The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 1085: Colorful sea


Yan Mu's face turned dark, she sat on the sofa and stared at her daughter helplessly, vomiting: "Xiao Xi, just got married, are you starting to tear down your mother's desk?"

How well-behaved and sensible my daughter was at the beginning!

She never said a word in front of outsiders, which gave her enough face.

But how many days have you been married now?

She began to demolish her stage in front of her in-laws and son-in-law, this...

Alas, the water thrown out by the married daughter is true.

Yan Jiuxi’s cheeks flushed, she quickly sat beside her mother, holding her mother’s arm coquettishly and said: "Mom, I just made a joke. Mommy is the best. The knowledge about colored diamonds is still good for you. Isn't it sprinkling water."

Mother Yan looked like she didn't know her daughter. She stared at Yan Jiuxi and looked up and down. After looking at it for a while, she turned her gaze to Su Mo and asked with a smile, "Xiao Mo, what ecstasy do you give Xiaoxi? Up?"

"In just a few days of work, I feel that my daughter has been broken by you. She was not like this before. This matter is absolutely your responsibility."

Su Mo: "..."

What did he say?

What did he do?

Why is it so great!

Besides, isn't his wife very good now?

How cute and lively!

Does it have a dime to do with the word ‘bring bad’?

No! Well, no! ! !

Yan Jiuxi pouted slightly, "Mom, what does this have to do with Xiao Mo? Your daughter is like this in the first place, but there is no use to release her nature before."

"Look at it."

Yan's mother tasted: "Sure enough, I had a husband and forgot my mother. Why, my mother-in-law can't call her own son-in-law?"

"No, I don't."

Yan Jiuxi lowered his head in embarrassment, and the cute rabbit's hairpin was exposed in front of the three of them.

Mother Su smiled, and said with a smile: "Okay, sister; don't make jokes with Xiaoxi, this girl is already thin-skinned."


Hearing this, Yan Mu couldn't keep on pretending, she couldn't help laughing, "Xiao Xi, go play with your husband, I will chat with your mother Su for a while."

"it is good."

Yan Jiuxi's face was a little hot. Regardless of the fact that the two mothers were still there, he got up and walked in front of Su Mo and plunged directly into his arms, "Xiao Mo, did you laugh at me just now?"

Su Mo was amused, lowered his head slightly, and whispered in Yan Jiuxi's ear: "Girl, what am I laughing at you? The Xiaoxi just now is very cute and not bad at all."

"You still say?"


The so-called VIP room is not big, only a dozen square meters in size. The wall on the right is composed of a large LED screen. After the auction starts, the screen will display the lot and related professional introductions in real time.

There is a single sofa in the VIP room, and there is an increase button on the left side of the sofa. If you want to compete for a certain lot, you only need to press the button.

There is also a small screen next to the button to manually enter the price.

Soon, the time came to eight o'clock in the evening.

The picture finally appeared on the screen, a girl wearing a black cheongsam stood on a glass platform a few square meters in size.

The girl looks like she is in her twenties. She has a decent face with exquisite makeup. She is pure and beautiful and full of girlishness. The tight-fitting cheongsam perfectly outlines her proud figure, giving people a shocking sense of childlike beauty.

After Su Mo saw this woman, his first reaction was to look at Yan Jiuxi beside him.

Although they are all Tong Yan Ju*, no matter where they are, Yan Jiuxi bursts out the girl in the picture.

Temperament, appearance, body; not on the same level at all.

If so, the **** the screen can be regarded as a rare beauty.

The **** the screen smiled and said suddenly: "Welcome all the distinguished guests to participate in the special jewelry auction tonight. I am today's auctioneer He Qiaoyu."

"Tonight, there are 18 treasure-level jewels and 20 rare-level jewels; it will definitely make this trip worthwhile for all the distinguished guests."

"Qiaoyu won't say any nonsense. I announce that the auction will officially start, and the first lot will be on stage below."

As soon as the voice fell, a woman wearing a white cheongsam walked to He Qiaoyu's side with a red tray. The red tray was covered with red silk. No one knew what the lot was.

The woman put the tray on the display stand next to He Qiaoyu, and then withdrew.

He Qiaoyu smiled softly and slowly lifted the red silk, revealing the true face of Lushan in the first lot.

A necklace of colored diamonds, the necklace is inlaid with colored diamonds of various colors, shimmering under the shining of light, extremely dazzling.

He Qiaoyu pointed to the necklace and introduced: “The necklace that the distinguished guests saw is the first lot tonight. This necklace also has a resounding name. It is called the Sea of ​​Colors. It is made of platinum. Made of chain, the necklace is inlaid with fifty-five one-carat diamonds and twenty-five five-carat colored diamonds."

"They are five blue diamonds, five pink diamonds, five pink diamonds, five orange diamonds, and five yellow diamonds; the purity of the twenty-five colored diamonds has reached the top level, and the material is rare, even at the treasure level. It’s also a rare treasure among the jewels."

"The price of the colorful seabed is 100 million, and the price increase shall not be less than 1 million. Now the bidding starts!"

As soon as He Qiaoyu's voice fell, a group of bidding prices appeared at the bottom of the big screen.

[VIP Room No. 10 bids 101 million! 】

[VIP Room No. 16 bids 102 million! 】

[VIP Room No. 7 bid 110 million! 】

In the VIP room 2.

Mother Su got up and said with a smile: "Xiao Mo, come and sit, I don't know how to play with this thing."

"it is good."

Su Mo was not polite, and after sitting down, he began to prepare to participate in the bidding.

Yan Mu smiled and said: "Xiao Mo, don't worry, let them compete first. The quality of this colorful sea diamond necklace is very high. It's the first time that I have seen such high quality. If it weren’t for you, I would definitely participate in the auction for the colored diamond necklace; especially the five blue diamonds on the necklace are the best."

"So, the colorful sea will definitely be fired to a sky-high price. Just wait for the final price increase."

After speaking, she couldn't help but remind her, "Also, this necklace will not be paid for by mom, it is too expensive! Although mom has a small vault, she can't stand it."


Yan Jiuxi sneered and laughed.


Yan's mother glared at her daughter irritably, a trace of embarrassment flashed across her face.

In her opinion, the price of this necklace should be at least more than 300 million yuan, and her bank account is only more than 400 million yuan. If you really want to come so suddenly, you can directly avoid participating in the competition of other lots tonight.

Alas, I had known this, when she came, she would not put down the big talk of paying the bill.

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