The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 992: Three ways

"Xiao Mo, what do you like in the Hull Mountains?"

Su Mo was a little surprised, and curiously asked on the phone: "Xiaoxi, why do you ask like this?"

There are only three people who know the plan, he, Mr. Chen, and the head of state.

Some people, such as Feng Yu and Xiao Jixin, only know a small amount of information, and don't even know the complete plan.

How did this girl know?

"Guess it."

Yan Jiuxi’s laughter came, and his voice was soft and glutinous: "Xiao Mo, I still don’t know you. If there is nothing you want in the Hull Mountains, your performance in the negotiation just now will definitely not be that strong. ."

"Even, I suspect that the border friction was originally planned by you, and the purpose is for the Hull Mountains in the Sakura Country. Isn't that true?"

"Yes, girl."

Su Mo was even more surprised at this time, and couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of my wife, she understands me well enough, this time you really guessed it right."

"Yes, this matter is indeed planned by me alone, and all your guesses are correct."


Yan Jiuxi exclaimed on the other end of the phone, and quickly asked, "Xiao Mo, why did you look at the Hull Mountains?"

Su Mo smiled and explained tirelessly: “I’m not experimenting with an artificial sun recently, but the ignition temperature has not reached the expected standard, so I redesigned a set of ignition devices.”

"It's just that the raw materials for this ignition device require a large amount of grade 4 rare metal flint gold, and the stock of flint gold in the treasury is far from enough."

"I found out through a special method that a flint gold mine was discovered in the Hull Mountains near the border of the Sakura Country. The reserves of flint gold in it are very high, so...hehe."

it is more than words.

In the living room, Yan Jiuxi was sitting on the sofa. Yan Mu and Ning Hai were sitting aside. Both of them had heard Su Mo's words just now. The expression was so wonderful!

Was it because of this?

In order to experiment with Su Mo, Xia Guo even mobilized five corps to suppress the territory and forcibly occupied the Hull Mountains.


Do you want to be so spoiled?

I dare not say anything else, at least no one except Su Mo has this treatment!

Yan Mu couldn't help but whispered: "This is also OK? Just for the experimental materials, will we forcefully send troops to advance the border a hundred kilometers?"

Ning Hai was also surprised, and he did not expect that the purpose of the whole thing would be so simple.

Seeing the reaction of his parents, Yan Jiuxi snickered, and whispered to the phone: "Xiao Mo, you are really bad enough, this time Sakura Country was so miserable by you."

"This is just some interest, and there is no relationship with Sakura Country at all."

Su Mo smiled, his voice turned, and he whispered: "Besides, don't you just like my bad things, men are not bad, women don't love them."


"Do you want to die?"

Yan Jiuxi made a big red face in an instant, and reminded: "My parents are by my side, what are you talking about?!"


Upon hearing this, Su Mo was also embarrassed, and quickly changed his words: "What I meant just now was that you can't stick to the small when doing big things. Although the methods are not glorious, the opponent is the Sakura Country. No matter what methods are used, as long as they don't Happy, that is success."

Yan Mu: "..."

Ning Hai: "..."

The two only want to say three words now, shameless!


Yan Jiuxi covered her mouth and laughed, her eyes narrowed into crescent shapes, "Okay, Xiao Mo, keep busy, and remember to call me at night."

"it is good."


hang up the phone.

Yan Jiuxi blinked at his parents, with a smug expression on Qiao's face, "Mom and Dad, you should believe this now, right?"

Yan Mu looked weird and slowly said, "Of course you know your man, what's so proud of?"

"Mom, what are you talking about?!"

Yan Jiuxi pursed his small mouth in dissatisfaction, his white cheeks were full of red clouds.

Ning Hai was silent for a moment, and said with emotion: "Su Mo's status in Xia is too high now. This kind of treatment cannot be said to be a newcomer, but it can definitely be said to be unprecedented!"

Yan Jiuxi smiled softly and murmured: "Xiao Mo's contribution to the country, you can't even think of..."


Su Mo returned to the office and sat down on the sofa. He looked the same as the uncle, so casual and casual.

Chen had long been accustomed to his appearance and asked, "Is it over with your little girlfriend?"


Su Mo cleared his throat and said righteously: "What is your name? It's not crooked, it's a relationship. Forget it, I don't understand it when I tell you."


Old Chen almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

Take a look, is this talking human?

Tell him, he doesn't understand?

Let me wipe it!

Even the head of state has never used such a disgusting tone!

This kid...

Too much!

"Don't sit there like an uncle, come over and help me out."

Old Chen glared at Su Mo, pointed to the map in front of him, and asked: "Oceania is very active now. According to insider reports, Higginson is contacting the heads of various countries in the Peace Alliance and wants to carry out military activities against our country. ."

"Regardless of whether we can fight or not this time, we must prepare accordingly."

Hearing this, Su Mo's expression also became very solemn, and it was of great importance. He strode to Chen Lai and sat down, looked at the military map on the desk, and said in a deep voice, "Old Chen, about this situation. Already prepared."

He pointed to the map with his right hand, "No matter what military action the Peace Alliance wants to take against our country, there are only three ways."


Old Chen narrowed his eyes and raised his head to signal, "Talk about it."

The corner of Su Mo's mouth curled up, and he said: "The first one is naturally to send troops from the border of Sakura Country. This is the most possible. The border area between our two countries is very large, so I suggest sending 15 corps. Garrison this area."

"Moreover, you have to wear a secret weapon."

"What secret weapon?"

"Particle laser cannon!"

Old Chen's pupils shrank slightly and frowned, "Particle laser cannon? Isn't it too early to use it now?"

"not early."

Su Mo believed: "This war will not be fought at all, and the two sides will only deter at best, and the particle laser cannon is undoubtedly the best choice for deterrence."

What about war.

Who dares to provoke?

Even Ocean Country, if you want to go to war with a superpower like Xia Country, you have to weigh it carefully.

Therefore, regardless of the current international situation is so tense, it is actually just a superficial appearance.

Old Chen groaned and said, "You go on."

"The second method is the blue sea area. The navy is the strong point of the ocean countries. Ocean countries are likely to enter the blue ocean waters through the Pacific Ocean, thus exerting pressure on our country."

Su Mo explained: "After all, Ocean State has six aircraft carriers, and Xia State has only three on the surface. This possibility is also very high."

"However, we don't have to worry at all. Now the military base in the blue ocean is basically completed, even if Oceania turns over its property, we are not afraid."

"As for the last method, it is the air force." The latest chapter address of the strongest Xueba system: https://www.wuxiaspot .com/book/147728.htmlThe full text reading address of the strongest Xueba system: read/147728/The strongest Xueba system txt download address: htmlThe strongest Xueba system mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 992 three ways) reading record, and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Xueba System", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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