The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 997: Reflective black gold

"Tell me about your plan."

Hearing this, Higginson's mouth twitched, and he slowly got up, his expression full of confidence, his gaze flicked across everyone's faces, and said: "Xia Guo's laser cannon weapon is indeed powerful, but I believe such a powerful weapon. It is absolutely impossible to launch without restrictions."

"Furthermore, except for the Dayang 2 aircraft carrier that set off at the beginning, the bottom of the five aircraft carriers that set off later are equipped with reflective black gold metal plates. Even if Xia Guo uses a laser cannon, it is impossible to break the reflective black gold metal plates in a short time. ."

"Now I don't need to explain Xia Guo's influence on the country to all the members, right?"

He took a breath, his expression very solemn, "Xia Guo and Huaxu Kingdom are basically two concepts for our Ocean Country. Although Huaxu Kingdom has the top military level, Huaxu Kingdom is barren and its products are scarce; even if it is financially In the 100 years of Huan Xu Country, they cannot catch up with us."

"But Xia Guo is different. Whether it is finance, trade, high-end patented technology, and military level, Xia Guo has completely reached a terrible point. If we do not impose restrictions, it will be at most ten years, or even ten years. , Xia Guo will surpass Oceania in all aspects!"

"Can you accept this result?"

Higginson said word by word: "Anyway, I can't accept it!"

There was silence in the conference room.

Everyone knows that Higginson is telling the truth and is unable to refute it.

Harry's eyes flashed, and he slowly said, "What are you going to do?"

At this time, everyone's eyes were fixed on Higginson.

Feeling everyone's gaze, Higginson's eyes appeared boundlessly cruel.

"No one can shake the status of Oceania!"

"Surrender, or destroy!"


"Oh roar?"

After Su Mo learned the news, his expression was wonderful, which made him mutter to himself.

Is Higginson thinking about Watt?

Facing such a destructive weapon as the particle laser cannon, he even dared to increase his troops. Didn't he see that other countries were afraid?

Tan Fu smiled slightly and said: "Teacher Su, what do you think Oceania thinks? It's about this time, and almost all the main naval forces are dispatched. This is the rhythm of a full-scale war with us!"


Hong Zhenqi shook his fist, his face in military uniform was full of iron and blood, "Then let them come, I want to see if Oceania's aircraft carrier can hold our particle laser cannon!"

The Tianshui ship is a lesson learned from Oceania.

As an aircraft carrier, Tianshui was as fragile as a piece of paper in front of the particle laser cannons. Various anti-aircraft missiles and Phalanx close-in anti-aircraft had no time to react, and the ship's hull was directly crossed.

Even if Oceania dispatched six aircraft carriers, it would be only six rounds of four artillery fires.

"Don't be too optimistic about the two generals."

Hearing what the two said, Su Mo squinted his eyes and tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically. "Now the whole world knows that our country Xia possesses a mysterious weapon. Although they haven't figured out what kind of weapon this weapon belongs to, it should be. Few countries guessed it was a laser cannon."

"Oceania's military level is at the forefront of the world. They must know this. Knowing that our Xia country has weapons that can cause damage to aircraft carriers, they dare to send troops. Then the other party must be well prepared, so we should do it early. It's better to plan, and you must be fully prepared whenever you want."

At this point, his expression became extremely serious, "After all, we cannot accept the result of failure. In the next tough battle, we can only win, not lose!"

Tan Fu and Hong Zhenqi nodded one after another, and the carelessness on their faces disappeared instantly.

Both of them are soldiers, and naturally understand the truth that you cannot underestimate the enemy on the battlefield, not to mention that the other party is still the hegemon of Oceania, the world today.

The two looked at each other, and held fists at Su Mo, "Mr. Su, we are always ready!"

Upon seeing this, Su Mo nodded in satisfaction. Although he is not very old, his acting style is extremely sophisticated, and he has completely conquered the two of them unknowingly.

He groaned and said, "Two generals, when you pay attention to the situation of the sea border, I want to have a video talk with the head of state."


The two held fists respectfully and turned and left.

After the two left, Su Mo's brain began to operate quickly, the brain storm opened, his intelligence increased tenfold, his thinking speed increased tenfold, and his brain began to quickly derive Oceania's trump card.

The laser cannon does not belong to this era. Its power and range are all frightening.

It stands to reason that there should be no means to resist laser cannons!

But he knew that since Oceania had dispatched all the six aircraft carriers in service, there must be a certain means, otherwise, it would be Higginson's brain flooding.

There is almost no such possibility. In other words, Oceania must have some means to resist laser cannons. What is it?

The particle laser cannon uses energy particles to fission continuously to generate devastating energy.

This kind of energy can destroy almost everything in the world at present, without exception...

No, wait!

Su Mo frowned when he suddenly thought of something.

Grade 5 rare metal, reflective black gold!

Its properties can reflect all kinds of energy. This kind of metal is currently not seen on the market, and there is no one in Xia Guo's treasury, because it is too scarce.

This is what he accidentally saw in a book, reflecting the black gold from the first appearance to the present, by no means more than five kilograms.

It can be seen how low the scarcity is!

Could it be...

Su Mo's mind suddenly exploded, and he was born with a bold idea.

Oceania is not covering the bottom of the aircraft carrier with reflective black gold, right?



He shook his head again and again, he felt that his idea was too absurd.

How big is the bottom of the aircraft carrier?

As far as he knows, the specifications of the six aircraft carriers of Oceania are exactly the same, except for the difference in weaponry, other aspects are exactly the same, with a bottom area of ​​634 square meters.

If the reflective black gold wants to work, the thickness must be at least 3 mm. According to the density of the reflective black gold, Su Mo quickly learned how much reflective black gold is needed to cover the bottom of an aircraft carrier.

Nearly four tons!

Six ships, which is twenty tons.

It's nonsense!

how can that be?

Where can Oceania steal so much reflective black gold?

Although reason told Su Mo that this possibility was almost impossible, his intuition told him that he might have guessed the fact.

Sometimes, the more incredible the more possible!

There was silence in the cabin for a long time, and when he raised his head again, a touch of determination appeared in his eyes and his lips moved slightly.

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