The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 1073: Old cow eating tender grass

"Yes or not."

The color of memory flashed in Ning Hai's eyes, and said quietly, "Do you know how old I am this year?"

"Not sure."

Su Mo shook his head, and tentatively guessed: "Seventy?"


Ning Hai wrote lightly: "I am eighty-two years old this year. The reason I look so young is because when I was young, I accidentally obtained a book, which records a cultivator's practice "Turtle Breath Jue", and The record about Lingdao."

"When I met yesterday, the lavender light emitted from my body was "Turtle Breath Jue". "Turtle Breath Jue" is very strong, but it has great limitations, because this kind of exercise can quickly improve the strength in the early stage of cultivation. , But after you reach the fourth level, you need to use spiritual energy to assist in your cultivation, otherwise you won’t be able to break through to the next level at all."

"But "Turtle Breath Jue" also has a special ability, which is to increase the life span of the cultivator, and at the same time, it can greatly reduce the aging degree of the cultivator, so I look so young."

"Eighty-two years old?"

Hearing this, the corners of Su Mo's mouth twitched slightly, and he said in a daze, "I'm a good boy, auntie Biyan is forty years older, how did you put the heart to do it in the first place? It's not a human being..."

Ning Hai: "..."


"You kid better shut up for me, otherwise, I can't guarantee your safety!!"

Ning Hai's eyelids jumped, his face black as coal, and the threat in his words couldn't be more obvious.


Su Mo also realized that he had said something wrong, and smiled awkwardly, "Dad, I didn't mean that, you misunderstood."

He smiled, and quickly turned the subject away: "By the way, Dad, what you said just now is right or wrong, I don't quite understand."

After practicing "Turtle Breath Jue", isn't Ning Hai a cultivator?

What is it?

Ning Hai snorted coldly, and said, "After I practiced "Turtle Breath Jue" to the third level, I entered a bottleneck period. After groping for a full five years, my strength has not improved at all."

"In desperation, I had to choose the martial art path again, so you can also say that I am a cultivator or a martial artist."

Su Mo nodded slightly, and exclaimed: "If it hadn't been for my uncle to tell me, I wouldn't know that there are such a group of magical existences in the world that break the limits of the human body... Tsk tsk, quite thoughtful!"

Break the limits of the human body?

Good idea!

Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in Su Mo's mind, and his eyes lit up uncontrollably.

What if this kind of thing is done in a medical way?

It can try it!

Seeing Su Mo's contemplative state, Ning Hai knocked on the stone table with his right hand, "Okay, I have said everything that should be said, should you explain to me too?"

"Explain what?" Su Mo looked blank.

"Heh, still pretending to be confused?"

Ning Hai sneered, and said in a deep voice, "What else can it be, of course it is the change that happened to Xiaoxi."

"Hi, this one?"

Su Mo relaxedly said: "In fact, it's nothing, that is, I recently had Yan Jiuxi a set of beauty acupuncture therapy. After Xiaoxi came back, I tried it on her specially, and the effect was very significant."

"Beauty acupuncture therapy?"

Ning Hai's eyes were full of suspicion, and he didn't believe it in his heart.

Su Mo's face was not red, and his heart was not beating, and he nodded and said, "Yes, if you don't believe it, you can ask Xiaoxi."

"It turned out to be so."

The doubt in Ning Hai's eyes slowly disappeared, and he raised his hand and patted Su Mo on the shoulder, "You kid, you can, and when you have time, I will get you Aunt Yan."

"Cough cough—"

Su Mo looked embarrassed: "Dad, I'm afraid this won't work. This beautification acupuncture therapy is very restrictive, and it is researched by me through various data of Xiaoxi's body, and it is not applicable to other people."

There is no way, if you tell a lie, you need to make up for it with countless lies.

"Doesn't apply to other people?" Ning Hai was stunned. Obviously he didn't expect this to be the case. "Aren't you kidding me?"

"of course not!"

Su Mo hurriedly nodded, and said solemnly: "This beauty acupuncture therapy is extremely complicated. It uses the characteristics of stimulating human cells and increases the metabolism of cells..."

"Stop it!"

Ning Hai stopped Su Mo from continuing to talk because he... couldn't understand.

Su Mo smiled and said: "Dad, it's hard for you to want to make Auntie younger, and then, do it again..."

Having said that, he was a little hesitant to speak.

Ning Hai raised his brows, "What's the next time?"

Su Mo prayed for himself in his heart and uttered five words.

"The old cow eats tender grass."

Ning Hai: "..."



This was the sound made by Ning Hai gritted his teeth. Su Mo couldn't help but shiver, and hurriedly said, "Dad, this is just a joke, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

In fact, this was mainly to draw Ning Hai's attention.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be unhappy for himself...

Ning Hai took a deep breath and kept twitching the corners of his mouth, "I, I really want to beat you!"

"Wrong wrong."

Su Mo raised his hands and admitted his mistake with a sincere expression on his face.

Ning Hai waved his hand irritably, and said impatiently: "Now, immediately, immediately; disappearing from my eyes, I am unhappy to see you kid!"

"Oh, I'll get out of here."

Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief, this level is finally over, it's not easy!

Without waiting for Ning Hai to say anything, he fled into the villa.

Go back to the room.

Su Mo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and gave himself a thumbs-up in his heart.

It's so thrilling!

He took out his cell phone and sent a WeChat message to Yan Jiuxi.

[Girl, if my dad asks you about tonight, you just say I use acupuncture...]

After more than ten seconds, Yan Jiuxi replied with a message, [Okay. 】

She didn't ask why, because she knew that Su Mo must have something unspeakable, otherwise, she would never hide it.

At this time, Su Mo was completely relieved.

Went to take a shower and it was past midnight when I lay on the bed.

Looking at the date on the phone, his eyes were extremely expectant.

February 5th! !

There is only one day before the wedding, how can we not look forward to it?

Su Mo calmed down for a while, always feeling that there was something in his heart today.

After thinking for a while, I realized what was missing.

Zhang Ge's call!

I haven't received a call from Zhang Ge all day today. It seems that yesterday's words are quite effective.

Su Mo smiled, logged onto, found "Mo Xiuran's Sword" and clicked in.

[Movie Title]: Mo Xiuran's Sword

[Director]: Zhang Ge

[Starring]: Su Mo, Zhang Ge, Su Xiaofei

[Comprehensive box office (ten thousand yuan)]: 302318.05 (the third day)

[Proportion of Box Office]: 99.84%

[Proportion of Rows]: 98.62%

[Attendance rate]: 99.92%

[Comprehensive box office (ten thousand yuan)]: 900814.88 (in theaters)

[Domestic box office ranking]: 1

[World Box Office Ranking]: 13


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