"...So Gine, I would like to invite you to select some relatively mild-mannered Saiyans and go to the floating island to help Lanqi manage the fairy bean plantation." Coming to Bardock's house, Char said to Bardock's wife.

The floating island is located in the high-dimensional space of Hongshan Star, which is too empty, so Xiaya is going to find a few female Saiyans as partners for Lan Qi, and the first consideration is Bardock's wife Gine.

"Well, leave these to me. By the way, how many people are needed on the floating island?"

Ji Nei nodded clearly. She was originally in charge of logistics on Hongshan Star, and she also understood the importance of fairy beans. This time, the female Saiyans who chose the fairy beans plantation had to go through strict tests.

"Choose eight other than you!" Xia Ya thought about it, considering the size of the floating island, including Lan Qi, ten people should be enough.

Ji Nei nodded, then looked at Lan Qi, the blond who was standing on the side, who was not very honest, and secretly said: This girl is the Lan Qi that Lord Xia said, but she has a lot of personality.

Blonde Lanqi's rudeness is nothing in Gine's eyes. Saiyans used to be synonymous with barbarism and rudeness in the universe. After coming to Hongshan Star, although they have restrained, they still can't change their "unrestrained" nature. .

Blonde Lanqi's temper is nothing compared to Saiyans.

"By the way, where did Bardock go?" He asked after not seeing Bardock for a long time.

Gine smiled and said, "Elsie and Lacru are already five years old this year, and they are old enough to go out on a mission, so Bardock secretly protected them."

Xia Ya was stunned for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, Sun Wukong's younger sister, Elsie, was already five years old, and then smiled.

"With Bardack secretly protecting them, the two children are safe and sound." Xia said with a smile.

Then he took the blond Lanqi to leave, and Gine walked towards the Saiyan management office of Hongshan Star, where there is information about all Saiyans on Hongshan Star, and the combat power of the people Gine wants to choose It doesn't need to be strong, but carefulness is the main thing.

Back at Xia's own home, Myers happily took Lan Qi to the Red Mountain Star again. Of course, the blonde Lan Qi was reluctant, but she couldn't resist Myers' enthusiasm.

However, in Char's view, Myers was simply showing off.


The days that followed were very peaceful, and there was no trouble every three days as in the legendary novel. Three days later, Gine had already selected the personnel responsible for taking care of the fairy bean plantation. They were eight beautiful and relatively petite female Saiyans.

"Lan Qi, take them to the fairy bean plantation together!" Xia walked over and said to Lan Qi.

"Okay!" Lan Qi nodded lightly, then took the somersault cloud and brought the female Saiyans to the sky above a virgin forest in Hongshanxing.

The little hand made a move toward the sky, and the sky seemed like a mirror cracked, and there were cracks that stretched meanderingly, and then the passage to the high-level element appeared, and a huge mountain-like island loomed.


"Lord Xia, a boss Karuk who claims to be the agent of the Business Alliance came to Hongshan Star and asked to see the leader by name!" Charlene, who was in charge of the daily management of Hongshan Star, walked in with a stack of documents.

"Business alliance agent?" Xia Ya frowned slightly with the teacup in her hand.

The title of this business alliance agent reminded him of the universe business alliance in the sixth universe. Could there be a similar organization in the seventh universe? Because of his experience in the sixth universe, Xia Ya didn't have much affection for the so-called business alliance.

After thinking about it for a while, Xia Ya said to Sha Lin, "Since you're here, let's meet!" I hope it's not an unreasonable organization like Universe Six.

As for why the Kaluk boss came to Hongshan Star, after a little thought, you will understand that he must have come for the universal capsule business. Now the universal capsule business is fully blooming in East Galaxy,

It can be described as daily gold, the huge profits finally aroused the jealousy of some people.

"I don't know what conditions this Karuk boss will propose?" Xia Ya smiled.

If the other party is sincere in doing business, Hongshan Xing is naturally welcome. If you have the idea of ​​taking a piece of the pie, then I am sorry, now Hongshan Xing is not afraid of this at all.

Such a star of Hongshan is no longer what it looked like when he fled from Star Vegeta in embarrassment. The development of several years has made the strength of Saiyans change dramatically. In addition, there are super Saiyans. Sitting on his own, Hongshanxing is no longer afraid of any forces.

Not long after, Char came to the living room of the Saiyan headquarters, where he met the so-called Karook boss.

"Boss Karuk, I don't know if you are here this time, what's the matter?" As the visitor was a guest, Xi Ya said with a smile to the purple cosmic man with a big belly in front of him.

Kaluk brought a total of four bodyguards this time. Xia took a look at it. The combat power was between 20,000 and 30,000. He was considered a good master in the universe. You must know that even Frieza's right-hand man, Dodoria Not even 20,000 combat power.

Nakaluk took a breath and sat on the sofa struttingly: "Leader of Hongshan Star, the purpose of my visit this time is very simple. I hope I can get the agency business of the Universal Capsule in East Galaxy from your hands."

"Haha, to tell you the truth, in this Eastern Galaxy, my Karuk's business channels are relatively broad, and giving me the all-purpose capsule business is definitely better than your Hongshan star nesting in a small Bakufu star. Come strong!"

When Karuk spoke, he had the demeanor of a lion, and his attitude was extremely arrogant.

In his opinion, the Hongshan Star forces limited the business of the Universal Capsule to the planet Bakufu, and the profit generated was very small. This was equivalent to guarding a golden mountain but not knowing how to dig it. How could there be any business? Did that? Hey, these Saiyans are really just barbaric people! No business brains at all!

"So what price is Boss Karook willing to pay?" Xia asked with great interest.

"The price? No, no, I think you have misunderstood the leader. What I mean is that you will hand over all the technology of the universal capsule to this boss, and then I will give you 30% of the profit for free."

Karook said triumphantly.

30% of the profit is already not low.

Only by handing the Universal Capsule to him Kaluk to manage, and his channels, can the interests be maximized. In the Eastern Galaxy Business Alliance, what Kaluk said still worked.

As long as he gets the universal capsule technology, his status in the cosmos business alliance will be greatly improved. At that time, it will not be as simple as the agent of the Eastern Galaxy. His goal is the agent of the whole galaxy.

"Haha, Boss Karuk thought so well, but he refused!" Xia said with a smile.

"What? Don't you think the profit is not enough? You must know that after handing over the Universal Capsule to me, the 30% profit is much more than your current profit." Karook frowned.

"We, Hongshan Xing, are only agents of the universal capsule for others, and we have no right to transfer the universal capsule technology!" Xia Ya said.

"Hehe, don't think I don't know, I've investigated very clearly, you Hongshanxing have no partners outside at all, and the universal capsule is the technology you developed!" Karuk's tone began to be rude, Hongshanxing Since he is unwilling to hand over profits to him, he is his enemy.

"Hehe, you can't help it if you don't believe it?"

Xia Ya spread out her hands and ordered, "Charlene, send this Mr. Karook out!"


Karook got angry, waved his hand, and the four bodyguards behind him stepped forward and blocked Shalin's front.

"Boss Karuk, our leader, please leave!"

But Karook did not move at all, sitting arrogantly on the sofa.

"Why, do we still need to do something?" Sha Lin frowned, her face sank all of a sudden.

With a snap of his fingers, a large group of members of the Hongshan Star Guard rushed into the reception hall.

"Miss Charlene, what are your orders?"

"Melos, the leader wants to invite these people to leave Hongshan Star, but the other party is unwilling... Do you know how to do it?" Charlene glanced at the young Saiyan named Melos and said.

"What, you actually disobeyed the leader's order, the brothers put them out for me!!"

When the Saiyan named Melos heard this, his face suddenly became fierce, and he shouted to the other Saiyans beside him. Bodyguards surrounded him.

"Boss, the situation is not good, why don't we leave first?" A cosmic bodyguard suddenly changed his face and said to Karuk.

"Even you are not opponents?" Karuk was stunned for a moment, then asked with a sullen face.


Seeing several bodyguards nodding, Karuk's face became ugly, his purple skin trembled, he stomped out the cigarette in his hand, turned his head and said to Xia Ya: "Leader of Hongshan Star, it doesn't matter if you don't do this cooperation, it's just you guys. Really missed a great opportunity!"

Saying that, Karook shook his head sadly.


With a cold sentence, Karuk took the lead and walked outside the reception hall.

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