of the body's evolution are, there will be no small reactions.

Coupled with the beauty of the fruits of the previous period, with Yan Jiuxi's cleverness, I should guess that it is about the same.

At that time, how would he explain?

How to do it? ?

There is it! ! !


It was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

The few people returned home. As soon as they heard the sound in the living room, Su Mo walked out of the bedroom, stood on the second floor and beckoned to Yan Jiuxi in the living room, "Xiaoxi, come up here, let me tell you something. ."

"it is good."

Yan Jiuxi nodded obediently, got up and went upstairs.

The others didn't think much, and continued to chat in the living room.

In the room.

Yan Jiuxi stared at Su Mo curiously, and asked, "Xiao Mo, what's going on telling me to go upstairs?"

"That's it. I've been idle lately. I deliberately researched your physical fitness and found that your body has a lot of acupuncture points with minor problems. So I conceived a set of massage techniques that can promote blood circulation and increase metabolism. Improve your physical fitness."

Su Mo gave out the excuse he had already thought of, and said sternly: "I told you to come up to try whether this massage technique is really effective."


Looking at Su Mo with a serious face, Yan Jiuxi covered his mouth and chuckled, "Xiao Mo, are you stupid?"

"How can massage improve physical fitness? It's unrealistic!"

"and also……"

Suddenly, Yan Jiuxi frowned, with a vigilance in his eyes, "Could you use this excuse to take advantage of me?"

Based on her knowledge of Su Mo, this possibility is very high!

The corner of Su Mo's mouth twitched, pretending to be wronged, and said, "Xiao Xi, am I just such a person in your mind?"


Yan Jiuxi said affirmatively.

Su Mo: "..."

Does he want face?


Su Mo said helplessly, "Xiao Xi, although I often take advantage of you, but that's only occasionally!"

"Most of the time, I am still a very serious person!"

"Very serious person?"

Hearing this, Yan Jiuxi curled his red lips and whispered: "It is indeed a person, but it is not serious. I still don't know? Can you have a dime relationship with Zhengjing?"

Su Mo almost took advantage of her every time she was alone.

Even holding her a lot of times was a quack, she can remember these things clearly.

This is called seriousness?

The serious lsp is almost the same!


It is Su Mo who is very good at eloquence, but facing Yan Jiuxi's spit from the soul, he can't help being a little dumbfounded, "This... that... girl, I really didn't lie to you this time."


Yan Jiuxi put his arms around his chest, her pretty face was perfunctory, as if she was saying: yes, yes, everything you said is right, but I just don't believe it.

Su Mo opened his mouth and said very seriously, "Xiaoxi, do you believe me, OK? I promise, I will only press my feet when I will massage you, and I won't touch any other places. Is this all right?"


Seeing Su Mo being so serious, Yan Jiuxi couldn't help but waver.

Su Mo affirmed: "Of course!"

Yan Jiuxi hesitated for a moment, and threatened in a low voice: "Then I will believe you again. If you lie to me, I...I...the wedding day, you sleep on the ground!"

"it is good."

Su Mo smiled bitterly in his heart. To be honest, he really didn't want to take advantage of this girl this time, just to find a legitimate excuse to let this girl eat the fruits of body evolution.

Seeing Su Mo's promise so refreshingly, Yan Jiuxi's eyes clearly felt a little more trusting, and asked, "Okay, how do I massage it?"

"Simple, you just lie on the bed, I will press the soles of your feet to dredge some of your acupuncture points."

Su Mo comforted: "The whole process only takes a few minutes. After the massage, you will feel the changes in your body."

"Then you are not allowed to fool around."

Yan Jiuxi warned Su Mo uneasy, and walked over to the bed to lie down. The two jade peaks on his chest were extremely tall and straight, making people want to find out.

Su Mo quickly turned his head aside, suppressed the messy thoughts in his heart, walked to the bed, took off Yan Jiuxi's shoes, and a pair of jade feet appeared in front of him, delicate and white.

He just touched it a little, and Yan Jiuxi chuckled, "Xiao Mo, it's itchy..."

"Girl, bear with me, it will be fine soon."

After speaking, Su Mo found the acupuncture points and pressed them. At first, his strength was very small, but his strength gradually increased over time.

Yan Jiuxi only felt a warm current rising from the soles of his feet, and then began to feel a sense of heat all over his body. As Su Mo's strength increased, the sensation of heat became stronger.

so amazing……

At this time, she had already believed what Su Mo had just said, because this hot feeling made her very comfortable and her body was light and fluttering.

From an angle that Yan Jiuxi could not see, the corners of Su Mo's mouth rose slightly.

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