The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 990: bottleneck

"not enough."

Su Mo had no complacency on his face, and the current conditions were not enough.

For Yang Xing, this may have been considered a major breakthrough, but for him, it was not enough.

As long as he can't reach the data he needs, no matter how much he breaks through, it will be just a tasteless one.

In his world, there are only two outcomes.

Either succeed or fail!

Of course, there is no phrase "failure" in his dictionary, so only success!

Yang Xing smiled bitterly: "Teacher Su, it's already incredible. As the saying goes, you can't be fat with one bite. Take your time. According to the current rate of increase, I believe that the ignition temperature can reach 100 million degrees soon."

Su Mo nodded, looked at the dozens of technicians below, and said, "Senior Yang, please inform everyone that I will work overtime today and I will start the fire again later."

After finishing speaking, he handed the writing board in his hand to Yang Xing, "This time the reactant needs to be reduced, just follow the above formula."

"it is good."

Yang Xing took the writing board cautiously, turned and left.

The preparatory work went on for more than an hour, and when it was ready, Yang Xing nodded to Su Mo on the console from below.

Su Mo smiled slightly, picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand, and said solemnly: "Attention, everyone, the countdown to the twelfth ignition experiment, five, four, three, two, one; ignition!"


There was a loud noise, and the entire spherical instrument shook slightly.




The harsh sound of the instrument sounded from time to time, and the sensor in the instrument returned a set of data.



Ignite continuously for more than ten minutes.

This was something I couldn’t even think of before. Before Su Mo came, the limit time for ignition was one thousand seconds, but after his special modification, the ignition device can already ignite continuously for ten minutes, an increase of a full six times. Much.

The length of the ignition time means the height of the temperature.

Because of this, the limit temperature of the artificial sun has increased by 33 million degrees in three days.

For this reason, even Minister Xie Yanghong of the Ministry of Energy was alarmed, and almost half of the people from the Ministry of Energy came to the scene.

After seeing the returned data, these people's faces were only shocked.

Su Mo has achieved more results in three days than the entire Ministry of Energy in three years.

At this time, Xie Yanghong knew that Su Mo did not use the artificial solar device for a while, but had already planned.

He wrote a report to it overnight, and the content was very simple.

Under the leadership of Su Mo, a major breakthrough has been made in the research of artificial suns. I hope that the country can commend Su Mo.

Because of this report, Old Chen also made a special call to Su Mo.

Su Mo only replied to Old Chen, “It’s too early to talk about awards now!”




The ignition lasted for 12 minutes. When the alarm of the ignition device sounded, Su Mo ordered the ignition device to be turned off, and then the No. 3 delivery channel was followed by the moderator.

At the same time, channels 1, 2, and 4 put hydrogen isotopic molecules in the sphere.

The experiment proceeded in an orderly manner, and the temperature in the sphere was rising rapidly.

30 million degrees.

50 million degrees.

80 million degrees.

Soon, the number on the sensor screen broke through to 90 million degrees.

The temperature increased to 90 million degrees, and the speed of the increase instantly dropped, until the final frame was 95 million degrees.

It is five million degrees away from the theoretical high temperature of 100 million degrees.

It can be said that the result of this experiment is a brand-new height of the artificial solar device since its completion.

After the hydrogen isotopic molecules in the sphere stabilized, a set of data was integrated.

"Data return is complete."

"The ignition temperature is 95 million degrees."

"Hydrogen isotope molecular motion speed is 0.77, which is 0.05 lower than before."

Hearing the results of this experiment, dozens of operators burst into cheers.

"My God, has it improved again?"

"The last time it was 83 million degrees, this time it has increased by a full 12 million degrees, which is too exaggerated!"

"Is this Su Mo? It's almost!"

"These three days have improved a lot more than the past few years. It's amazing!"


On the other hand, Su Mo on the console did not see any happy expression on his face. After hearing the summary of the data, he frowned slightly.

In his opinion, this improvement is not enough, because this is the best matching scheme he has found since he has integrated more than a dozen experiments.

Although it has improved, the result is not ideal.

He had thought that the ignition temperature could reach 100 million degrees this time, but the result was still a difference of 5 million degrees.

If you want to improve again, I am afraid that it will not be possible in a short time.

Because he has not yet found a better matching plan, he can't help but wonder when Xie Yanghong once said that the ignition temperature of Oceania can reach 100 million degrees.

How did Oceania do it?

What Su Mo didn't know was that Oceania invested a huge amount of manpower and material resources in this research. After more than ten years of research, the ignition temperature was raised to 100 million degrees.

And he wanted to surpass in three days, which is really unrealistic.

At this moment when Su Mo was stunned, Yang Xing took the latest data and came to the console. His eyes were full of awe when he looked at Su Mo, "Mr. Su, the temperature has risen again."

"I feel hopeful that the next experiment will reach 100 million degrees in theory."

"not sure."

Su Mo recovered and said lightly: "At present, I have not found a plan to improve again. The results of this experiment have reached the limit. Although it is only five million degrees short, I am afraid that it will not be able to break through in a short time."

As he said, now the experiment has encountered a bottleneck.

"It's ok."

Yang Xing was not surprised when he heard this, and said, "Teacher Su, you have done a very good job. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, take your time."

Genius also needs inspiration!

Su Mo looked at the tired faces of the people below, and groaned: "Senior Yang, let me know and rest tomorrow. Everyone has worked hard these days. Give everyone a good rest for two days."

"I will also take advantage of these two days to see if I can find a better matching plan."


Yang Xing did not refute Su Mo's words, and he also felt that it was time to take a break.

In the past three days, everyone had only four or five hours of rest a day, and nearly twenty hours of work. In this way, even an iron man could not hold it.

Hearing Su Mo said to let everyone rest for two days, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Teacher Su, don't force yourself to be too tight, you also need to take a break when you should rest."

In the past three days, Yang Xing hadn't seen Su Mo sleeping. He could see Su Mo's figure on the console no matter what, and he was convinced in his heart.

Such a genius, yet so diligent?

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