The Strongest Life Reborn

Chapter 841: Women are very tough!

"Cough, this is what happened."

Yin Jun spoke out what he said to the policeman. He said at the end: "Look, I wanted to keep you awake, but I was caught by the policeman. When I got back to the hotel, I received news from Xiangjiang and hurried back to deal with things. I thought about doing good things without leaving a name. It is the moral character a young man should have, so I did n’t say anything about it. "

He also put on a very innocent expression, "As for why I don't mention it later, it's because I can't always tell others, you know, Lin Qingxia took too much medicine, I saved her ... so it seems that I have more Nothing! "

When Lin Qingxia asked Yin Jun what was going on in the "Laura of the Tomb Raider", this was how Yin Jun performed.

Lin Qingxia also replied.

Now think about all things, Yin Jun did n’t blame her for Laura on purpose!

So now when he sees him reapplying his skills, Lin Qingxia knows that this kid must not be telling the truth.

Women are born with a skill.

They are very fraudulent.

Sister Qingxia has been filming on rivers and lakes for more than ten years. Naturally, she will also act and know a lot of skills.

"You don't come to lie to me!" Lin Mei snorted. "My room is so sound-proof, how could you be heard? Also, according to ordinary circumstances, you are not the first person to find a hotel Come? Why did you smash the door if you did n’t want it? If I ’m doing something private inside, are n’t you peeping? ”

"I found it." Yin Jun nodded. "But I just couldn't find anyone. I heard the movement and it was wrong. I could only take a risk."

"No!" Lin Qingxia continued to ask, "Don't bluff me! Although I was confused at the time, I agreed with the policeman. But when I think about it afterwards, I don't have any excessive behavior at all. I'm going to sleep with the medicine, how can I still roll under the bed? Why do you treat me with poison? "

"I don't know about this." Yin Jun said, "Anyway, when I came in, you lay on the ground, and the medicine bottles were all over the floor. Sister Qingxia, some people said that the behavior of people in a coma is their own. I ca n’t control it. Maybe you were in this state at the time. "

"But ..."

"What's the matter!" The teenager interrupted her. "This is an accident. I just happened to meet you. You don't have to thank me for it. I believe everyone with a sense of justice will do the same."

"Oh, yes, iron powder ~~" ​​Lin Qingxia choked silently.

The word "iron powder", which Yin Jun said to the nurse in the hospital, is now a popular language.

"Haha, I am a story writer. Naturally, I will have a little more imagination." Yin Jun said very seriously. "What's more, I'm your iron powder! Otherwise, how could I take Sister Xia Qing hastily? To design Laura's face? "

"Not right." Lin Qingxia shook Fan Zhen, "I think the word iron powder, you can't get enough. But there is a word, but it is very suitable to describe you."

"What word?" Yin Jun very gently catered.

"Department-Heart-Product-Consideration!" Lin Qingxia said one by one.

She speaks lightly and lightly, but anyone in the tone can hear it, and there is a strong "sharp breath".

Yin Jun nodded, as if Lin Qingxia said that he was not himself, "How to say?"

The teenager just pretended to be crazy and sell silly, and now he is so calm. Lin Qingxia feels that he admires him. If he doesn't write a script and goes to perform, it is also a star.

Maybe it was because I did n’t get any useful answers from Yin Jundou circle before. Lin Qingxia said straight this time: "What's going on with my second uncle and big sister? What do you mean by doing this?"

Yin Jun's expression did not change, but his eyes flickered.

Mom. Egg.

How did she know about this?

According to the lives of Lin Li and Uncle Lin in the United States, you should not be exposed to anything related to me!

And I showed up once, the chance of being recognized, shouldn't it be?

"Oh, Sister Qingxia, what are you kidding ... no, no ... don't be impulsive!" Yin Jun only said halfway, and saw Lin Qingxia about to pounce, and quickly wanted to go back.

Lin Qingxia just stretched out her hand. She just took Yin Jun's arm. The cold boy tried to pull her so hard that she brought her over.

林 美. People forgot to let go for a while, but subconsciously became tightly grasped.

It's fun now, she fell on Yin Jun all at once.


A person of more than ninety pounds suddenly pressed on his body, and Yin Jun's head suddenly touched the floor, making a crisp noise.

This small tea table is not high. When the two pulled, Lin Qingxia flew over and overturned the tea table at once. The tea set on it fell to the ground, and the crackling sound kept ringing.


The door was pushed open immediately.

Jinghong rushed in like lightning.

Jing Hong's hand has even touched the waist.

Just give him two more seconds, he can reach out the gun and aim at anyone in the room.

However, such a chic and fierce movement suddenly stopped as he saw Lin Qingxia pressing on his boss.

The time is solidified for one second.

Then, the dignity on Jing Hong's face turned into a simple silly smile.

"Oh, how come my eyes are suddenly out of sight? Why am I guilty of epilepsy? What's wrong with this?" Jing Hong touched his hands, but his footsteps quickly and accurately went out the door.

That's all.

When the kid closed, he added a sentence, "Jun Shao, Miss Qingxia, don't worry, let me give you the door, you are free ..."


Yin Jun expressed his mood in a simple and clear way.

When the door was closed, Yin Jun with his limbs spread out, and then glanced at Lin Qingxia, who was pressing on himself. "Get up, auntie.milk, I can't breathe!"

Lin Mei. People originally wanted to move, but when they heard this, they were unhappy, but instead they pressed **** Yin Jun. "What do you mean? Do I weigh? You take advantage of it and sell well, right? Too bad? "

Sister Qingxia's figure is not too good, but it is definitely not bad.

Actual comparison is better than Teresa Teng, but it is not as good as the girl who continues to develop today.

She had forgotten that she was a big beautiful woman who was very attractive to Yin Jun. After such a period of friction, Yin Jun clenched her fists, and then resisted the tribute to her.

Looked at his distorted face, and then looked at his clenched fist, Lin Qingxia was stunned, and then looked at the current state of the two, and did not feel Jiao. Yi Yihong.

"Bah ~~"

Lin Mei, who took a sip, hurriedly climbed up from Yin Jun.

"Dirty stuff!"

After stood up, she added so.

Yin Jun quickly climbed up, crying without tears, I have all become a ninja turtle, are you still not satisfied with the elderly?

Is strange to say.

After such a small accident, when sitting back against each other, the two just took a little awkward and rusty atmosphere and disappeared at once.

"I originally thought you were an honest and lovely boy, but I didn't expect you to be so slick." Lin Qingxia said in silence, "I'm very grateful for everything you did for me. You silently took me The eldest sister and the second uncle sent them to the United States because they knew my mental state was not good?

First elder sister said that it was done by a young man named Huo. I am still thinking, which son of Huo family is so considerate, it really makes me very warm and happy! But I didn't expect it to be done by someone like you who had little contact with me. You tell me, what are you drawing? Had my elder sister happened to see your picture, did this matter sink into the sea?

What others have done for me, even if it is a very small thing, will talk to me endlessly, hoping that I can remember and express it. It's you alone, I have never seen someone like you again, saved me, and helped me so much, but has never been hidden behind the scenes, and has no thoughts that let me know. What is this for? ? "

She said so clearly, and Yin Jun was embarrassed to deny it.

He scratched his head and said, "It also happened that I learned about it from a channel. When I returned to the mainland, I originally asked them to check it, but I didn't expect to find it. Then I will help you. It ’s always a good thing to help others. "

Check it casually?

Lin Qingxia smiled in his heart, this is not a temporary intention, if not deliberate, how could it be so good? Who else can do better than you?

However, another meaning in Yin Jun's words at this time caught her attention.

One channel ...

Yin Jun originally said casually, but Lin Qingxia still has a question in his mind today, which can be matched with this sentence.

"Is the group of secret institutions in Baodao telling you?" Lin Qingxia asked with an open mouth, "They permeated me and investigated me clearly, so I disclosed the news to you?"

"What? What do you say? How can I not understand?" Yin Jun said puzzled.

This time, he really did not pretend to be stupid, what secret agency? It's weird to say.

When did I get involved with these things?

Lin Qingxia said angrily, "Did you save my mother at the airport through them? They all told me! You did it!"

"Impossible! What I am looking for is obviously ..."

The boy's voice stopped abruptly.

Is clearly a person of CTS!

Yin Jun made up this sentence silently in his heart.

In reality, he can only have a playful look at Shang Lin Qingxia.

Mom. Egg!

Every woman is not easy!

Sister Qingxia, who is simply a silly elder sister on weekdays, is actually using fraud one after another. Is this still endless?

"扑哧 ~~"

Seeing Yin Jun's helpless and sad eyes, Lin Qingxia couldn't help but smiled directly.

When she smiled, it was not that kind of giggling covering her mouth, but a very public body shaking, her hands also swaying, very ... hearty!



Yin Jun suddenly thought of the Eastern Master!

That domineering revealed the naive Oriental sister!

This is the charm of my Great Eastern Master!

it's beautiful!

So lovely!

Lin Qingxia did not notice Yin Jun ’s fascination at this moment. Drunk ~ ~ She could n’t help but squeeze Yin Jun ’s face, “You, young age, how can you hide so much Thoughts? ... If you do n’t say it, I wo n’t force you anymore ... "

At the next moment, she leaned over and quickly sipped on Yin Jun's face.

"Is this what you want?"

"Say, just once!"

"Don't be so stupid in the future."

"Don't be so good with irrelevant girls, otherwise who can escape?"

"Sister hopes to become a good friend with you in the future. If you already have a girlfriend, you are not allowed to spend so much."

"thank you……"


(I think these two chapters are beautifully written, and I have written Qingxia's temperament well! Please subscribe !!)

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